Genre: RPG
Developer/publisher: Bandai Namco.
Platform: PS4,PS5,PC,Xbone.
Official Site:
Release date: 2021-9-10.
Developer/publisher: Bandai Namco.
Platform: PS4,PS5,PC,Xbone.
Official Site:
Release date: 2021-9-10.
Wasn't sure if I was going to write about this game... or even like it cuz at first sight
it seemed rather edgy with some shining tears/wind vibes.
Just by watching the OP you could see what i'm talking about that is if you're familiar with that trope...
So my initial impressions of Tales of Arise were kind of hmmmmm? its no wonder after
what happened with Zestiria and Berseria trying to fix it that bait and switch mess
either way I was pleasantly surprised Arise turned out better than I expected!
- excellent story(better than i expected atleast).
- a likable cast of characters that can grow on you.
- Plenty of side content to keep you busy.
- Bosses can be a bit unforgiving.
- CP system is terrible.
- Loading screens are a plenty(kinda makes me nostalgic)
There won't be any plot spoilers discussed in this post but there will be a few screenshots without much context
I should add here that there is a minor one in a screen but I don't really consider Alphen's mask thingy
that much of a spoiler considering one could unmask him with dlc stuff right from the start (weird)
needless to say I had to add this warning here since this game is fairly new i've made
those screens as small as possible so you can scroll past however considering the jpn
twitter openly posted artwork and you can see his face on dlc item the dev's didn't really care......
Story, no spoilers of course but in all honesty this was pretty well rounded
and engaging, always something going on making me wonder about things.
Some aspects early on with the 5 lords may be repetitive but it was still different everytime
though the pacing in the second half wasn't the best I swear there's like 4 hours of cutscenes
but maybe its good we get a moment to get to the bottom of things even if its at the cost
of exploring dungeons which we did plenty in the first half anyway.
All this let IMO to a satisfying conclusion but I have to add that I was so done
with a certain antagonist at the end of the game, if you know you know.
Part of me wonders if this game perhaps needed a little bit more time
The characters really help with this, the main cast is quite likable and they all
have their place in the story! A character that surprised me was Kisara she is a knight
that wields a mace and giant shield... not something you'd see often so it was really refreshing
but for the majoirity of the game she's more or less the mom of the group, the mom that kicks ass.
I really liked Law though... but he often gets bullied for saying whatever is on his mind.😅
Can't really talk about Dohalim but he has his quirk's that make him likable in his own way.
Both Alphen and Shionne were really likable as well, the dynamic/chemistry between these two...
At first Shionne can seem a bit bitchy, cold and distant she's a literal ice queen and won't minch words!
Alphen on the other hand is sweeter than he looks like... but he's no a coward.
OH BOY did I enjoy seeing them interact and discover more about them
it got so bad thast I really wanted them to get a room and its not just these two Law and Rinwell
also frequently go at it but in a more child-like way though I see them more as siblings.
Dohalim and Kisara... their relationship was rather mature? but not necessarily in romantic way.
Anyway by the end of the game the two main leads made me soft...
and I like this some times it does get tiring to see all girls fawn over the MC
and after trails of coldsteel series I had enough of that for a bit.
Speaking of trails... Alphen does look a lot like Crow doesn't he?
In all honesty Alphen may be the most likable protagonist I have seen in a long time.
Not much to say about Rinwell but she is a very cute mage... and she grew on me
(she has her situation) well I think by the end of the game the whole cast really grew on me.
like the classic tales of menu with individual portraits but this works too.
Honestly back in the day I could see why they had to use character art in the menus but the
graphics have become so good that it is no longer necessary to use 2d portrait for everything.
Oh I guess I forgot to mention it doesn't have Co-op... as someone that enjoys
playing RPG games alone this isn't a big deal to me.
The skits and little chats on the field really helped with the group chemistry which made
for a really good experience there was many times I laughed there was a lot of fun moment
even though the plot can be quite serious. Speaking of skits... they're really enjoyable
even though its not like how they were in older games it is now in manga style and there are plenty
I understand if people could dislike this new style but... skits are skits and they're in.
