Developer/publisher: Otomate.
Platform: Switch.
Official Site:
Release date: 2022-05-26.
Okay the WoF team also known for the recent variable barricade
have come up with a new otome game... about a circus troupe.
Now don't get me wrong but it finally seems they have embraced their inner clown!
if you have played WoF, Reine or other games they worked on they've been known
to be creative with their systems luckily they've toned down their BS.
The artwork is exceptionally pretty and some prerelease info confirmed
it won't be a virche and will be light-hearted! so its mostly a good time.
I won't be posting too many CG's in this part, everything that is shown is common route only.
If you're gonna get this game... enjoy it for what it is, not for what it is not.
- Interesting story and worldbuilding.
- Unique self-contained routes.
- Art, its beautiful.
- Music is lovely and fits the tone of scenes, though one track did annoy me.
- The common route is quite long.
- Sometimes problems come up that are resolved almost instantly.
- It feels like the general plot/world was from a rejected RPG game.
- There should've been a Lian route/end.
- Ye olde idea factory sound effects are back! missed em from old otomate titles
or compile heart games? hahah recycle factory is at it again to haunt us! /s
Story; I went in relatively blind and aside of knowing about the circus theme
I had a hard time figuring out wtf was going on till it was explained, Tifalia joined
some circus troupe and got to meet her mates. There's some monsters around that feed on
negative emotions as well as a down-trodden prince who is stuck in the body of a child
whom also seems to have shut off his emotions so the troupe gets ordered to put on a show for him.
TL;DR: The troupe works to try & make people happy as well as help out prince Colivus
overcome his emo phase while mostly unaware of a bunch of political intrigue going on.
Unfortunately they find out they can't actually perform that well YET so they still have a ways to go
LMAO I can't help but be reminded of Kimiyuki cuz these guys don't seem to have any idea
of what they're doing so its up to Tifalia to help them out. Their shows end up being
retellings of folklore, they travel across the country like an actual circus troupe to perform in
the various cities(and bloom pretty flowers). Each of the guys have their own strengths so we see
a bit of everything really. Anyway that's all i'll write here about the story
The general vibe of the game reminded me of WoF... and it was pretty light-hearted
nothing too dark or dreary. The heroine Tifalia is cute but she doesn't have a sprite
or voice acting unlike most of the WoF teams heroines which is a let down
cuz I think it would've made her stand out more in the story since she is pretty important to it.
Also while this game has a circus theme, it kind of leaned towards theatrical troupe as well
but it is still a circus cuz they were trying to play out a story with tricks and magic.
Maybe my idea of a circus is just a bit old fashioned...? this is a fantasy setting after all!
The UI(user interface) its okay but not my thing, the text is very small and like I said the heroine
did not have a sprite, I honestly really wish she had one outside of POV from the guy.
The music was good it matched the general vibes of the game, it stood out more
than some other otome games so maybe that says something.
The system is just the usual choices and some map selection stuff, nothing special!
Art is by Kagero and Miko... pretty gorgeous! I think most of it is by Kagero but I know
for certain that Miko worked on Ion and some of the subchara like Rian.
Seiyuu cast is... fairly unknown to me aside of Umehara but I have heard
the others SOMEWHERE before just not a lot. Also Aaron Wei i'm hearing you!
Radiant Tale seems like a good time if you want to explore a fantasy setting that doesn't get
too dark! there is an underlying plot beneath it all as well as some political intrigue
so even though it seems all nice and easy-going there's some guys pulling strings.
Aside of the main love interest there are also a lot of side characters
and one of them catched my eye but alas Rian is a side chara's with no route.π
The prologue/common route is pretty long, while it serves as an introduction and is good at
setting it all up including developing the heroine, I did get a little bored
because it did seem to keep going on and on. The prologue is long and then you
have your common route which is were you get characters flags to decide the route but honestly
aside from some banter here and there its kinda like older otome games, you can get a feel of
everyones personality and see what they're like but the plot had varying levels
of being interesting still its not too bad its just a bit long!
So while it is a light-hearted game, Radiant Tale takes a while to get going,
it has a good amount of wordbuilding and sets things up for the individual route.
In terms of romance there isn't that much of it in the common part... thankfully there's some
cute scenes here and there so its not like they forgot but most of it is in the personal route.
Radiant Tale might be cute but it isn't short&sweet. I'm not sure how else
to describe it as... honestly as I got near the end of the common route I started thinking
That aside I don't think this game is bad or anything but it might be nice if you're in the mood
for something slower paced yet with easy-going vibes as they all work toward a goal.
In terms of characters, I think its gonna be a hit or miss maybe some might surprise you
when you're actually on their route some will just have a terrible first impression.
