Genre: Otome/simulation VN.
Developer/publisher: Otomate
Platform: Switch.
Official Site:
Release date: 2021-07-29.
Developer/publisher: Otomate
Platform: Switch.
Official Site:
Release date: 2021-07-29.
Finally time for another otome game after I ended up skipping paradigm paradox
cuz jpn reviews really weren't doing that one any favors, going in all I knew about Kimiyuki
was that it was going to be a tearjerker/nakige in an old timey setting. Seiyuu cast is a mix
of the popular ones and some newer talent among one i've never heard before
which was nice, other than that this game was pretty long and took half a month to complete! though
I did push through the last two routes and well during the final one I hardly could put it down.π
The op movie is pretty decent, and I often just let it play.
- Surprisingly comedic, lot's of cute scenes with the guy(s).
- Unique and self contained, routes however to understand the plot you must do all the routes.
- Art, gorgeous and good variety of CG's.
- Music fit the theme/mood of the game.
- Most if not all the main guys were likable.
- Pacing, due to making time for fun and cute romance and flesh out
sub characters ties with the plot it all can drag on.
- Not all routes are as interesting, the character might really save it depending on taste.
- Half the time I did wonder... what does this game try to be???
General plot:
Our heroine Suzuno is an orphan who can see some weird thread of emotion that more often
than not leads to doom she was chased away by villagers and being called a monster by them...
despite that she's surprisingly carefree and optimistic.
That thread she sees is an ill omen and the villagers want nothing to do with it...
one day she meets a man named Tomonari whom ends up inviting her to come to edo with him
its then she meets the oniwaban which is like a band of samurai's under command of the shogun.
Why not? why not go with them when your fellow villagers call you a demon-possesed youkai?!
Oh and apparently she is also a descendant of the haku-seki clan.
Tomonari and Kunitaka are so nice to Suzuno as they introduce her to the other
oniwaban and edo, faith in humanity has been restored... somewhat.
The rest of the plot of this game involves Suzuno use her powers and help the oniwaban
there is far too much to quickly digest but Kiko's are basically seen as tools to kill demons
and have no emotion which is why Suzu-chan can't see anything from them
the funny part is that the kiko's are surprisingly... free-spirited.π
The art in this game is gorgeous the backgrounds are decent enough.
Most important characters had a sprite and there were a lot of sub chara's so that was nice.
The music is fitting and there's an interesting cast of characters which was enough
to get excited to find out what the story in this game was about
which without spoilers was just okay really this is a story driven game
that actually manages to deliver the romantic moments throughout as well but boy is it long!
had I not planned some evenings for this I would have taken longer to complete it.
There were plenty of CG's and they happen when you would like to see them
which is really good especially after the last otome game I played.
![]() |
Probably one of my favourite common route group cg's. |
I think I was glad I did Kinji's sad end last because I needed a moment after it.
There aren't that many bad ends, 1 per character Tomonari is a slight exception to this....
Other than that the system in general was just basic choices and nothing complicated.
The heroine Suzuno was alright, she has her circumstances but she wasn't annoying or anything
considering her optimism, I thought it was easy to relate to her situation in the beginning.
Suzuno will point out if something worries her due to her ability to see threads of doom
and act on her own but that last bit might not be a good thing most of the time...
cuz she can't really fight back on her own i'll add to it that she is quite pure and some things
might fly over her head which in turn can lead to some hilarious situations.
Suzuno is also not a fighter, though she did have her moments
and she stood out the most in Yoichi and Genjurou routes.
Common route was okay in terms of introducing everything and world view, they introduced
some more characters after the talk with the shogun and I did struggle to remember
all their names but atleast they had some unique personalities but so I was able to
identify them more easily as emo guy(Kyoushiro), mr nice guy(Mitsushige)
and megane brat(Yabuta).π
This game is slow paced but all of the routes were unique
even if common route was shared the stories varied heavily though.
Its theme was advertised as to be sad but it has rather snappy dialogue & there were plenty
of funny and cute scenes unfortunately due to this the overall pacing doesn't feel too good.
Most of the main guys were really nice except one of them but he had his reasons really, you'd
have to decide for yourself. Honestly I didn't want anything bad to happen to them
so considering the theme this was working as intended.
But it is kinda obvious now that if you thought this would be a tragic historic fantasy
then I have to disappoint! Kimiyuki was actually more comedic than I ever expected it to be. Considering they brought in iwai yuki a japanese comedian it all makes sense now.
The overall production values are also quite high, but it did have a bit of a slow start
all things considered I think it was necessary to understand the setting.
TBH I want to like this game more but it got a few problems and that is it doesn't
really know what it wants to be sometimes! the pacing issues are so there, I don't mind
that there are cute or funny scenes in fact I welcomed them but more often than not but
the story pacing is awful, it would drag on a lot atleast romance didn't disappoint me...
they often focus so much on side characters that i'm like what was it we were doing again?
Like the first route I did, Kunitaka was a bit boring in terms of plot but other than that
I still manage to enjoy it, I know I enjoyed Kinji and Yoichi's route the most overall
and even Genjurou had a better written plot and villain(annoying as he was)
but yea the writing quality is all over the place we have lots of route that don't have much to do
with the real plot and you won't make sense of anything till the locked routes.
A common problem in otome game land... atleast I did think they balanced
the romance with whatever plot together was going on so you got some cute moments
and more serious stuff while learning more but like I already said the writing quality varied heavily.
I did wonder a little about the Kiko's being emotionless
and are tools to wipe out youkai/yoika but they're so free spirited???
but its more like they're not fully capable of being human like its obvious they can be a bit
insensitive at times some more than others, needless to say these guys aren't perfect
and they don't need to be.
So despite this being advertised as a tearjerker... you're mostly in for a good time! mostly... yes.
so this is actually more of a romantic comedy really that in a way is actually a bit tender.
If you end up getting this just enjoy the ride,but its probably better to not have too much
expectations because like I mentioned above not all routes were as interesting cuz it did get slow
but that might be because it tried to focus on side characters as well! so bottom line is
this game tried to do too much things at once! which lead to a long game in general.
For what its worth it was a decent wafuu otome game the only problem is the language really
its not beginner friendly but seems like Aksys is bringing this over... some day.
Sigh aksys I do hope they won't make a mess of it because this is the only way
people can enjoy the games if they don't know jpn... I AM WORRIED and wanna express this
cuz this game does have a lot of terms and old timey so this might be more than they can chew.
So if you're in the mood for an wafuu otome game with a decent enough plot, don't mind
a slow start/slowburn, a little bit of mystery and fun/cute scenes this might be for you!
but yea if this otome game number 150 you might not be able to enjoy it as much compared
to someone who only has played a few... I think this is only fair cuz I played a bunch
and was able to enjoy this for the most part so your mileage might vary.
Even so the last route in this game made everything fit so I think it was pretty solid?
enough for me to give it an 8,5/10 like there were 6 routes and I enjoyed at least 3/4 of them
so I think the final score is only fair, considering production values and everything else.
(8.5/10 if bias, 6/10 for non bias)
IDK if there was a recommended order but there were routes that was locked behind
some others which was Tomonari who unlocks Otarou so you have to do Kunitaka,
Yoichi OR Genjurou and Kinji first! but it is funny they will let you into the route of Otarou
for a hot minute but will default to some abrupt end.π Don't be me...
My play order: Kunitaka > Kinji > Yoichi > Genjurou > Tomonari > Otarou.
The routes in bold have no restriction so feel free to mix that up but yea if you care about
story there's not much you can do about the last two routes. Yoichi is the only one that is an
odd ball, it was also very otome BUT his route does hint at something that will be explained later
so I don't think you should save him for last cuz an important plot detail gets spoiled about him
at the end of Otarou's so if I had to recommend anything it would be
exactly the same order as mine except maybe switch Yoichi and Genjurou around.
Character babbles after the jump, however be advised that there will be spoilers beyond this point though to respect the wishes of the developers I will not be sharing too many CG
and only my favorites. So if you wish to remain spoiler-free then the review ends here! This is
due to the mystery aspect of this game, so if you really REALLY are going to play it in the
future I do say to not read past this point. Its better to not know too much with this game.
Last warning from this point is character babbles, some CG and route digestion although
not very detailed, which include spoilers so if you don't want that turn back now, kthnx bye.
Toujou Kunitaka.
CV: Maeno Tomoaki.
caring nature others find him annoying.π
Other than that he's nice and friendly.
Hmm I definitely am not over my Vergil obsession that I go for this type of character
NOPE nothing to do with that at all! knowing otomate I can never be too prepared...π¨
Thankfully Kunitaka is a very normal and sensible person.
Since Suzuno can't make up her mind of with whom to partner up for the mission
kunitaka offers himself to help his cute kouhai~ unless she objects of course
well I do not see any problems here so uh yea why not?! then Tomonari bumps in between them
and he is like aren't you being a bit unfair trying to keep her all to yourself I mean it is me
you are worried about either way my sides were in orbit.πππππ
This scene was legit funny I cannot... either way Suzu paired up with both of them
to investigate and complete their mission which was to gather information to catch someone
so Suzuno had pleasant conversation with a woman named Chie a lady in the buke district.