There's also plenty of funny talks during battle, whenever Law speakings
he probably got clowned on by Rinwell again. The interactions overall were quite fun.
One of my favorites was Dohalim would cast a healing art on Alphen
whom would be surprised then Dohalim is all like well I care about you!😂
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Shionne knows how to roast Dohalim. |
but once you do I found fishing to be super easy.
Owl hunt was really nice, it makes you appreciate the environments more
as you explore and you get some nice things like butterfly wings or shades from them.
Honestly Law looks really good with sunglasses...
There was more side content later on, like a temple dungeon and the typical
colosseum/arena as well as some weird but pretty lime stone cave with high lvl mobs
I ran away from cuz I found it too early but was good to know there was stuff waiting for me
besides big giganto zeugles roaming around, throughout the main quest I maybe took out 3
and a bunch more later right before the final boss cuz I was poor, some might be better
not to wait too long cuz you outlvl them and they become piss easy but eh idk what's better
dying cuz they're too strong or stomping on them, though I do think lvl 45-50 is a perfect time
to take out that mantis you see in the beginning, either way you can always save when you see them
and decide to try take them out or not and the gald you get from these hunt quest really does help.
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Its about high time I took you out! |
Unfortunately gald will always be a problem in this game but considering the setting... its realistic.
Normal sidequests were pretty decent too anyway there's plenty to do besides the main quest.
There's also some optional bosses most of which aren't possible till post game which are
more or less a series homage, ones I liked were the spirit temple and farewell mage quests.
Unfortunaly fishing up boss fishes is the only reliable way of income, unless you sell
your omega elixers. Which is only worth it if you still have some after all post game battles.
from older titles like CP being graces eleth pot and Xilias link combos into boost strikes.
Yea everything is free run mode now... but I don't think the old combat/movement system
would work anymore cuz I do think it was kinda restricting.
Some bosses could be a little unforgiving but as long as you pay attention and learn
what they're capable of I am sure anyone can make it through it! I played on normal
but there's no shame in trying the lower difficulty if you're just in it for the story.
Anyway this game isn't too easy its sits on that fine line were sometimes you might struggle
which is good cuz while I don't mind easy I don't want a face roll like sakura wars either.
I do have my gripes with the CP system though they really could have done better with that
as well as have maybe a little bit more land marks for fast travel? I was really struggling with
the water lord's castle and the wedge... I had to go out to camp atleast once to restock gels/bottles
and then you have to go all the way back to the boss room. Those places were huge! >_<
The last dungeon was good but a little too big and the big enemies had some annoying
mob combinations happen as well, I did enjoy the sword dancer fight there
and well he had me in the first half NGL. 😂😂😂
If you take your time here to fight everything/get chests rip your items but honestly its better
to pick and choose your battles there, no shame in fleeing just to get the chest.
I think the only thing I am disappointed with is that there are no victory screens even though
the battle is on a seperate field but oh well atleast the characters still comment on them before/after.
A few more words on CP... they did away with individual TP and made it a group thing so everytime
you heal/revive it will go down... its also used to remove obstacles in dungeons thus it will drain
rather quickly as well as your gald for restocking on items used to replenish CP/ko'd allies.
Either way I was not amused by this garbage system!That aside the environments were nice and not too big either, this games environment
can look really gorgeous, it looks like painting! very water colour-ish.
I also liked how the weapons had unique models, and there was a glamour system
so that you could use your favorite weapon skin and there are some joke skins too
this attention to detail was really nice, so for example if you didn't like a specific look
of your newest weapon you can just keep the old one.
Music... its a typical tales of soundtrack really not much to complain about.
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The butterfly wings look so good on Rinwell... |
personally I did like his second outfit a lot so if you didn't like his edgy dark knight
costume you could always switch back to ocean blue/traveling attire.
As for the rest of the cast their original costumes were really good, especially Rinwell.
The DLC costumes are just the standard School,swimsuit and more...
don't have a problem with it as this stuff has always been there but I could see why
people are upset some artes were locked with them as well, I don't approve of that either.