At first Zafora didn't quite click with me but the further I got into the common route
the more I got interested and actually wanted to do his route! so I saved him for later
sadly I didn't really like him that more over the others, oh well can't like everything.
As for Ion his route didn't do it for me either but I didn't dislike his character... my favorite
was Paschalia, his route just did everything right for me and after it he was my best boi.
Lately I just tend to really like the cheesy stuff like coughTalesofArisecough.
Radie wasn't bad either but at times it made me wish I was going for Lian instead.
Also because I did Ion first I could not believe people were saying this is such a cute
and happy game which it isn't atleast not all the time. Zafora's route made me appreciate
what happened in Ion's a little more though so there's that! Unfortunately while I do like Vilio
his route suffers from the true end effect, not only do we have to sit through the common route again
it is also a combined version of all the routes thus far and it was twice as long as all the others.
Well... with this Radiant Tale finally turned into the clown fiesta you wanted it to be no?
I think this made the game seem extremely disjointed only to be tried
to put together with glue which actually worked? still it suffers from some commonly
found problems like most routes not even touching upon the real story.
As for play order... for first play I just went for someone that seemed interesting which was Ion...
You have to do all routes to unlock Vilio so my play order ended up being:
Ion > Paschalia > Radie > Zafora > Vilio.
Basically just pick whoever interests you except maybe Ion cuz his route hits a bit different Radie has some revelations about Tifalia so somewhere in the middle or before Vilio is good.
TBH it really doesn't matter in what order you play, cuz of how the final route works.
I do think the WoF team knew what they were doing and I can see things
from some of their other games in here. So while there might be some downsides
this was still quite nice, a cute fantasy setting otome game with a bit of volume!
Honestly if you prefer longer otome games that take their time, a proactive heroine
and like worldbuilding with some light political intrigue then I can recommend it cuz there is
some pay off, the cast was lovely too but if you have a short attention span then its better to pass!
Anyway character rambles/cg's after the jump, due to the games length I won't be writing too much
and whatever is there in the bimbo route babbles is just what I thought was note worthy. If you don't want spoilers back out now the routes are best enjoyed when you don't know what happens!
Side note; I keep misspelling the prince's name as Corvius and Wald as Baldo...
though I think the latter fits perfectly as comedic effect. π
CV:Azakami Youhei.
and ran away back to Viilio only to find out his name is Ion and part of the troupe.
Hmm I guess he can be kind of intimidating with that eye patch of his...
most of the kids that run into him get scared too. >_>;
Ion is apparently quite a cook... hmm that definitely makes him a good husbando
other than that I thought Ion is a bit hard to read so I wasn't sure what to expect from his route.
In felz or whatever that towns name was, there is a coloseum it is owned by Avi, the people
their fight for entertainment and its how they keep everyone happy but its very brutal
it isn't a place for weaklings. Trouble in fire land... cuz that is the elemental affinity.
Turns out Ion has a weird ass tattoo on his right eye, so he carries some sort of stigma
with him from when he fought in some war. Tifalia is all like oh dear oh dear, gorgeous
you're safe now when she sees him in such pain over it and wonders if it ever will go away.
for a ride in his dragon form... not really important but it was hilarious
cuz Ion and Tifalia got some quality bonding time.
Unfortunately Ion ends up being laid off due to his stigma and is forced to leave the troupe
which lead to some dumb drama cuz its not safe for him to be around anymore
Ion is also being hold back by some magic chains.... the little prince manned up to go tell his dad
to stfu and that he isn't a little boy just stuck in the body of one. Basicaly the troupe means a lot
to him so at the end of the day the king ends up cutting Ion some slack who at this point
was ready to pack his bags, so Tifalia has to spell it out to him he's part of the gang which
leads to him swearing his vows as if they're engaged. Too bad Jinnia was watching.πππ
seems like all they needed was some time alone but in terms of plot not much
happened and it was pretty obvious Tifalia catched some feelings for Ion.
After meeting with Baldo to try and get a core item from Luna shows up and ends up
going yandere and killed him... because here papa told her so. Avi shows up
to go and tell her to chill. Ion figures this is all Avi's doing who then
says should be glad cuz he was a bad man anyway. Avi ends up taking the ring.....
and Ion unable to fight back due to the chains holding him back.
Avi ends up explaining how Ion used to be a reaper and regard as a war hero
but for some reason Avi has a hateboner for him and can't forgive him
for some shit Ion himself doesn't even remember. The prince tries to help
but Avi ends up using the ring to control Ion whom tries to strangle Tifalia.
Avi ends up escaping cuz Jinnia intervened but man I don't remember signing up for this.
