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Atleast they made new camp menu images... |
I did have some mixed feelings since it had been so long BUT since
I really liked the main characters I decided to just get it anyway!
Honestly it was really nice to just see everyone again...
I remember the ending of the original made me really warm and fuzzy
so I was kind of apprehensive at some story set before the end credits.
If I had to be really honest I am not really fond of DLC this late after the launch
of a single player RPG. I basically thought Arise was done... yet here we are!
this felt so weird and so out of left field that at this point i'd expect a new tales of
to be announced and not a DLC for a two year old game, wtf bamco?!
- Fun character interactions.
- Decent story about Nazamil.
- Recycled bosses and hardly any new ones.
- Half the stuff doesn't even carry over from the main game, so relearn/reforge etc.
- No proper epilogue for Alphen's busywork.
The story mostly focuses on a girl named Nazamil, I had a soft spot for her quickly...
she has been through some shit alright and she is also a kid still so I couldn't
be too hard on her. Some aspects of the story like the rifts between the Dahnan and
Rena peoples were kind of cheesy and predictable... but cheesy is how I remembered
my tales of arise so I didn't mind it that much. I personally loved the skits
and character interactions which was basically what pulled me through the DLC
after I initially put it on hold till I felt like I wanted to see the gang again.
More rambles after the jump, I won't be detailing the plot much but there are screenshots.
When I did continue I found that Nazamil whole situation and character
just resonated with me and grew to like her A LOT. She's been through some shit
and had no friends nor knew the concept of it or a family for that matter.
That just hits hard you know? I actually was quite empathic to her situation
and loved how the gang accepted her and gave her a place to belong
all the while she had insecurities. This I believe is the strong part of the DLC
as well as the focus on dahnan's and renans trying to work it out which they
still have a ways to go. I know this DLC has a bad rep but really the things
I loved were the character interactions and learning about Nazamil.
Sadly this DLC is very short, I ended up finishing it in 3 days, 4 if we
count the 2 hours that I played when it just came out like a month ago.
Combat is the same and still as fluid, the only thing I disliked was that
everyone had to relearn some of their old skills. and some stuff was reset
to lvl 70 instead of... the lvl 100 I was when I completed the original game.
I guess it couldn't be done different so this was a small annoyance
and pretty much the only real thing I disliked was the fact there was no new skills
and they suddenly had to relearn. Like wtf?! didn't they just save the world? and they've
been going around sealing old rena ruins so its not like they didn't get any action. but I guess
its okay to forget somethings... that's part of being human, use it or lose it amiright.
I also really disliked how the bosses were all reused, so we only fought the same
mobs over and over again. FFXIV tends to be pretty clever with reskins
honestly bamco here has a lot to learn from them.
More bad stuff: main story volume in this DLC was too tiny and they padd it out
with quests about basically the same issues over and over again. -_-
only a handful were actually nice same goes for the skits.
The only side quests that I liked were pretty much the character quests
especially Alphen's EX quests since it went into how he tried to propose
and why he and Shionne moved into a house somewhere.
Unfortunately they seemed to forget the important part which is the actual propose
so what we got was Alphen basically being a bumbling idiot trying to figure it out
while trying to consider Shionne's feelings instead of rushing into marriage.
It would be better if we actually got the propose+wedding but I guess
they couldn't be bothered since the end result is in the credits.
I am really disappointed by that, like come on Alphen works his butt off and so do we the
player by dragging ourselves through it and we don't even get the important scene?
it like completely cut him off like they ran out of budget and time or something.
WTF?! I completely understand why people would be mad, this is just lazy.
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Imagine cutting off right at the good part... |
Final Thoughts.
I suppose this DLC is really only worth it if you want to hang out with the main cast
of Arise a little more while they deal with some lingering issues.
The plot was barebones and it all felt like a forced sequel with not much material to work with
so a lot of it was the same problems and repeated jokes. So it is up to you to decide
if you want it now or... get it on a sale the latter is probably better tbh.
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Nazamil deserves better tbh. |
Anyway I enjoyed what I could but yeeeeaaah... that's it? just a DLC?
get it if you love tales of arise and want to see the gang again but probably
its perhaps better on a sale or something and not full price because
we don't even get new skills, or bosses and most of the areas
felt like they cut a lot because they are now merged and it was too much work.
It feels like the new costumes for Shionne and Alphen(the white outfits) are
like a band-aid for their supposed proposal&wedding that is missing.
So the only good thing about this DLC is being able to spend a little more time
with the gang while the rest is mostly recycled with a plot that only goes downhill
the further you get into it. I don't hate Nazamil even I empathized with her a lot
before she spiralled but yeaaaa overall this DLC was not good.
I think I had a better time with Tales of Graces F's future arc. Story here is decent at best
and its so obvious they had no budget or creativity for new enemies, they reused
so much from the maingame that it makes ToGF look modest since atleast it
had an epilogue scene where the player could figure out two characters had a child.
I'm sorry but that is miles better than cutting off at the good part.
Thanks for trying bamco... but this is such a lame attempt for a cashgrab its not even funny.
Tales of Arise gave me warm and fuzzy feelings when I beat it but this DLC
didn't really give me much other than a relief that it was over... also I have to add this
but if we are supposed to see Nazamil again someday does this mean this DLC actually a tease
for a sequel? or do they mean the fact that she is playable in tales of the rays a mobile game
that is the last one standing *in japan* after a string of failed attempts at newer ones?
Surely not... surely it is about her being in a sequel of Arise, right?
What's next? something to wash whatever the hell this was away. >_>';
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