Tomonari ended up chasing the culprit who is a ronin which lead to Kunitaka being all worried
after they pinned him down but Tomonari just brushed it off saying hey look at that butterfly!
Turns out this person is a ronin who is working for yet another person who have friends, oh my.
Kunitaka says they will help this poor ronin out by becoming his friends, he goes on saying
that he is leaving and that he is done with Yoshimune. Tomonari is of the same mind, now
they all become Ronin-kun's best friend! btw his name isn't ''ronin'' but whatever
they now have free pass into ronin's gang, I can't believe they tricked that ronin, lmao.
Suzuno just followed along but she had to be like chotto a minute are you betraying?
and then... they say sorry for not saying anything but it was all an act!
so she is convinced for the sake of the mission they must do this...
The leader of the gang gets all weird and creepy upon seeing Suzuno too and is all like so cute!
do you wanna be my woman? and it gets kinda weird cuz they have to go along with it.π
Kunitaka goes on saying i'm glad you're here with us and I am like yea thanks.ππ’π’π’
This Teichi guy is apparently capable of defeating youkai and he has gathered a following...
amazing but how and why?! is he doing it? this keeps getting more interesting they report
it to the shogun. Either way all this is common with Tomonari but it was... a ride.
Kunitaka is a shishou(teacher) and takes care of a group of kids...
who asked Suzuno's relationship with their master is about. Hmm well at this point
Kunitaka's just a friend right? RIGHT?! but they don't believe they're just friends.π
Blame it on the kids to make everything awkward, Suzu-chan will have to put up with it
not that Kunitaka minds any of thisπ OH MY GOD my heart.
They continue investigating Teichi who let a youkai (apparently he tamed it) loose on the town...
and starts making demands or else they'll be sorry next time they'll that youkai.
They had to steal something from the bandit leader to stop him Suzuno got nervous...
Tomonari got super sweet and reassured her though she made him feel
a bit weird not being able to realize what it was he just tell her not to worry.
Of course things went wrong, they got his magatama but the youkai went free not listening to anyone
but everyone is trying to work together now, but they lost because its super tough and it is now
running wild. During a brief respite Komame the birb acted strangely again Miharu pointed out
that it might be Kunitaka's fault as Komame doesn't seem to like him though Komame
loves being around Suzuno for some reason or other.
Oh well emo hair ends up digging his grave and they all have mostly good time.
Before they have to get back to work and deal with ''their friend'' who was arrested
finally lets his secret slip of why he needed that magatama but they don't believe him
and say he's sus lmao though leader-kun blames his bad memory, the youkai problem continues
and interrupted Suzuno's visit with a lady Chie. Komame still doesn't like Kunitaka, he finally
figures why its because he nursed her back to health and the medicine hurt so its like
I can't believe I am helping a guy and a birb make up but Komame is a rather stubborn birdy
and went all over the place when he made the one attempt at Suzu's behest...
then when Suzu tried to calm her down Kunitaka catched her.πππ
Then the birb bumps into the back of Kunitaka's head and we... we... oh boy accidental kissu.
Maybe this is what Komame wanted? she looked oddly relieved... could it be
she was just like oh shut up and just kiss already?!πππ
When they go meet up with Tomonari he is wondering if something happened but nope not at all right?!
They still have to work to catch that youkai... but sometimes it feels like the oniwaban
have no idea what they're doing and are just vibing while doing their job.
You think i'm joking but yea most of the game is pretty relaxing... but there is this sense of uneasiness.
Suzuno came back to see Kunitaka vibing really hard while smoking a pipe with pot
well she ends up getting sick and Miharu insists she takes it easy... oh well then!
Kunitaka ends up being a worry wart and personally checks her fever cuz things got awkward...
god this scene was so cute. When she gets a little better she ends up helping them out again
eventually things did pick up again and a fire broke out which leads to one thing and the other
kids going missing and Kunitaka gets suspected of doing something and he gets one more chance of setting things rightn and find the one really responsible mostly thanks to Suzuno being so passionate.
Though putting all this into words will do the story no justice, in short Kunitaka is someone
that found meaning in his life by being a teacher and knowing the ineptitude of
someone saving kids from a fire then that person died from the despair.
These are memories that he once lost... but recently remembered cuz of that fire.
Though knowing a person is who they are and that person is who they are...
Knowing that person couldn't protect anything, Kunitaka doesn't want to let it repeat itself
and he definitely will protect the kids he teaches, he says this is his problem not hers
but that doesn't stop Suzuno! they both go visit the ronin leader who has been locked up
who knew they were coming but he was just trying to look cool and Kunitaka saw through it.π
For some reason he sympathizes with their cause and decides to help them... a little
and this game turns into ghostbusters for a while as they try to find the youkai
Tomonari shows up and he's on a mission of his own and he is kinda in their way, thanks bro.
The youkai showed up in the castle and they all hurry... and they take out a youkai
they figure its probably targeting Yoshimune and they over hear him yelling
about how he won't run away even if its after him and tells them to find the enemy
when they're alone there's some youkai who attacks again and Yoshimune ends up injured
the scene doesn't look good and Kunitaka goes all like it wasn't me! hurry treat him...
and now Kunitaka is jailed next tto ronin-kun cuz endangering the shogun isn't funny.
Now Kunitaka goes emo cuz he couldn't even protect anyone and says Suzuno
should keep her distance and keeps blaming himself...π Suzuno is like BITCH PLS
get a hold of yourself, ok not like that but you get the picture and she gets him to apologize
for being a mess and making her sad, lmao things get sappy but the whole time
ronin-kun is just sitting there listening enjoying the drama. I FORGOT HE WAS THERE.π
Turns out he made himself useful too and helped them escape, oh and Tomonari has our back too
as they try to solve what is actually going on here turns out its some laughing doll.
Though they did get lovey dovey for a moment, Komame is judging them.
Chie pleads Kunitaka to get the children back... she is like a mother to them
but then she gets rather sus and then it becomes really obvious she is more involved than
we thought and its no wonder they couldn't find anything all this time
and they find a secret room and some youkai pop up... they end up sleeping together at night
before they go settle this fiasco which was cute. I'm just like just kiss you too.
As suspected a shadow jumps out and they're likely responsible for plotting the incidents
against the shogun and the kidnapping of the kids. During the fighting
Suzuno asks Komame for help and help she does! till Kyoushiro and the others
show up to back him up and they apologize for doubting him.
In the best end: They succeed in destroying the black thread, the kids are safe its a happy end?
Kunitaka is so glad Suzuno has been by his side, without her... where would he be?!
and he'd like to continue to be with her from now on even though he might
disappear one day, he wants her to accept his feelings of affection.
The epilogue was rather lengthy but... it shows that for some reason he has become human
we don't know why or how but he won't be disappearing or anything
Kunitaka was quite relieved at this news, well all's well that end well.
dark threads overwhelm Suzuno. In the epilogue Kunitaka wakes up in a weird place...
he thought he was a dead man but this doesn't seem like a dream he wonders where suzuno is
and gets nostalgic, she gets sad but he'll protect her... and she confesses her feelings
as Kunitaka says he loves her things take a turn for the worse but its fine cuz they're together.
Bad end: Before they settle things he just tells her to got to sleep while giving her a kiss on the forehead
the next day the guys had already gone out, Suzuno tries to search for them and that's the end of that.
''NGL I thought aside from the cute/funny scenes the plot wasn't that interesting
cuz nothing much happened story wise even though you know the threat is out there so there
was a general sense of uneasiness sometimes, really thought the romance and Kunitaka's
character/Komame was the most interesting, nevermind the ghostbusting.π
This route had no real antagonist, not sure if Chie was supposed to be it
but it was just some random Youkai without a sprite
Kunitaka I love your dumb ass but the overall plot did not hold my attention
but atleast the romance did, I think this is really one of those routes one should do first
because it doesn't really reveal anything in the grand scheme of things
but atleast you get some cute romance in return! though I do have several questions...
and I hope they get answered elsewhere in this game. ''
The beautiful and self-centered one, uses his cross-dressing kabuki act as a means
CV: Namikawa Daisuke.
![]() |
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... |
to gather information also a tease with a big ego, hoo boy his stage name is Nishiki.
He ended up calling her an idiot... or make fun of her age at some point
but I couldn't tell if he meant well or not, or jus ttying to make her self aware sigh.
Either way... its not like he means bad and can be surprisingly sweet???!!
Kinji is just so rude early on I think all my reee'ing about it is justified...
oh well they end up in an awkward position when they hide from some people
ah being famous is hard but the CG... he looked so lonely so he wonders if
Suzuno is embarassed and starts teasing her. Here I was starting to get invested.π©
Kinji had a fanboy who just wanted an autograph... and he refused then continues to trash tal
his fan who just says yea that'll be great but here I am talking to you NOW! such bliss.π
Kinda cursed considering what his fan wanted to do with it if he got it but he was foaming
already just by being close, ah must be tough being a popular kabuki actor.
