Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Ys X Nordics - review

Genre: RPG
Developer/publisher: Falcom.
Platform: PS4/5/Switch.
Official Site: https://www.falcom.co.jp/ysx/
Release date: 27-09-2023.
I decided to just preorder this game last minute like a week before release
yea I was that on the fence about it. Ys games are mostly standalone
and don't really require order of play with the exception of 1 and 2
but those are bundled together nowadays.
The protagonist Adol's adventures are based on real life journals but falcom likes
to just do whatever when they make a new game so one moment
you got Adol at his oldest and the next he is young again.😂
So... if this game sparked your interest in the series its okay to start here!
Its not like falcom's gonna knock on your door if this is your first ys game...
- Interesting story and a great cast of characters.
- Amazing Soundtrack.
- Fun boss fights.
- Smooth gameplay, no lag or anything on PS5.
- Its easy to gravitate towards combi mode and forget... regular skills exist.
- Confusing spheregrid-like system.
In short, I quite enjoyed my time with Ys X despite being on the fence about it prerelease.
it was hard to grow tired of it, even if some end game dungeons got longer
like the last game I played, it was still fun to try and find every chest, quest or
mow my way through the raid/strongholds. I liked the story as well I think
it is out there with Ys VIII. My only gripes would be with the orbment grid
or that I gravitate too much towards combi mode that I forget regular skills exist.
Combi mode just feels too good to be honest. Its a good game and I'm glad I played it!
If you can get past the fact there are only two playables and the graphics
being rough in certain areas then you're in for a good time! I believe falcom
really gave it their all with this game. I'm still pretty fatigued when I think about trails
but if falcom takes their time making their games and not rush them out year after year
then it'll be okay, idk how long this game took them but they deserve a very pat on the back.
More rambles after the jump, there won't be any plot spoilers in this post
i'll share a few screenshots but nothing with further context.
This game's story  is best experienced going in blind.