Afterwards Ion who is captured and made to fight in Avi's arenam he starts regaining
his memories, he and Avi used to be buddies... honestly he doesn't want to remember
cuz its too painful, he couldn't even protect anyone he cared for only kill. Ion tries to negotiate
with Avi to get the ring back who just tries to be buddy buddy with him saying he's
too much of a ticking time bomb so he shouldn't go back to play with the troupe.
Ion figures Avi is still butthurt about something that happened to his little bro...
Ion tries to get through to Luna too when he bumps into her saying how she's being controlled
but she just tells him to shut up cuz Avi told her she was a good girl.
They gang wants to help Ion but that means fighting him at the colosseum in his homeland.
Paschalia was up first but he ends up injured... well he is a mage
he's not gonna do well against a lancer. πππ
Luna overheared their plans and is like nope but they still managed to talk with her
in trying to see their companion. Apparently blurting out you like someone helps too.π
Ion doesn't actually want to be in this situation either and he can't comprehend Tifalia came
to see him. She really wants to save him even tho he doesn't see it happening cuz of his stigma.
Ion decides to tell Luna that Avi is just using her and that he's twisted some truths...
in the end Avi still controls Ion so they end up putting on a show of their own to show em who's boss.
Honestly I was so tired of Avi's bullshit at this point I was hoping for a miracle... so it would end
and it did, Avi says this must be the power of love. Luna ends up realizing how much
of a dick Avi has been and that she's the one who killed her dad or it was her fault anyway.
Avi got angry and wants to face off against Ion, desperately trying to win him over. >_>;
During the battle Tifalia gets her hands on the ring and they overpower Avi...
All's well that ends well huh? all Ion really wants now is to live a normal life
but he's angry at her cuz now she has to deal with a sort of stigma too
but the rest of the troupe take care of it and its no longer gonna be a problem.
Colivus and Luna take responsibility for Avi's mess and restores some order in the town
also if I had to be honest I think Avi got off way too easy.
something through to the prince that he can do it if he puts his mind to it or whatever
they all manage to resolve the situation but things aren't the same nor is it a happy one.
Oh boy... I could kinda figure Ion had some shit going on in the common route but never did I
expect Luna to be Avi's yandere girlfriend who would kill if he as much snaps his finger.
This route did such a 180 that upset the tone and mood of whatever the common route had
well i'm just gonna say if you thought this game was boring you can't say nothing happened
or that there was no foreshadowing cuz there was plenty, personally its my own fault
for not paying too much attention to all the political intrigue cuz there's a lot to unpack
and i'm not gonna bother writing about it. Anyway the romance was very cute!
I do like Ion even if he's not really my type, I still ship him and Tifalia.
I suppose Avi was hoping the troupe would disband but it didn't so now we have
all this bullshit all because of some nasty ring. I suppose this is going to be
one of those routes were I don't like the plot at all but I still like the love interest himself.
Does that even make any sense? well you can like characters even if you don't like the plot.
CV: Umehara Yuuichirou.
He is able to commune with spirits ever since he was little and they're like friends to him.
While traveling there was some weird subplot of some crazy scientist is using
people in some crazy experiment to gather data on elemental/magic going as far
as using kids, he says even though they're exhausted its not a problem
and then Paschalia destroys his entire laboratory, freeing the kids.
So despite Paschalia being a gentle person, he has a strong sense of justice
its best to not get on his bad side! he's been enjoying the journey with the troupe though!
In the past it seems he had known a person named Vita but he has really come to like
Tifalia and randomly told her this and gave her a peck on the cheek it even blindsided me!
That was also his first kiss btw meanwhile Tifalia and me be like uhm uh hi.π³
They also bought some souvenirs in oriens, a sort of charm. of two identical pieces
that lovers keep with them, if they get lost they'll surely get guided back to each other.
I thought his common route events were more romantic than say Ion, this was so
feel good-ish that it is like a healing route which I think is the best way to sum it up.
Ugh... his chemistry with Tifalia was so good its like they're meant to be.
Paschalia got a little sad when their journey was nearing its end and they were about to do
their final performance and was shocked to hear that they would be continueing after it...
they end up searching for an ice flower to help the prince of the kingdom, they end up asking
the spirits for help as the prince tries to make it snow but making it a snowstorm instead
thus almost turning Paschalia into a snowman.πππ
to become closer to Tifalia she sees no reason to refuse.
Then he starts babbling about this Vita again, how he might not be able to keep his promise
while looking at an hourglass saying he'd like to be with Tifalia to the last moment.
Colivus the prince ends up taking part in the show but almost messes up, Paschalia
supports him so he can make an ice flower. The audiance was overjoyed
then suddenly Paschalia collapses. No one has any idea why... but his body
seems to be cracking up/aging rapidly? so he was on borrowed time? was that it?!