Oh well they continue their job as oniwaban after the whole deal with the nekomata
things go wrong as expected when two guys get a bit feisty.
The plot in this route was actually interesting, there's something afoot here
as victims have strange black things on their bodies. Yuriko who is in jail won't open her eyes
and is in pain hmm is this connected or not? her BF Tasunosuke is at wits end.
.....some guy at Kinji's work got worried Suzu-chan was being bullied by Kinji
yea YEAH he did bully her... a little in the beginnig but she's on his good side now
so the dude goes to tell everyone else before Suzuno can even answer Kinji.
IDK why but this route was rather sad...? Kinji seems a bit like a troll though
so if you're into the Alvaro type then you'd love it more meanwhile i'm loving and hating it.
They go and investigate by having Suzuno work at an Yukaku establishment
there they meet Okuni she and Kinji apparently go way back...
Suzuno tries really hard but Okuni doesn't know much about it either they did find out somethingabout Katachibito's who are like retainers of sorts and they end up going missing.
Part of the plot in this route even made me sleepy, funny thing is due to Suzuno overworking Kinji
had to scold her a little for almost falling asleep but not too hard so he let her rest for a bit on his lap
I thought that was sweet, he's stiill a bit uh haughty or uppity about it.
Then he goes all like you better work hard from now on and I am like... yes SIR?!π
Later some youkai shows up and Kinji ends up saving her, though he acted a bit more
concerned for her than usual, though he still sees himself as a tool not caring
if he gets hurt in the process cuz just another kiko can be born.
Suzuno is rightfully upset... and tries to reason with him before they continue their job.
She finds out that someone gave them something. After Suzuno tries to leave one of the men there
say they've been interested for a while now and tried to bribe her into giving away her virginity.
At night Suzuno ends up following someone but turns out she wasn't the only one following them
and suzuno gets knocked out and captured by some people then Suzuno overhears
the guy from before talk with Okuni.............. they will deal with her tomorrow
idk how to say it but they're making the arrangements. HELP π±π±π±π±π±
Though as Suzuno waits Kinji rushes in and she can't help but hug him...
when Okuni walks in, Kinji tells her that HE will be buying her virginity some dude
in the background gets mad about this cuz he wanted her the first time he laid eyes on her.
Okuni ends up being a wingwoman of sorts and they have no choice but to give up...
the next day Okuni tells her there's no way Kinji doesn't like Suzu-chan
and also apologizes for not being able to do much before and also how normal it is
for things like THAT to happen here, because the money the girls get usually helps them
she's not asking for forgiveness or anything since she knew it was wrong to drag Suzuno in.
So uh later that day Kinji arrives to finish... what what arranged the day before, things got awkward
and let me tell you Suzuno is too pure for this and Kinji is too much of a tease!πππππ
become a female actress... needless to say it was not a happy story.
Suzuno is able to keep working there no problem but she overhears Okuni talk to SOMEONE
who is probably is a lover, Suzuno goes to talk to Kinji... who actually knew
that what had happened was possible so he expects her to be angry but she isn't
they end up having tea, when they get back thanks to the mess from before
his secret of being actually male is out that didn't stop from being called pretty though.
This leads to a funny moment of him showing her how it is like to be courted... sparkles and all.π
At night they investigate at the establishment... they find a hairpin of one of the katachibito's
in the isolation area, so that means its like a grave. Okuni and the owner walk in on them
and the jig is up they have to tell them they're here on order of the bakufu.
We learn that Yuriko ended up working for Tasunosuke, they couldn't just hand her over to him...
after that is when the weird disease appeared so they think its Tasunosuke's fault
they go check on Yuriko and there is no doubt that its really him behind the tennyo hagoromo
and he just really wanted to bang Yuriko and make her his.
After finding all this out.. Kinji needs a moment to think and tries to be honest with his feelings
and Suzuno is the one who made him realize, he tells her to shut up with a kiss.
The next day, they go and put an end to this before there are any more victims...
they end up using Suzuno's power to counter it and heal the illness that currently plagues edo.
Unfortunately this is a double edged sword and Kinji found out that Suzuno hid this...
Suzuno still goes and saves Yuriko who will help us trying to save Tatsunosuke.
Later Kinji jokes about the two of them eloping cuz he really doesn't want Suzuno to push herself...
They commence the plan to lure tasunosuke in with one of Nishiki's performances
and all cure people in the process but it didn't work on Okuni and threads start popping up
and Okuni's true form is revealed to be a youkai turns out Tatsu was basically being controlled.
During the battle, Okuni tried to aim for Suzuno but Otarou was like no you die now
in a really cold way... even Kinji was surprised at his moves. Okuni tries to reason one last time
but Kinji made up his mind and there's no place for her though Suzuno still worried about her
but it is time for Okuni to go and rest. All's well that ends well huh?
even Yuriko gets all lovey dovey with Tatsu.π In the epilogue Suzuno catches up with
Miharu who needs a moment when she heard Suzuno worked for the bakufu in the yukaku.π
Nishiki is as popular as ever... and bluntly states that woman over there is mine
and Miharu just sighs at this news but she is happy for her.
At the end Otarou gives them Okuni's diary which is basically memoirs of a geisha....π
but also shows how she strayed from the path but wasn't a bad person.
Kinji really likes Suzuno... but I think we already knew that much by now.π³
Sad end: Suzuno over did it and her body starts to give in and she is over taken
by the tennyo hagoromo and becomes Okuni's puppet, Suzuno can no longer recognize Kinji.
Okuni makes her fight Kinji... who is having a hard time but he ends up killing her
because he knows it is the only option and... Suzuno is thankful and Kinji sort of loses it
and kills himself too. OH MY GOD THIS WAS SO SAD?! OH LORD.... that was rough.πππ
'' Hmm... despite not liking Kinji at all in the beginning he really did grow on me.
The story and romance was very well balanced and I liked it more than Kunitaka's route!
The plot was really hard to predict what would happen... so that was nice.
Imagine being reeeeeeeeee about a character then falling for him anyway
welp once again I am completely trash for a 2d man.''
CV: Yamashita Seiichirou.
Laidblack but kind of blunt one, he usually gathers information if he's not slacking off.The common route is off to a good start when Yoichi gets to try out some tempura....
and Suzuno is facinated because she never had one of those. When Genjurou hears that
he is immediately like want one? i'll buy it. Suzuno declines but Yoichi gives her some anyway
cuz he's not hungry anymore Suzuno is so modest in trying to say no but mendokusai! say aaaa~
Genjurou ends up speaking up because Yoichi's being a bit forceful but he's just being likeshe seemed to want to eat it so i thought i'd help? she should be grateful! aren't you?
Suzuno can't help but say arigathank goizaiyoumasu. Oh well she continues working with
these bro's to root out any potential dangers in Edo. Yoichi ended up brushing Suzuno's hair
but the face she was making in the CG made me laugh a bit. They're investigating people
who were randomly assaulted and something was cut from their hair... they think it
was a monster which turns out to be a youkai called kamikiri.
Genjurou figures out Suzuno hasn't eaten and ends giving her lunch...
MAN she's being well cared for by these guys i'm kinda jealous but he does ask her
if she is ready to give her all to work for the Bakufu, she'll do what she can.
Some youkai popped up at night and it really does seem to be targetting women...
They investigate more victims Otone and a woman Mitsu incase acnything happens they train
Suzuno but since combat is no good, escape tactics/self defense are always good to know.
Miharu came to visit and while the boys go see what the hawk was screeching about
she suggests to take one of they guys to a festival and have some fun
don't worry Miharu has an offer they cannot refuse. Unfortunately Yoichi proves unreliable
like always and Suzuno gets to enjoy the evening with Genjuro instead
pretty sure Yoichi raised an eyebrow at the handholding when those two came back
thank you Miharu! for this wonderful evening with the boys.
cuz its a dear friend of Suzuno who decides to use herself as bait but it takes a bit before her plan
gets approval, Mitsushige didn't enjoy the idea of this but Yoichi and Genjurou have her back.
They arrive to a conclusoon and elsewhere Otone doesn't seem to respond to her servant Mitsu anymore.... in fact Mitsu cannot even speak out Otone's name, she cries for help and the boy
arrive along with Suzuno, they want to check something, they ask if she is the kamikiri
and she does admit to be having strange dreams, Mitsu starts to blame herself for Otone's illness
she asks them to end her since there is no point in continueing her existance
as she live solely as a tool for her master Otone. Something weird happens
and because of Suzune's power Mitsu is able to see Otone again! but why though?!
Miharu throws a small party since she recovered, everyone get snacks and tea on the house.π
Yoichi was pretty amusing sometimes... Suzuno thought he got along well with some people
but he was just like lol, what you say something funny?! oh well they work at a restaurant
and Yoichi leads her to the alley and suddenly goes what do you mean by adult matter?
Suzuno is like what?! but she doesn't remember anything saying anything remotely close.