I did buy the 100$ edition but even then I had a hard time putting some characters
mainly Alphen, Shionne and Rinwell out of their defaults... but the pack
did offer value and considering how enjoyable the game was it was worth it.
There's some in game costumes(not counting recolour) as well so its not like everything was DLC.
Though the point of worry i'd want to add before I leave this post alone is being able
to unmask Alphen right from the start with DLC I actually did this but then undid it
and pretend not to see...😅 consider we are given this option its more or less
for people that don't like looking at his mask all the time and really there's not much
to hide or spoilerous about his face by itself, there is a plot reason but I won't go into that.
Anyway most people that do research before or after buying will probably see it on the DLC store.....
Its like Luke from abyss with short hair or Garnet from FF9, if you want to know why play the game.
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Time for the isekai highschool AU. |
for their stories and it was mostly the characters/skits and combat that shined but they did
manage to surprise me with the story/writing this time which I thought was really good.
This was an interesting adventure to say the least and its a tales of like the rest of them.
If you're curious about the length of a playthrough... took me about 50 hours
to finish the main quest, I did poke around with optional stuff though and watch lots of skits
so maybe if one fights less/only focus's story it'd be a little less.
Though occasionally I did notice some typos in the text but it was usually an honest mistake
and for the majority of the game I had no problems and the text flowed pretty well
so I don't have much complaints except the CP system being garbage and making things
more difficult than it had to be as well as money being scarce (if you don't hunt/fish).
Either way if you consider everything this game has to offer its lenghty enough
even more with postgame/100%ing so there's plenty to do besides the main quest.
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It might be cheesy... but sometimes I like cheesy, in moderation this can be good. |
to GracesF and Vesperia/Symphonia, don't look at me weird! I thought graces
had really good combat and a fun cast(loved their interactions) even if the story was just okay.
While playing Arise I couldn't help but see things from other tales of
all the way to their roots of how the dev team way back with phantasia split and
then seeing how there's this recurring theme of forgiveness it hit me really hard.
Tales of games can vary heavily in terms of plot... but I do think the dev's out did themselves here
cuz this game does have the same tales of spirit I am used to and it has plenty of content value
which may not be a whole lot but what is there is the same type of optional stuff in most tales games.
So is it worth it? I think if you're looking for another well rounded RPG with a cast
that you can come to like slowly as you learn more then I can definitely recommend this game.
Yea maybe I am biased... but I really did enjoy my time with this game its been such a long
time since I play an RPG that had my satisfied with its story by the end of it with little complaints
all things considered after ryza 2 left me sad, disappointed and confused
i'm really happy that this game was well-rounded. If I take in my dislike of the CP system
Edit for a comment on further post game stuff I forgot to add:
The cameo's were nice and surprisingly fitting as well i'm surprised they locked the hotsprings
scene behind so much post game stuff... but I think they did it on purpose so most people
probably won't see it at all cuz it is locked behind some tough fights, its like a nice reward
and it was rather funny though... unfortunately it was one of the last things i did.
There was also a very annoying sub quest forcing you to talk to... many npc spread out
in all cities which just reminded me of some dumb fetch quest which it absolutely was.😂
Other than 100%ing isn't much of an issue and very doable, 300 skits was weird
cuz it said I had 302 but it had yet to pop so part of me thinks some don't quite count
but I got it eventually, good thing you can rewatch missed skits at the camp.
I do like how... you don't need to do everything for 100% you could very well miss a recipe
or a title if you don't craft a weapon for it, there's still things to do like the final solo arena fights
that are no requirement for 100%! nice because I have no clue how to play as everyone.😅
Special note to Alphen's Reigning slash/mega sonic thrust cuz if not for that...
I couldn't have finished the post game fights.
Okay that will end my babbles on Tales of Arise for real this time... its a pretty good game!
but unfortunately all good things must come to an end.
Nice to see you enjoy this game a whole lot regardless of your initial impressions, you gave it a chance and liked it despite the mentioned pacing issues in the second half. It might not be the best but its a worthy addition to the series and yes Alphen and Shionne are very wholesome!
ReplyDeleteYea they are! honestly what I enjoyed the most was the characters and when I think about it again, that's what I have always liked the most of this series.