Then suddenly a spirits starts talking and they try to do as it says to bring him elsewhere
Vilio lends them his dragon back to bring him to a place where the lots of spirits dwell.
The spirit introduces itself as Vita and has taken over now that Paschalia lost conciousness
she was/is sharing his body and reveals he was suffering from an illness.
For now Paschalia will be fine due to the contract with the spirit but it won't cure him...
Paschalia has always been weak/sickly he didn't have many friends but she and some
spirits always played with him while he enjoyed reading books.
The spirits wanted to go on a journey with him and look for a cure... Vita was against it at first
but ended up forming a pact with Paschalia anyway hench why his hair turned blue
and got that hourglass. As long as he got it with him he could travel
but it won't last forever if time would run out he would succumb to his illness.
So they go and search for someone who has lots of magical energy aligned with water
then he also ends up giving her a name... Vita which also means life as she has given him it.
Paschalia wakes up and while he's glad to see them all he is like please give up
I should have been dead a long time ago meanwhile I am here like ready to grab
him by his scarf and knock some sense into him while yelling no don't you give up now.
Colivis gets sad cuz he loved seeing Paschalia smile.... so he ends up wanting to form
a pact with him because they did his best and he likes him.
Colivus also kind of blames himself for being a failure so its his way of trying to set it right
and now its him wanting to give his all for a friend. Paschalia refuses so then he's like
what if we go find it in Oriens? The prince then lends him some of his magic so Paschalia
can atleast join them for a little later he does apologize and Tifalia got sad, if only she knew
why did he hide it? Paschalia then starts to realize he was being rude.
so they proof themselves first. they look around town and turns out Rian the flirt
knows something even tho he tried to hide it. Paschalia also watches him like a hawk
not to hit on his girl. Rian says he's a bully...πππ
Turns out all Reve want is to see the conviction of lovers... before handing over the lacrima thing.
Paschalia starts emo'ing how he's not worthy of this but Vilio slaps him out of it.
Reimei asks Colivusto and Vita to void the contract with Paschalia so she can make a new one
with Tifalia. Though for some reason she ends up putting them through a trial and Tifalia
ends up shackled to the bottom of the lake. All as a test to show if their lovei s true.
Paschalia ends up diving into the lake to save her, he finds the charm he gave her
which he uses at a guide. Seems the story behind it was true afterall.
The others put on a little show and end up embarrassing themselves but they're trying!
meanwhile Paschalia is trying so hard to get through without using magic
but Vilio and the others gave him a little push so he didn't end up giving up cuz
he wants to live with her in the future. They pass the test... and all's well that ends well.
Because they're the talk they end up getting married but the way it happened was kind of sudden
if not a bit forced so I was like wtf but like he said their story only really starts now.
They both looked so low energy in the CG variations I was like whatever.
Normal end was mostly the same except they didn't get married YET and had to play out
the story of finding each other as part of the troupe. Some guy ended up developing
a crush on Tifalia but then Paschalia is like oh no you don't that is my betrothed
you're talking to, please get out. Honestly this was just embarassing especially the show part.
Overall I really enjoyed this route, maybe because it was more fantasy-like, romance focused
and no violence. If anything I could stand the power of love thing more this time....
I guess Paschalia's emo'ing was the only bad part but i'm willing to let it slide
cuz we all have our moments sometimes. Tifalia and Paschalia's chemistry
was really nice and I loved many of their moments. Honestly compared to Ion's route
the normal end wasn't that bad in comparison still a little embarrassing but it is what it is.
CV: Okamoto Nobuhiko.
he tends to be quite sassy/snarky at times as well. Apparently no one
realized he was actually human and thought he was an imposter/thief
when he ended up transform into a human trying to help some fairy squirel
turns out this is all because of Tifalia did something she herself has no clue about.
Radie is all like hey i'm an ikemen now what's the problem...? Jinnia says him
being a ikemen furry won't change anything and tells em all to simmer down, lol.
Tifalia thinks he looks cooler in his human form which made him blush...
idk about you but I think Radie is pretty sexy tbh so cool is an understatement.
to shelter them both from the rain. Seems like Tifalia is slowly remembering
things from the past the more she hangs out with Radie. She worries a lot
during their travels but Radie tells her not to. Ugh he's so sweet and supportive.
Before Radie met Tifalia's family he was traveling all alone without a name even...
he came to meet some people who were like a big family in Carita
kind of how Rian the flirt is making a living for. Radie met Tifalia's parents
Raziel and Maria sometime after and lived with them. She was still young then
but one day just disappeared and then Radie found Tifalia alone crying.
So Radie wiped her memories cuz it must have been too much.