Well... apparently there have been rumors that they're love birds. NANI LE FUCK.π
Oh well this is a mistake right? RIGHT?! its ok Yoichi is a sensible person and understands this much.
Some youkai popped up so they had to deal with it... after the topic from before came up and well
its not like he wouldn't mind he just overheard some stuff. Women are just being women....
Yoichi tries to make a deal to go along with this bullshit just to get them off his ass.π
Suzuno just agrees with it... and i'm like lmao okay this'll be gud.
They end up having to sweep the alley, Yoichi notices someone looking and well who wouldn't
want to watch two lovers being alone... Yoichi reassures her to just keep being herself
while he nibbles on her ear? Suzuno is like wha-wha-what?! already flustered from just this.
Yoichi says he really might fall for her at this rate, cuz she is cute. The crowd got a bit cheery...
In the store someone gave Suzuno a book that she should definitely read sometime.
Hmm yea that's really sus of you mister... then he mentions something about an illness
well when they report back to Mitsushige, he says they might be onto something here.
They continue training... and they end up in an awkward position! this route had so many cute moment
he says if he was human he'd definitely fall in love with her... so he wonders if she can
like him as a kiko but Suzuno is too embarrassed right now to answer that.π
Some girl at work called Satou starts doubting Suzuno and her relationship with Yoichi...
Satou can understand they get along but... the rest is questionable to her
and Satou actually likes Yoichi way before Suzuno came along.
So Satou wants to make sure if she's wrong about Suzuno she asks her to cut ties with him
even though Yoichi rejected Satou which was upsetting to her but even so she can't stand this
fake lovey-dovey stuff. Yoichi walks in and she wants Suzuno to think about it.
Nothing much has happened but Satou apologizes cuz its not really any of her business....
though for some reason some youkai shows up saying they're useless, thanks to
Yoichi's training Suzuno managed to defeat it... Satou noticed and is amazed.
Kinji has a lead for them in the entertainment district eventually they learn
a woman was rejected by a man, she wanted to elope but he couldn't, she despaired
It hided in some establishment so they has to sneak in... Yoichi pretended to be sick
so one of the servants would call for help, letting them move more freely.
They meet Shizuki... but she's a bit ill both physically and mentally, she reacted to a hairpin
Yoichi wears and knows its hers and gets really angry why he has it.
Well.. apparently Yoichi once knew this woman in the past before he became a katachibito she looks to
Suzuno and thinks its because of her, and just gets really angry when Yoichi tries to reason with her.
There's no way a person like him could be loved after all... she just curses at Suzuno
and loses it to the point they had to call it a day.
At some point they knew each other but then he was reborn as a kiko but he kept
some of his memories, he curses the fact Kiko's can never be fully like humans.
Suzuno tells him she will help him because he is a dear friend and she likes him
but Yoichi is like you like a heartless person like me? don't lie and doesn't believe her.
Yoichi wants to be alone and now she has to put up with Mitsushige... who figures something
happened but he's cheering her on regardless, why thank you mister. Yoichi went off on his own
and was fighting a huge youkai's when they catched up, its the same from before
the one who was rejected by a man they loved, then some spirit appeared
that used to be a god but he didn't expect someone like Suzuno to be alive
since she is descendant of the Hakuseki-clan and now he wants to kill her.
They manage to run away for now and when they get some time to talk
Yoichi's actually been thinking a lot what Suzuno said and just couldn't believe it at the time
but now he has no reason to doubt her anymore and can return her feelings somewhat.
Oh and apparently Komame was with him as well... turns out she's hungry so they'll head back
nevermind that youkai NOPE food and rest is more important. Yoichi has to explain himself
to Yabuta cuz he went off on his own, Yabuta is pissed but Suzuno tries to bargain with him.
Mitsushige explains who that god was... Hibie and it really wasn't an evil one they just
need to stop Shizuki though going alone won't be a good idea so they'll go in groups.
Suzuno couldn't sleep so she went to the garden and Yoichi had the same idea...
well he's glad Suzuno backed him up else he'd probably not be alive now.
Like as a friend oooooor something more than that? Yoichi's happy... she cares a lot about him
and is convinced he's not flustered or anything.πππ As a kiko he shouldn't be but now he is
but now they've officially become lovers... and uh what's next a kiss? want to try it out... hmm
but Suzuno ended up reacting in self-defense.πππππ The next day they figure out
Shizuki's brother was a katachibito after he died as a human at her hands. Its pretty obvious
that Yoichi is related to her because of their hair color, Shizuki received some power from Hibie
and separated, it was then she started to hate humans, if only this town wasn't here
and wasn't abandoned... so she blames it all on Edo as a whole. Hibie shows up because
Shizuki's hatred gives him strength, for some reason Hibie wants to destroy everything
it was a long battle but they managed to get through to Shizuki a little but for some reason
as Hibie disappears he says he hates Suzuno for reasons we do not understand.
Oh well atleast all's well that ends well?! Shizuki's hatred has disappeared
Yoichi knows that Shizuki loved him at some point, so he grants her wish of going in peace.
In the epilogue, they all go have some food at miharu's place, Komame has
found a new home on Yoichi's head as well. Mitsushige casually let it slip to Genjurou
that Yoichi and Suzuno are love birds.πππ Miharu is like WHAAAAAAAAAAAT
since when?! but is happy her friend got a boyfriend everything is on the house (again)
the two love birds are enjoying the food(and each other) while everyone is watching
gotta get used to this guys or so Miharu says. They still have to face Yoshimune
but he isn't a bad man and sets Yoichi free to do as he pleases, he's no longer an oniwaban.
He's even willing to let it slide about Yoichi's memories... thanks uncle Yoshimune!
he wonders about Shizuki though so uncle Yoshi tells him of what really happened
Shizuki did not kill her own brother, the brother died in an accident.
Oh well they're free to go as they please, Yoichi would like to travel around...
he'd given up on it when he was still duty bound but now its possible with Suzuno of course.
Genjurou made them some snacks... and everyone goes to see them off
even Yabuta who's annoyed as always. On their way out they meet some travelers
heading to edo, it used to not be safe but now is different. Yoichi bought her a hairpin
and they settle in an inn, he'd like to visit her hometown too one day.
There was more flash backs of Satou learning that Yoichi and Suzuno are doing well as lovebirds
and more of Shizuki, how she plotted revenge against that woman but hesitated
upon seeing her care for the baby that was recently born. Shizuki didn't enact her revenge...
but I suppose when Hibie came into the picture she went insane, slowly. She even accepted
someone elses feelings and Yoichi will definitely not let anything happen to Suzuno.
Shizuki's hatred is too strong and it overwhelms Suzuno, they're victorious and Yoichi
is no longer an oniwaban but just a freeloader. Suzuno is alright physically but... mentally
she's just not there and basically like a doll. Everyone came to visit too but its not the same
Suzuno can no longer do anything by herself. Yoichi knows its his fault and blames himself.
Miharu is upset when she hears the news cuz Suzuno is basically just an empty shell now.πππ
'''Hmmm... I thought Yoichi's route was enjoyable, it was more romance focused
but the plot picked up and wasn't too bad! it does hint at a bigger picture
and I think I understand things even better like what Katachibito/Kiko's are.
Though in the beginning Yoichi is kind of a dick.. but so was Kinji but not as much
though their routes do share the same writer so it all makes sense now.
Overall this route was pretty solid if you'd ask me... in terms of romance I won't complain at all
the sad end was pretty good too. The only bad parts the epilogue just wouldn't end
when I thought it would they still had to show us a flashback with Satou and the workplace
and more about Shizuki I guess this game really wants it to wrap up nicely and its good they did.
Also one last thing Suzuno is not a fighter but I did like how she trained and was able
to hold her own at one point, was kinda cool to see that. ''
Kuga Genjurou.
CV: Satou Takuya.
I really liked the bgm that played when he first made his appearance, when he broke up
a fight in edo and tried to calm down the situation. Business as usual for him...
Genjurou is like everything you'd want in a man, calm and collected but don't wanna piss off.
Back in the beginning when Suzuno was fascinated by Tempura, she said she wanted some
and Genjurou bought some for her to try, but she ends up hiding behind Yoichi
well atleast this ended more civilized than being force fed, lmao.
Oh well they solve the kamikiri case and... life goes on for a bit
though Genjurou wonders if she'll continue her work with them though
he does think its better if she'd go back to a more normal life but he can't do the same
since he's an oniwaban and not human, if his job is done he disappears and gets sealed away.
Gotta admit the first half of this route was pretty slow and boring so I didn't write much
but you might like it if you like slowburn stuff. Later when they're out some rando starts swinging
his sword at Genjurou saying Akaori Gengoemonkilled his family and doesn't want him to get away
with it... Genjurou doesn't remember wtf he is talking about so it must have been in the past.
He'd even kill Suzuno if she gets in the way. Genjurou has enough and overpowers the clown
for the moment saying he is mistaking him for someone else but he gets away. Oh well
I was enjoying the slowburn in this route till something started burning, Genjurou said this
so casually too and I was like you're joking?!but no it was real, thankfully it was put out quickly.
Nothing much was happening so this caught me by surprise... its not related to something is it?!
They keep investigating that clown from before, who just can't wait to face Genjurou
and he just doesn't understand he has the wrong person. >_>
Suzuno ends up looking for more clues with Yoichi since they were getting nowhere so they end up
meeting the folks from the kamikiri incident again, Otone says the people they're searching for
might've taken Mitsu who is missing, Otone really wants them to bring her back and solve this mess.
When they come back, Suzuno finds Genjurou who's training... he takes the way of the blade very
seriously and they definitely have to find Hanzo who they figure is behind the kidnappings.
They end up using a well thought out plan of sneaking Genjurou around
and Yoichi has to carry the carriage BOX with him and Suzuno in it.π
she will get out and be a decoy, Genjurou be like but he has seen you? what if something happens
so he says that it is too dangerous, meanwhile the other oniwaban are handling things... just when
those men try to have a look Suzuno grabs Genjurou's face and stuffs it into her bossom.πππ
wanted to make a comment on it was but he was like never mind. Kinji figures
something had happened but Genjurou says she just did what was expected of her.
In there they figure Hanzo has gathered all the katachibito's and it really is that clown from before
so they show themselves in. For some reason Kinji isn't holding back any punches...
Genjurou knocks out Hanzo when he was boasting about his pirate friends
so Genjurou tries to drill it into Hanzo that he is not the target of his revenge
even if he looks like him, he is a different person a tool used by the government
Then Hanzo utters the words Asama tadamine which was his father and he still
but he still wants Akaori Gengoemon to atone for his sins, Hanzo manages to overpower
Genjurou whom is like that's not me?! The guys manage to get the upperhand again
with a smoke bomb, then Hanzo goes on saying he'll find another body some power he gained
from a god which doesn't sound good and Hanzo he went to whatever lengths to get his revenge.
Hanzo has disappeared and we are back to square one or so to speak.
Genjurou starts to wonder about things and he wants Suzuno to help him out
he starts to believe that he really was Goemon in the past but she is nothing like him
though he is afraid that it is possible for him to become different and is uncertain
after all the talk genjurou would like to hug Suzuno even though he's not that good at it...
but he will try not to hurt her which was sweet. He's become a little more human has he not?
They have to find a way to defeat Hanzo, Mitsu who has been rescued reveals something
about a dream, how she was living there as a man, she had a brother too but they were a family.
She doesn't thing it has any meaning, the dreams she had when she was a kamikiri were much worse.
Though she did mention something about someone saying you smell nice and you'll make a good vessel. Suzuno reflects what she had learned and remembers Hanzo saying about having a god's power
so they come to the conclusion the answer to this all must lie within dreams.
Genjurou is still a little uncertain, and just wonders about things like if his memories weren't sealed
would he have handled it better? he even thinks that person is like family but he knows
he is not this Akahori Gengoemon(or however you spell it) well even if he was that person
he'd probably do the same things but he isn't and will settle things with Hanzo
though all this angst and wangst is getting to me and their stomach's.π
When Suzuno goes out, Genjurou gets all worried when he catches up cuz what if
she got hurt and she is like sorry!? are you mad? though he is still convinced
he has no heart cuz he is a kiko but Suzuno has a feeling she saw something in him.
At this point, Genjurou doesn't really want to lose her cuz she made him understand himself and all.
Hanzo shows up, he actually knew about the whole kiko thing... well as a ghost he can well you know!
They try to reason with him cuz Hanzo is doing exactly what was done to him... but it no use.
Hanzo ends up trying to take Genjurou as a host, cuz now that he has found himself
there is no better time. Genjurou tries his hardest to resist... he wants Suzuno to gather the others
so she does as he says and get help even though its so late.
The people of edo are restless, Genjurou has isolated himself somewhere...
the others have made a sort of doll to trap Hanzo in now they just need to find Genjurou.
They end up going back all the way to the mountain village Suzuno lived, this is kinda cursed...
they go to the shrine and Genjurou confirms Hanzo is still inside him.
During his journey here, Genjurou could look into Hanzo's mind... he suffered a lot
and the only thing he wants is Goemon/Genjurou's head on a silver platter.
Genjurou is well prepared to die here and put him and Hanzo to rest
as it over takes him, Hanzo confirms the Genjurou he knows is very different
so to better get his revenge he will try to kill his friends even though at this point he knows
Genjurou isn't Goemon, he just can't stand that part of Goemon lives on through him
just by seeing Genjurou he can't help it but wanting to kill him. Like he just doesn't like his face!
![]() | |
Yikes... |
Hanzo is having fun... and things ain't looking good, best boi Kinji has a plan
so he tells the boys to back him up and starts charging at him using advantage of the snow
eventually only Suzuno is left because Hanzo is just that strong. Suzuno tries to fight him off
in hopes of reaching him with the skills she learned from Yoichi but she's only annoying him.
For some reason Genjurou manages to come back, he cuuld hear everything the entire time
and thanks to her effort he is able to confess his feelings too.
makes himself useful in getting the trap doll and Genjurou deals the final blow
to seal away this annoying ghost. Everyone else is just barely alive
Genjurou is thankful cuz its all thanks to Suzuno having faith in him. All's well that ends well.
In the epilogue, they both get some good rest after all that BS though everyone came to visit...
and act like free loaders while they're here. Genjurou still thinks a lot about Hanzo
and the memories of the past misunderstanding the bond of family. But now he truly
understands himself all thanks to Suzuno the person he fell in love with and made him human.
Genjurou would like to become a family with her... and she has no reason to object really.
Genjurou swears to not make her sad with a kiss.
Sad end: Apparently they weren't careful discussing the trap-doll plan and Hanzo saw through it...
and he takes control of Genjurou AGAIN he then goes to stab Yoichi... Hanzo finds Suzuno
annoying so he thinks its better to make her suffer we get to hear here that Hanzo had
an accomplice but he has been busy lately but he had no choice but to rely on him for his goal
but in his stead he'll still go an destroy edo, which eventually fell to ruin here.
Genjurou can only watch as Hanzo kills people... Mitsushige shows up and tries to stop Hanzo.
Hanzo comes back to some shack with his corpse, Suzuno pleads him to stop but he gets bored
of her and ends up killing her too. Genjurou can't bear this and Hanzo finds his tears annoying.
''Uhm... well despite the slow start I think by the time of the ending the route was pretty okay.
I liked the story more than Kunitaka's route but Hanzo was such an annoying villain...
on that note atleast there was a villain and not some random blob of darkness. /s
The romance was cute so I didn't have much of a problem when all was said and done
the only thing I had a problem with was all the angst even at the end, he is still a little uncertain
but at the same time I think I started to find it a little endearing? ''
Takamura Tomonari.
CV: Kobayashi Yuusuke.
CV: Kobayashi Yuusuke.
The quiet and faithful one, AKA the poster boy and the first guy she met...
for some reason he found their meeting nostalgic... but why? he is very sweet with her.
Tomonari also has a pet hawk named Aoba.
Ugh he was so nice to Suzuno like almost sickeningly sweet and definitely gave off
some canon vibes, something within him just screams this person is important to me
but he doesn't really understand why he thinks this. Common route is same as Kunitaka
Suzuno continues working with the boys to patrol the Buke district or so i'd like it to go
but Suzuno and Miharu spend some quality time together while the boys be watching
barely even understanding wtf the girls are doing.π
Tomonari ended up catching her
as she stumbled in the river so they both got wet, what a sweety.πππ
![]() |
Goodness, gracious you sweet thing! you are safe now... |
i'm starting to get the idea she likes him and Kyoushiro is just like meh not getting the hint.
Basically Kyoushiro is a quiet person, you can never know what's on his mind
and Miharu has been trying a bit too hard to understand him..... she is now miserable.
When they get back, Kunitaka reports there has been a murder... kyoushiro asks
Suzuno to help them out since she can see the thread of calamity.
Just then the wife of one of the victims runs in, Tomonari can only confirm the bad news
the son of the man also wonders when he comes back home but his mom can only cry.
Suzuno wants to do something but Tomonari just tells her its better to rest, its too late in the day
and just by looking at her he himself doesn't know what he'll do. He tells her there's
no need to worry about him, cuz he doesn't fear dying. Seeing her like this makes him
say that it might be better for her to quit her job of working for the oniwaban. Tomonari can't help
but touch her gently and apologizes if it startled her... he wonders why he's feeling like that.
They will look into the murders but the hilarity between Miharu and Kyoushiro continues...
she just want to pat him but he is so dense and it just ends up like just get a room you two. >_>;
Tomonari is just like hey Suzuno let's take a walk... cuz they're intruding
which just leads to the two having a calm conversation before they continue investigating.