Radie's real name is Larieda and he has stayed with her ever since.
Tifalia is kind of upset at all this and the fact Radie thought she needed to forget
cuz he couldn't save her parents he thought its the least he could do to keep her happy.
Spiria her adoptive mom(sort of) tries to reassure her this was really for the best
and she had faith in him cuz they were really like a family.
Tifalia ends up being quite feisty this route and doesn't want him to keep doing this
she ran into Rian the flirt who instantly starts spouting how this is destiny!
they go chill at his tavern then actually gives her the best advice to be honest
and just tell him her feelings on the matter instead while also going in for the kill...
that Tifalia wants to be more than just family with Radie.
Radie sees him and is like get away from her while Rian continues to fan the flames
of who could be a better match then. Radie is just like Tifalia we're going and walks out
cuz he was about to hit him if he stayed. All Radie wants is to live a happy life with her
there are no romantic feelings involved with this, if she actually fell in love with Rian
he'd even encourage it when asks if she has someone she is interested in, there is someone
and he is right infront of her. Radie is like wait wut? really can't be me forget it.
Tifalia is serious though and just tries to hug him to show it.
Radie tries to reason it out that this isn't love... while he is happy she feels this way he is like
this isn't right, stop. Hmm okay I guess Radie was like a dad to her. This is PAIN.
Anyway they continue their work and he also reintroduces himself as Larieda
to everyone and the prince Corvidus. The rest was a TL;DR history lesson
with Corvidus and the squirrel as they look for something they can perform
which ends up being something like jack and the beanstalk. Cute...
they think they should ask Rian but he hasn't been around so they turn to Larieda.
Vilio thinks they should wait... and turns out Larieda was involved with it in the past
cuz he was involved once before yet had to keep quiet cuz it involved Tifalia.
So they set out want to the land where they think it is. Jinna tells them there is something
they should see and the prince comes along it is Tifalia's parents stuck in stasis pods
they might live but they won't wake up that is because they're cursed by a dragon.
It all happened in the dragon village Vilio was born in.
The dragon curse has stopped their time and they're neither alive nor dead.
Vilio says that he can lift the curse but that won't save them...
Radie waltzes in and has the Caritawand??????? so a little while back when he found out
they were kept here he was shocked cuz he didn't know that much.
Radie also says he will take care of the magic that's needed for the wand
as its his way of taking responsibility. Tifalia is happy but... she is a bit afraid
cuz it been so long so Radie says they're still your parents and that hasn't changed.
Anyway time for TL;DR there was some mad scientist Zelius who chased a pipe dream and Radie
was one of his creations including crystalized emotions. Larieda wishes her nothing more
than happiness! he kisses her goodnight and ends up disappearing the next day....
However he doesn't appear to recognize them anymore turns out its probably because of him
using the carita wand to save Tifalia's parents. Radie is just not quite the same
so Tifalia tries to get her feelings across cuz he is someone she cares about
but she gets too heated Spiria has to tell her to take a break.
Vilio tries to get it across to him how special the last 10 years were...
Rian runs into them too and the squirrel friend is like nooo this can't be!
Radie... tell me it isn't so. Sigh why is this so depressing all of a sudden?
Tifalia's mom and dad are on the case so they think there must be meaning that
Radie's still here they say he was supposed to disappear all together.
They figure its because of Zelius's magic that kept him and that there is still a bit of Radie left
he was supposed to or thought to vaporize after using the wand which requires a lot of mana/magic.
Anyway they manage to make him remember thanks to Corvius lending some of his magic
but it was barely enough they might need the aid of someone else but they won't give up.
Radie suddenlt starts getting more interested in Tifalia and it seems he's falling for her.
it was just so depressing, they tried to make pancakes but it turned into a mess and then
Radie finally smiled which he hadn't for a long time its cuz Tifalia was also having a good time
so when he saw her his heart was moved. Tifalia was so happy he started to resemble his old self
that she started crying. Later they end up performing a show based on the tale of
Radie and Zelius of how this Zelius created a little furball with magic! the performance
ends up creating a flower that they end up using to fully bring Radie back to normal
cuz he wasn't quite there yet, sigh this route sure had the odds against him huh?
All's well that ends well! even then Rian ends up teasing the couple but he means well
which leads to Tifalia taking the initiative later that night. Whoo!
Normal end was basically the same as the best end but it almost felt like a 3p end with Rian
with twice as much teasing only to end up getting punched. Oh if only Rian had a route IF ONLY!