They look into Chie... they figure she knows something, her husband is acting strange
and wants to go to a river, so Tomonari and Suzuno follow him but when
the husband starts screaming in pain, someone got to him Chie tells them to get lost
and Suzuno blames herself for not doing more so Tomonari tells her to stop being hard on herself
cuz she is doing all she can, they track down the youkai and it has no eyes...
they defeat it but they're just confused as they try to figure it out, the mystery continues
Otarou was kinda sus tbh asking Kyoushiro to let him slack off, he even went along with it
then more youkai/monsters show up and Kyoushiro is left alone to deal with them
he covers Yoshimune and that is the end of that. Genjurou asks what Kinji and Otarou were doing
the former says he was doing what was expected of him but Otarou... was sleeping.πππ
Apparentky Kyoushiro was at Yoshimune's side since the beginning, knew everything
but he was different from other kiko's he was one of the first... Miharu is devastaded.
Tomonari wants Suzuno to be happy, and wants her to get away his thread colour is blue...
no matter what happens he'll make it come true. HE'S SO SWEET.
Suzuno decides to runaway... even in this situation Komame comes along as well.
Yabuta walks in on them making preparations, he sees through it and knows Tomonari has
regained his heart/soul... then tells them to get lost cuz he might be a hindrance now anyway.
The two of them leave right after that... not sure what good this would do but it was easy to tell
that Tomonari only cares about Suzuno's happiness and wants to get her away from danger.
They end up in some faraway village, some old lady shares a story of ten years ago
about a katachibito living nearby. Suzuko is interested but Tomonari is like that was so long ago
why bother besides they're not on the job anymore. She still goes to talk to the other villagers...
of course he finds out and it was about Suzuno's mother, something was bothering her about it
like her leaving her all alone but even so she thinks its better to return to Edo and get to the bottom of it.
Tomonari thought this was the right thing to do as long as Suzuno was alright
betraying the oniwaban didn't matter to him... but he was wrong. Even so Suzuno
still cares about him, she does like him after all and doesn't think ill of him.
he remembers what happened here in this forest and village. The katachibito that once lived here
was him Tomonari. He used to serve her mother and lived with her and Suzuno albeit briefly
of course Suzuno doesn't remember she was too young. As he recalls the past
Her mom Setsu took Suzuno away from that village leaving him alone, all cuz she
the hakuseki-clan was after her daughter, he follows them cuz they're his family
but he couldn't do anything at all and got killed then lost his memories when recycled.
They really have no choice to go back to edo and ask Yoshimune the truth..
so he asks her if she's prepared. At this point... she wants to know the truth as well together with him.
Half of Edo lies in ruin and youkai just like... roam around freely the other oniwaban have
been trying their best, Tomonari apologizes to Miharu for acting so rash
before they hurry on to meet the shogun. He gets to tell his story, Yoshimune and Kyoushiro
once visited the shrine Suzuno lived to investigate the hakuseki-clan.
The only one there was her father Munenori, the wife was Suzuno's mother the descendant
they did live together, they had a carefree life but the wife and daughter was targeted by
other members of the clan a while later he found the daughter unharmed alone in the forest
but she appeared to be lost like she had no soul. He wonder where his wife is cuz
there is no trace of her and the whole thing weirds him out. After he figures out its
the shogun he's talking to some weird guy named Hibina a god who dwells in the shrine.
Munenori asks the god about his wife... Hibina doesn't have much time so he will be brief
he's here to tell the hakuseki-clan has fallen to ruin and wiped out saying its all his doing
and tells them to stop Hibie who is a god like himself. He then granted Yoshimune
the power of the Kiko and well the rest is history. Of course Tomonari isn't getting away
with his previous insubordination and is forced to commit sepuku.
Suzuno can't bear this and tries to get Yoshimune to reconsider but no... it is problematic
if she'd die and Tomonari is all but ready to take responsibility.
Suzuno then grabs a sword and threatens Yoshimune to let her bae of the hook
then it becomes obvious the katana he handed them was a dud and basically trolled them
what meaning would there be to sepuku in a room like this?! he just wanted to test them.
The two of them are now free of sin, and can help out with their current predicament.
They get raunchy at night... but their rest gets interrupted cuz Tomonari got sick again...
he goes to talk with Yoishimune and its mostly just angsty about being uneasy then the place
begins to shake and well its probably Hibie before he goes Yoshimune gives him a charm
for the upcoming battle.TBH this part of fighting dragged on too long before Tomonari
decides to charge in. He gets help from his hawk Aoba and Suzuno in trying to
take on this rampaging god, for some reason giving him overwhelming power.
After it is over Tomonari got all sappy... and wants her all to himself.
Though he misses Kyoushiro patting him on the head after a good job... oh Kyoushiro!
he thinks its because of him that they were victorious. They then notice a bell
tied to Tomonari giving off a weird light and as he returns it to Yoshimune...
Kyoshirou appears from out of nowhere?! though he is like a newborn baby
and doesn't remember his previous ''life'' and asks Yoshimune to name him
which has already been decided, Kyoushiro the one and only.
Oh and Otarou admits he was mostly useless the entire time as well.. NICE.
In the epilogue everyone helps to rebuild Edo which is in quite a state... lmao.
Miharu has adopted Kyoushiro's... body and soul and their ways continue like before
but the others tease them for not being like a couple at all. Though it seems Kyoushiro
may or may not retained some memories but tried to hide it.π
Yoshimune reports
that they have found a way to seal Hibie as well. They're free to do whatever they want
even look for Suzuno's mother. Though for now... they'll just enjoy each other, UwU.
and Yoshimune is just going hmhmhm a bit too soon but expected. >_>;
The battle ends up being tougher but he'll not let everyones effort go to waste
and just decides to YOLO even if its at the cost of himself and he succeeds.
Miharu is still depressed over Kyoushiro... and can't stand looking at him anymore
cuz its not the one she knew. Suzuno consoles her. Tomonari is fading away and he doesn't
know how long he'll last but is glad Edo is peaceful again. Suzuno suggests that
he should forget about her but he wants to see it through to the end but starts to realize
his feelings for her and doesn't want her to forget him and move on in the future
so he makes the most of this moment which was kind of sad cuz it won't be enough.
Bad end: when they were still investigating the murders, Suzuno got separated from
Tomonari for a moment thinking about who her father was. A blob of black threads
appeared before her, there was a magatama inside and it took the form of something...
before it swallowed Suzuno whole, ripperoni.
Elope end: One day in the village and hear the shogun has passed away...
and Tomonari says its better to stay and live here even if Edo lies in ruin. Even if it hard
for Suzuno he'll be here with her... like who cares about anyone else as long as I have you?!
Within the year Edo has been wiped out.. everyone else lost faith in the bakufu
and they continue traveling around which ultimately solved nothing cuz Youkai run amok.
They traveled and traveled, even had to part from Komame due to age, due to his selfish
wish he even made her endure hard times but he believed he only existed to protect her.
Still Suzuno was happy... she didn't need a kid just being with him was enough
so he has no more regrets, and will never forget their journey.
There's a slightly different version of this end and it basically shows Tomonari forcing her to runaway with him, cue Suzuno crying in CG's and him being more horny well that first part left a bad taste
in my mouth but it just leads to a bad version of the sad end. In which Suzuno dies before she can do
anything, she only sees a sad person which we know fromYoichi's route as Hibie before she kicks
the bucket! my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is as ruined as the current state of edo.
''What can I say but classing poster boy curse?! and he was so likable too! this route is plagued
by having to take on one too many plot threads and making even more of a mess.
Once again I don't have a problem with the romance or Tomonari he's very likable, it is the plot
I have a problem with which wasn't that terrible it just... IDK it feels like it had to cut itself short
and save the rest for the last route to tie everything up. It started out with a murder mystery
then we're fucking under attack TM after that they decided to runaway only to get hints
of Suzuno's past forcing them to go back to Edo which is almost ruined which
just leads to them stopping a huge youkai which was Hibie out of control
the epilogue was nice atleast but its all too obvious there's still unanswered questions.
This route made it obvious they sometimes have no idea what they want this game to be, do they
want it to be funny? sad or serious? all three? well this route had plenty of endings that did just that.
This route also had more bad ends than the others and even though one of the ends ultimately
amounted to nothing I have to say that that the elope end was probably one of the better ends.
CV: Saitou Soma.
The lively one, uh yea... more like the slacking one definitely not a troublemaker but he's easy
to get along with he tries to get people to come together at the restaurant... so Kinji can do his job.
Oh well Suzuno decides to help out Otarou and Kinji in the entertainment district and
at first I wasn't that invested in either of these characters, Kinji in particular infuriated me
in the beginning but since this is Otarou's section i'll try not to rage too hard most of my notes
was from when I attempted to get to Otarou's route too early so you'll get the common route too.
They meet some couple? the woman Yuriko doesn't ever want to be apart from Tatsunosuke.
They end up playing a game of hanafuda with some guy, interesting?!
only to find out he was cheating.π
ππ Lesson learned
don't let your guard down... the place is filled with guys like that
oh well they're trying to look into finding a nekomata and Yabuta
the megane brat is really on their case and should take a chill pill.
Miharu ends up pointing out Otarou might be interested and Suzuno was like oh?
which made him all like n-no its not like that I swear? she just tells him to be honest.
so Otarou went to check up on her at night, what a sweety.