I like Radie but honestly the route was all over the place, it seems like he harbors
a lot of guilt over past events which is fine i'm just a little annoyed at how it goes
from wait they're dead to huh they're not and can be saved?
at this point I was also like we can almost roll the credits too right but alas
he had to get amnesia from using too much magic; the effect of using the wand could have
made him disappeart for real too... it really was just one thing after the other with this guy!
i'm honestly not sure if this was good or bad, this route ended up being a little bit depressing
and if I had to be harsh/critical I think the amnesia thing was a bit forced
to try and make him fall for her and stop being mr daddy.
Still it was nice to see him do fall for her though so don't mind me rambling about it.
Also I know his name is spelled Ralida but I keep writing Larieda idk why but same energy.
CV: Enoki Jun'ya
Turns out this guy has trust issues and is afraid to get hurt again so he is very wary and on guard.
He likes to gamble but you'd best not beat around the bush with him and prefers if people are direct.
When in Oriens, Tifalia lost her balance and fell into the water, Zafora jumped in to save her
but he's all like don't remember this please, he's probably embarassed.π
When they have some free time the two end up playing some children's card games
even tho Zafora wiped the floor with Tifalia the other ends up joining in on their game night.π
Much like some other routes they end up babysitting Corvius
and try to get him to do a part in the play which was something alright such a downtrodden
prince now making people smile alongside the people who saved his heart.
Some problems arise and they all end up trying to resolve it including Corvius
unfortunately part of these problems felt strangely similar to those of Ion's route
they go try to take care of the situation surrounding Baldo-san Jinnia lends them a magic gun
in case something goes wrong cuz the situation in that city is escalating
the gang figures whatever Baldo is doing is disrupting the spirits.
Zafora works hard... he's so focused on the situation at hand he barely has time to relax
so like Tifalia grabbed the paperwork straight outta his hands and tells him to take
better care of himself. You go girl! god I love how proactive Tifalia is.
When Corvius, Radie and Tifalia went out at night they ran into Baldo actually his name is
spelled Wald but imma clown and keep calling him BALDO cuz he's evil and well aware of
what he's doing. He then used some wind magic (its over 9000) to blow them away a good mile
like the mosquitous they are. Zafora gets worried when they don't show up on time
then Rian waltzes in saying he has inf- before getting strangled by Zafora thinking
he's done something. The others have to keep Zafora in check so he can finish his sentence...
sigh why is this game like this first making a problem, then solving it while also
having Rian be the butt of the joke. Zafora thinks he's pathetic and wonders what his dad
would say if he'd see him like this, his dad always was very strict and he did his best to please him.
He wants to see Tifalia... and gets anxious then the others found a way to talk
via some magic glass that acts as a telephone. They also found out Baldo is probably
the one behind the monsters showing up and he wants the people to be upset etc.
Zafora will ganbarimasu, Vilio came to pick up Tifalia and the others like he is some taxi.
They gotta find a flower to recover Corvius's magic but shenanigans kept happening
they do get a moment's rest and a little heart to heart but honestly I can't find much to write about.
look good again cuz Baldo is trying to use them. Then he shows up acts all like
fine nice show btw i'll exterminate you myself! this is my country i'll do as I please!
Baldo wants to start with Zafuro but gets roasted by everyone. Baldo goes berserk
and Zaforu ends up using the magic gun to stop him from ascending to godhood.
and then make out under the moonlight, very nice ending.
In the epilogue its pretty much shown that Zafora can't go against Tifalia...
that will probably close given time, Zafora ends up taking care of Baldo's mess as acting mayor?
Tifalia visited him to tell him how she feels about him throwing himself into his work, lol.
I think on its own this route was pretty well rounded but also found the overall plot a little dumb
if anything it was Zafora and the romance that saved it for me. There's nothing more to say...
other than that it made me appreciate Ion's route a little more. Wait that means
is that it is pretty good after all huh? yup i'm just whining.
Maybe its just me but this route did feel shorter than the others, maybe its because
it felt like less happened so it might be good to do this route sooner rather than later
as I don't think it was too heavy like Ion nor overly sweet/cheesy like Paschalia.
CV: Uchida Yuuma.
Basically Lagi from WoF as he's a dragon but without the tsundere and unable
to control his inner dragon if being hugged by someone from the opposite sex bit.
Vilio seems pretty chill and easy-going. Unfortunately due to plot reasonsVilio's route is locked till you do everyone else... there's some hints he knows more
but just like Radie he decided he kept quiet cuz it is for the best. Most of the time
Vilio's being used especially in other route as a dragon-taxi... man he's such a himbo.
Unfortunately they want us to sit through everything again with Vilio's POV of things
how and why he even left the dragon village and turning the events of the various routes into
a true version so half of this route is copypasta. Aside from their work at the circus, Vilio is tasked
Tifalia is at his side but if he devours those monsters his hair changed black, he wants
to keep this a secret from the others. When in Oriens Tifalia picks up one of those charms
Jinnia figures it out and basically is like Vilio you fool, trying to take care of that burden
of hunting down all those creatures and eating them because that is he swore he'd fulfill this mission
to his elders. Jinnia tells Tifalia to not fall for Vilio... hahaha right. the next day he ends up
In the fire land Felz he practiced some sword play with Tifalia... not sure if she ever
got the hang of it but better save than sorry. Who wouldn't fall for this guy tbh
he's so nice, ugh this guy is too good for this world too pure.
After the show it turns into Ion route kind of and then Avi ends up transforming into a monster.
Vilio ends up using his power to stop him but if this continues it'll be the end for him
the others have found out now about Vilio and want to do something too but their hands are tied.
After the performance for Corvius, Tifalia ends up running her mouth and the king finds out
about Vilio and him eating those monsters. Turns out Vilio is simple fulfilling his duty
as master dragon from the folklore who helped a human. The king sends his son along
so he can recover his magic as well which is why he was always tagging along.
Vilio's about to pack his bags and leave the troupe but everyone is like HOLD UP
we're going along and help you with the core items; such as the wand, the ring etc.
The have to get the ring though because of Ion and his stigma... they all work together
to make it happen. Vilio didn't want to trouble him with his duty but he's still glad they're there.
It then turns into Radie route and you get the whole deal with Tifalia's parents
who're cursed by a dragon and put into pods. After they're saved Radie reveals
to seal away the creatures they need a core item not sure why this time he didn't
lose his memories but whatever they continue their journey to help Vilio.
and they have to distance themselves for a bit, they're all their for him though.
Maria/Melia her mom wants to know if there is someone her daughter is seeing...
well there is someone she's interested in! her mom told her to tell them how they feel.
Things get embarrassing but Vilio still remembers the pendant he got back in oriens.
Her parents end up telling how there was once an old story of a girl falling in love
with a dragon and how this situation resembles that. Anyway Vilio isn't
holding up too well and the corruption spreads. They go to oriens to meet the spirit Reve
who is more than willing to help once she knows it is for the master dragon.
Then they have to go get the labyrinth necklace from BALDO... Alest is more then
ready to lend us his magic gun but they also have to becareful with the ring cuz of Ion
so they storm Baldo's mansion and ask him nicely to hand it over but it felt more like
gentle coercion, unfortunately Baldo is not gonna go quietly, he says he's actually interested
in the dragon and wouldn't mind getting his hands on it but luckily they have the gun.
but she still cares for him a lot. Vilio tells the old story of how a person and a dragon
once traveled the lands, tried to make a place where everyone could be happy
but it couldn't be. Vilio says that what they have done is only a step in the right direction
even if it kills him he doesn't mind. Too many people have been killed by those creatures
so he can't stop what he's doing. Vilio wishes she'd never found out but this is all too similar
to that old story how a girl fell for a dragon and the dragon for her.
Half of this route is drama about Vilio being stubborn about letting Tifalia and the others help him out!
Vilio is insisting its his and only his's duty to the world and isn't willing to even accept someone
loving him, bruh chill go touch some grass you're worthy of help and love is what Tifalia
did in response, but when she touched him the corruption spread to her too.
it was hard, they kissed but then she passed out and when she wakes up they're in
the dragon village. Turns out Vilio tried to save her and can now see fairies.
Corvius explains that while they were looking for the core items Vilio brought them here
and then went off, then the elder shows up to explain that Tifalia is now tainted
and will never be able to go back to being human. Then he goes to say that she is now
a dragon's bride because Vilio lended some of his powers to her turning her into some half-dragon
unfortunately Tifalia (and me) has the brain of a potato and has trouble processing all this.
It all happened cuz Vilio didn't want to lose her..... Tifalia and Corvius end up going to meet
all of the elemental lords and the one in Felz is up first, they meet the fire spirit there
who's really fired up but untill he hears who they are and what're here for, he's like
is this some cruel twist of fate? hahah I was just testing ya'll and now i'm satisfied meanwhile
I am like bruh. this basically repeats like its some RPG as they need all of their help
to stop Vilio from suffering all by himself At last they met the great king Ethel/Adel
which is were it picked up again cuz it was dragging on. Eventually Ethel gives Corvius
his blessing and he suddenly has a growth spur too, he no longer is stuck in the body of a child.
The power he obtained might be the only way they can save Vilio. Then another dragon pops up
and he is the previous master dragon Ragless so Corvius pleads him to ask him too for advice
but he basically just confirms that with the power they have such as the current dragon, the spirit
lords along with Ethel's blessing it'll be enough for sure... Vilio is struggling now but the others
find him and tell him to stop trying to be a hero and let them help him.
them out while they all use the core items to power up Corvius's magic. All's well that end well.