Just as Otarou says it'll be fine Kinji runs in saying he lost track of Yabuta
and we hear from Kyoushiro that he has gone off on his own
though he was a trusted member so they wonder why Yabuta had a change of heart.
Otarou has a bright idea... on how to handle the mess they're in and they end up capturing
the nekomata who is actually that woman from before Ruriko
then Yabuta shows up complaining how he didn't make it in time
plot thickens as he gets suspected of knowing her but just denies it
looks like they'll have to fight but why? Tatsunosuke who was with Yuriko
(yeah he's around) loses it but he still loves her even if she is a monster
they did defeat her but for some reason was able to come back
Suzuno doesn't understand it either but its something she did.
Yabuta got drunk when they celebrate for having completed their mission...
but even then he is still complaining, seems like Kinji also had a bit too much?
Otarou is the only responsible adult in the room.ππππ
but he got that last part wrong, he starts worrying over nothing but Suzu just laughs. Hmm ok?Apparently Yuriko's body has disappeared and now its time to figure out why... Tatsunosuke
has already heard the news so he came to check up and there wasn't much out of the ordinairy
they end up asking Okuni about what happened to Yuriko but she doesn't know much
other than she was a nekomata and being Tatsunosuke's lover oh well time to look elsewhere.
Later Otarou makes it obvious to everyone of why the Kiko's memories of the past get sealed
they cannot truly die, they get recycled so they can do their job again without attachment.
I mean what if you were living someone elses life? what'd ya think?!
They all give such plain answers and aren't bothered by it, Kinji berates Otarou
and asks if he is ready to take responsibility. Not that invested in Otarou romantically but he was
rather sweet and considerate to Suzuno, he actually wants to spend time with her more and more.
Otarou starts to think he might be in love with her... woah woah woah, not so fast romeo! so he
wonders what'd be like if he regained his heart/feelings. Suzuno would love to see it if it was possible.
Later they go look into a mirror and then see someone, they don't know who yet but it is Hibie...
for some reason Hibie is surprisingly calm and Otarou tries to get it out of him what he is doing
with the black threads. Hibie has been wandering the land to exact revenge on everyone.
Hibie knows about Yuriko... but he got away for some reason or other, Kinji's disappointed in us.
Suzuno is so carefree about Otarou liking her he starts to wonder if she's interested in him anyway
and just teases her for it. I'm like don't get ahead of yourself boy! They eventually
find Yuriko she was taken by someone who really scares her but someone's coming
and they have the brilliant plan to use Suzuno as bait while the guys and Yuriko get away......
Otarou promises to save her! turns out Ronin-kun was there too and they'll take good care of her.
Ronin-kun kind of boasts how they won't be able to easily find her now................
however since this guy is dumb and cuz Suzuno is only wearing her kimono as disguise
they just continue their plan and he goes to try spread lies about how Yuriko tried
to run away with Tatsunosuke and used their nekomata thief act to do it. BRUH.
The people are angry but Kyoushiro shows up... ronin-kun just summons more youkai
Hibie shows up during the mess and it seems him and Ronin-kun are working together.
Hibie starts to realize Suzuno can see the thread and is a hakuseki... but says its too late
cuz doomsday is coming. Just then Otarou sweeps Suzuno off her feet!π
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Suzuno is literally me most of the time with this guy... |
They report all that happened to Yoshimune, and when he hears of Hibie he tells us he has
been searching for him, once part of the hakuseki-clan and shares a connection to Hibina.
Yoshimune had almost given up cuz he lost track of him till now and Hibie
shouldn't be left to wander like that, granting wishes of people good or bad.
They were investigating Hibie and the hakuseki-clan but Otarou gets bored of it
and just wants to slack off... ah somethings just don't change do they?!
Can't believe he tried to bribe Suzuno for headpats... smh.
Then he starts asking all sorts of questions and out of nowhere engulves Suzuno with threads...
explains himself to us. Oh btw ronin-kun/Teichi is just a human who got a little power
to do as he pleases. So why not wipe out the oniwaban from the start? well they became friends
and just uses that as a shield to do as he pleases. He used the vessel of Otarou when it
was still incomplete so basically they were infiltrated.... when some youkai
monster shows up, Otarou gets like who do you think you're picking a fight with
and makes it disappear so basically this Youkai guy even though he isn't a god like Hibie
and can't interfer he is basically like an overlord to other youkai/demons of that black thread
he just hates pure creatures like katachibito and he can easily make Hibie even more powerful
hah so that is what happened in Tomonari's route eh. Basically if a human comes
into contact with the evil thread(s) they become more evil. No shit sherlock.
He was behind everything even Yuriko's behavior as nekomata thug.
The only reason he was being nice to Suzuno is because he wants her for himself
he then asks her to become his accomplice, to complete his plan he needs her...
Suzuno is like chotto a minute and then he starts to wonder if she resents him now
before saying nope never mind, she'd need to be vengeful anyway then starts
saying how the fall of the hakuseki-clan was the peoples fault anyway
there's no reason for to forgive them but Suzuno can't really comment on it.
Otarou let's her go for now and the others haven't really found anything...
Suzuno knows too much right now and trying to get any work done just get awkward
though for some reason Suzuno covers for Otarou and he can't help but say thanks.
Suzuno is too nice... and Otarou tries to make it clear he likes her but she sees
through it and there's no way he's genuinely has feelings for her.
Otarou basically forces himself on her when he thinks she's hurt...
the funny part is Suzuno just flat out rejected it and tells him to cut the crap.
she pleads him to stop but then he hits her. My dude you do this
and I lose all interest of romance with you. After Otarou leaves Suzuno
has a flashback of the past, a girl received a cute present from theire parents.
Youkai starts showing up really close and of course Otarou continues to play dumb
so Suzuno ends up working together with the others. They look into some people, later
Suzuno tries to talk to Miharu about it who reassures everything will turn out fine... sigh.
She tries to talk to Otarou about the past and it was him who had the white dog statue
though she can't answer him how she saw his past it was a random occurance.
Otarou continues being a dick and says it has nothing to do with it...
want him to take responsibility and kill him? uh yea that's extreme no thanks.
Otarou stops playing mr nice guy and is just an ass from this point.... Suzuno is upset
and starts to see more flashbacks. A kid prays they can remain friends forever... then Hibina
and Hibie show up like everyday Hibina says its because Hibie has taken a liking to her.
Hibie's power is to separate, to part so unfortunately he won't be fulfilling the wish...
Suzuno tries to talk to him again... but their talk gets interrupted by the other oniwaban
yea I guess he was acting so sus this time they just couldn't turn a blindeye.
Otarou figures it was a trap and stops half-assing it so he fights them off
Suzuno tries to stop them and Otarou is forced to flee with her. He calls her an idiot
for rushing into the fighting like that, she only wanted to safe him... he even wonders
if she still likes him but Suzuno's not so sure she can only be kind and Otarou doesn't understand.
Suzuno gives him a peck on the cheek and he got all flustered... then she has another flashback.
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Suzuno is too good for this world, too pure... |
she doesn't know but is really interested in and wants to be connected to him.
She understands the risks and wants to protect this person from strange incidents occuring.
Hibie pressured Hibina into helping her with her wish. This girl is basically a distant
descendant of Suzuno who gave herself up to become a deity. The others catch up
to them at this point and Otarou is forced to flee wondering what this vision was....
Tomonari ends up talking to Suzuno and he figures she liikes Otarou, that obvious huh?
Well idk why she likes this jerk but for some reason she does. Though he makes her
understand Otarou is not a normal person who caused a lot of suffering.
So he asks her again if she is prepared to face his sins... and well she goes to meet Otarou again.
They get another flashback of when Suzuno lived with her parents and Tomonari
one day she went missing. The clan leader held her hostage to get Setsu to come.
Apparently Hibina had a change of mind of helping her that day and is now making amends
Setsu is willing to pay the price but only if they leave her daughter aka Suzuno out of it
they will have Setsu come back to live with the clan but she is bold enough to
say to look for someone else to do their bidding cuz there is no reason to continue their duties
of calming the Yoika as peace had long returned. Setsu grabs Suzuno and says they're leaving
but the clan leader is furious. Hibie has enough of it and tries to stop his men from hurting Setsu.
Setsu still got hurt trying to protect Suzuno... who's right infront of her. Hibie can't handle
what he sees and his powers go out of control. Hibie starts to hate everyone and everything
if Setsu was there it'd be fine but now... he just sees no point in it and won't forgive humans.
Hibina tries to calm him down... but he still ended up killing most of the hakuseki-clan
and started to wander the land with contempt. Hibina is at wits end but sees hope.
Otarou was born in Hibie's wake... though Munenori was important to Setsu he left him be
but he just couldn't stand what they did to Setsu, he blamed Tomonari and killed him
when he came looking for Setsu and Suzuno cuz he should have been at her side protecting her.
Having remembered mostly everything Otarou hopes Suzuno will understand his plight.