In the epilogue, Zafora quits? his job of being Baldo's replacement and everyone goes
back to see Vilio and Tifalia at the circus to have their wedding as part of a performance.
In the normal ending Vilio ended up getting what he wanted a hero's end... Tifalia
ends up recounting the tale tot the children at the village because of her not being fully human
anymore she ended up living there but the real truth is Vilio had to be put down
when he went berserk they just weren't able to use the powers and were forced to seal him away
some boy there is interested in the story but figured there is more to it idk.
Sigh... that was a long route with a very nice ending. Unfortunately I didn't really like it
that much but it is still good because it uses the setting to its full potential.
Vilio does deserve this happy ending, still wonder what happens to him in the other routes
did he struggle? probably! but its never really shown or brought up to our attention
but so is the deal with Corvius who never really seems to get his growth spur either
and seems to be stuck in a child's body for a while? errr now I am worried.
The main theme in this game is: if you aren't happy you can't make others happy
something I already got from Crier's route in gensou manege but this game went the extra mile
to make our heroine and her friends get it through dragon boi's thick scales.πππI gotta add here before I regret it that I wish the guys didn't give up too early... which seems to also
be an all common theme in this game, the heroine really has to get their head outta their asses.π₯
TL;DR: Route enjoyment:
Paschalia > Radie > Vilio > Zafora > Ion > Normal end.
I much preferred Paschalia over Ion, as the latter's overall tone was not for me
still it wasn't bad but the mystery surrounding Paschalia was IMHO better done.
Radie was okay but it was kind of depressing in the second half...
I think his character in general is difficult but they made it work in the end.
I didn't really like Zafora's route that much more than the others but it made me
appreciate Ion's more. At the very least I did enjoy Zafora's character
and romance with Tifalia.... hmmm yes. As for Vilio route, I didn't enjoy
it that much but it did have some interesting bits! There was also a common route
normal ending, it feels like its a consolation price if you didn't trigger the right flags
for any of the personal routes so you get a mini end with Jinnia........
Fav character:
Paschalia > Lian > Zafora / Ion / Radie > Vilio > Jinnia.
Sorry while I do think Vilio deserves his happy end he's not really my favorite love interest
which was Paschalia, the rest kind of follow and I have no real preference in that order
except that I really liked Lian but alas forever cursed as a side chara.
Final thoughts
![]() |
WoF team's latest clown fiesta! |
this all was fine, cuz honestly they had some good ideas here, heh atleast it was
pretty consistent with the plot too, even making me appreciating routes I did prior.
Gotta admit half of the political intrigue regarding the countries ended up going into one ear
and out the other and I didn't put much thought to it but there is a lot of foreshadowing.
This game could have had some bad endings too cuz the writing definitely allowed
for some other outcomes but I guess they really wanted to try to keep it comfy
which leads me to think otomate is going to lean on the too happy or too edgy/dark
which is weird because they've made games that were more balanced in the past.
At times I did think that whatever problem came up was solved way too easily...
or they make a big deal of something and wham it solved moments later
and the route that suffered from this the most was Radie.
Sadly I couldn't like Vilio's route as much as the others and once more i'll say why...
its extremely long and they thought its funny to have us sit through digested version
of all the routes so far with some romance/development of Vilio on the side
only for them to drop the circus theme for a hot minute and going full RPG theme.π€‘π€‘π€‘
I'm not sure if otomate was lazy or they just couldn't find another way to make it work
and when the story did get going I did like some of it. By the end of it all the only route
I really REALLY liked was Paschalia and is the only one I look fondly at
also its not like the other routes/love interests are bad its just personal preference.
going on that is delayed by a bunch of individual routes. Though said routes aren't wasteful
cuz they focus on the characters itself and uses the setting to its full potential, its just that
they are trying too hard to keep it from having any bad outcomes
which is nice if you just aren't in the mood for those and don't want to worry much.
Sure there is some drama in the routes and problems to overcome but still Ion's route
or Vilio's normal end are really as grim as it gets. At any rate its more or less a lot
like the previous otome game I played Gensou Manège except that wasn't as long?
Knowing all this I think I can recommend Radiant tale if you like fantasy settings
like moujuu and don't mind it taking a while to get going but if you have
a short attention span then this game might not be for you.
For score it is between a 7 and an 8 out of 10 for me... so I think 7,5 is good enough.
Honestly if Radiant Tale was the last otome game i've ever played then it was a good one!
because it has a great heroine, likeable cast and a setting that was not wasted.
I probably won't be getting any new otome games for a while anyway
so its a good one to bit the genre adieu with till something interests me again.
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