Otarou now has Suzuno make a choice... she understands but she just can't help him
and then Otarou just gets mad when she tried to reason with him.
Otarou couldn't even be born a katachibito or a normal person yet was born as a monster...
so he blames it all on the humans. He had such high hopes for her the daughter of Setsu
yet forgotten everything and even trying to figure out the past all while laughing. Suzuno has
to make it clear she hasn't given up on him and that he is just like the humans he so resents.
Hibie shows up saying stuff like don't abandon me, we're in this together afterall.
Hibie says Otarou was just using him afterall and then he threw it all away
at the first chance of happiness and then Hibie tried to attack Suzuno
Otarou saved her but then disappeared. Then Hibie loses control and regains his freedom...
the others show up just in time... to try and stop that uh blob of threads
but they end up retreating for a minute to come up with a plan.
Back there Suzuno finds a dog statue similar to what her mom received in the past
but why is it here?! destroying it is not an option as it is Otarou's life line
though if they destroy it Hibie might lose his power. Since he is a god however
he might find another source so their has to be a better way. Oh also Tomonari
has remembered everything as well and he's surprisingly calm about it
for some reason he doesn't even blame Otarou. After all is over
he'd like to make graves for everyone, YOU SWEET BOY.
Suzuno has a dream and meets Otarou in it... who's like hold up!
though he does say he wants to live a normal life as a family like Tomonari did in the past.
He also says Suzuno is more like a dog who just blindly loves whoever cares for them
but tells her not to hesitate destroying the dog statue if it becomes obvious
more people die because of him, he doesn't want to sin anymore
and tells them their location, the land of beginnings. Though hibie has ravaged
quite a few villages around there, anyhow they go to the shrine.
Hibina greets them, they don't have much time and wants their help
cuz he can no longer contain Hibie here within the barrier.
They all work together but want Suzuno to conserve her strength...
though it didn't go well, Otarou gives her a final push albeit in spirit
and shares her power with him, so they make a pact.
Otarou won't disappear but he'll be with her as one. UwU
The reason for her change of hair colour is because the hakuseki clan
is to keep the balance in check of the yoika, a light to the darkness.
It isn't something to use lightly but as it stands they now stand a chance against Hibie.
Hibie returns to his senses and Hibina has to spell it out that he became a yoika
though Hibie seems to be self aware he has caused so much suffereing as well.
He mistakes Suzuno for Setsu because of her hair colour... and says a part of her is alive after all!
Ah all's well that ends well? Hibie says he won't go back to being a god because of what he did...
and sacrifices himself to give succor to the land troubled by yoika so they won't trouble anyone again.
Hibina agrees this might be the best solution and will continue to watch over everyone in his place.
Hibie also apologizes to Otarou, because it was his fault he was born the way he was...
so he'll use his power to turn him into a katachibito like he should have been from the start.
Hibie is still glad Otarou was at his side all this time... and then leaves cheering Otarou on.
Suzuno can say she wants to spend more time with Otarou... she does like him after all
and for him its time to atone for all he did and what better way to do it with someone that cares?
In the epilogue, the snow has melted at the shrine and they offer a prayer before they all
decide to return to edo. Suzuno and the boys still have a lot to think about since some
the oniwaban have remembered most of their past, Yoichi even let's it slip he remembered
most of his past all this time and nobody knew. They finally find Otarou in the entertainment
district who is being worked to death by Teichi. He is more than happy to see Suzuno after
all this time, Teichi gets all excited seeing her but Otarou tells him to back off cuz that's my woman!π
Otarou got all flustered when they were alone, but they go head out to eat some food.
There was another TL;DR flashback explaining some shit about the state of edo
and Otarou taking responsibilities for his sins infront of Yoshimune but this is long enough.
Otarou decides to dedicate his life to the oniwaban and live in edo... with the woman he loves
and Suzuno made him flustered again by surprising him with a kiss right after he kissed her.π
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UwU |
who arrive in the middle of Otarou plotting to kill them. Hibie shows up responding
to Suzuno having a similar presence to Setsu. Suzuno starts regretting doing this
and Otarou gives her one more chance to change her mind, Tomonari tried to plead
Suzuno to reconsider cuz whatever Otarou's told her is wrong and his feelings are twisted.
Tomonari ends up Yolo'ing it and injured Otarou yet at the cost of himself
then Otarou says it is enough and recognizes his feelings weren't fully genuine
but for some reason was still happy to have spend time with her.
From the start he decided to support the one thing Setsu left behind her daughter
and give humanity a second chance but since she lost her memories he became twisted
and yet he becomes so flustered with her... he decided to use it to his advantage
but somewhere along the way his feelings confused him. Edo lies in ruin
and Otarou pushed her away, Suzuno wondered where he went.
Everyone blames Suzuno and she only wants to see him... people try to kill her as well
so she runs away from it all, some old guy points she is wearing some scarf/hagoromo
she kills the old man in self defense and when she ran off recalls Tomonari's words.
''It's all gone to shit the end...''
''I really thought the story in the route was solid its the only one that had me fully hooked!
not to say the others are bad or anything like I still think Kinji was great as well, and even though Otarou as a love interest leaves a lot to be desired but at the end I can't fully blame him
cuz he was a victim of circumstance. This route was really good at finishing off the game with!
Though I can see there is some problem with Otarou's character, this is a route
that relies heavily on the I can fix him trope... but even so this is fiction and fiction can have
a happy ending, I think this was written much better than some other game
from otomate where they expect you to just pity them arseholes.
This reminds me of Satsuki from harutoki7 whom I didn't like much as a love interest
but the plot in his route was so good I didn't mind... a route can be good even if you don't like
the guy that is why you're free to choose another route in a game like this.
I do think his sad end is imperative to truly understanding Otarou... his POV really helped
never mind the ending itself but eh that's why there's a good ending afterall.
Kinji's route makes me really think about Otarou's actions cuz... I think after everything
that happened taking the L and truly sees Suzuno as a friend but does he just
give up in all other routes as well? probably.Otarou really is the I can be ur angle or devil type of guy... lmao.''
Fav route: (in terms of plot)
Otarou > Kinji > Yoichi >Tomonari / Genjurou > Kunitaka.
I think I enjoyed Yoichi's route the most but that might've been cuz it
was so romance oriented?! the plot wasn't too bad either... followed by Kinji
this guy grew on me a lot and the plot in his route was interesting.
Genjurou's route was okay at best and the plot was above Kunitaka but romance wise and me
liking their character both routes are about the same. For Tomonari his route was a hot mess
of trying to take on too much and not even being able to explain it all atleast romance
was satisfying oddly enough I liked the elope end more than the romance one.π
Otarou probably had the best route in terms of plot, though the romance was hard for me
cuz he was a bit of a jerk, at the end of the day I just give this guy a pass.
Fav character:
Tomonari > Kinji > Yoichi > Komame > Genjurou / Kunitaka > Suzuno > Miharu > Mitsushige / Kyoushiro > Otarou > Yabuta > Yoshimune >Teiichi/Ronin-kun > Hibina > Hibie > Hanzo.
Tomonari might be my fav cuz he is so sweet, supportive and likable but Kinji's best boy!
I was reeee'ing about him at first but look at me now i'm absolutely trash for him followed by Yoichi.
Final thoughts?
sometimes it was funny but yea there were some problems in trying to balance it all?
its a bit of a slow burn and the pacing could leave to be desired.
All the guys were likable imo and there were so many memorable moment too
the cg's are so varied and like said in non spoiler they do happen when you want them to.
There are hints scattered throughout all routes but you won't really notice them all
till you do the final route as that's when it comes together... problem here is a lot of
the routes on their own are just self-contained and some don't even touch the real plot
and/or villain at all which is an all too common problem in these type of games
which is were the route of Otarou comes in, to finish it up. In all honesty I didn't expect it
to be Otarou at all... and that is why I am a little disappointed about Tomonari's route
but the last route wrapped everything up so nicely and the story had me hooked
that I can forgive the other routes not living up to it at all cuz it wouldn't have worked
and now I understand why they tried to minimize the spoilers of this game
because saying too much of the last route will ultimately ruin the surprises.
Overall I still think it was a good otome game... but it might not be for everyone
due to it trying to juggle comedy, cute romance with a sad yet serious plot
that you really need to do all the routes for to get to the bottom of it.
Considering the production values and volume I do think the price might be right...
but its probably a better idea to keep expectations low and enjoy the ride
also there are special omake CG's you unlock and they're like icing on the cake
even if Kimiyuki never gets another game/FD I am satisfied.
Next otome game I get will probably be Shuuen no Virche not that there's a lot of choice
other than the new alice no kuni or hamefura game but it does look very interesting to say the least.
Thank you for the reivew, it was an enjoyable read and I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed it for the most part. Overall I thought this was a solid/ good game too! Good enough for the Amazon rating to make me sad. =')
ReplyDeleteNice to see you're still enjoying otome games! even if you still find problems with them like pacing you seem to enjoy what you can and voice that opinion. Just wanted to say that I really like that from your reviews instead of being too negative.