Genre: Otome/VN.
Developer/publisher: Otomate.
Platform: Switch.
Official Site:
Developer/publisher: Otomate.
Platform: Switch.
Official Site:
Release date: 12/11/20.
Sequel to the original game, though this one seems more honest about also being a -sequel-
unfortunately its lighthearted and is still as suspenseful as the first game.
At first I did think that this would be a FD but as time went on and info was revealed
it looked more and more like a sequel. FD's hardly introduce that many new characters.
- Unique, character focused routes.
- Suspense and Unpredictability.
- Art and bgm are as good as its ever been.
- Cg's while memorable are far and between.
- Landmine bad ends.
- Most of the new sub characters are garbage.
- Some routes don't solve anything, inconsistent antagonists.
Meanwhile system is also back atleast this time auto mode will stop
and its harder to miss the meanwhile scenes which iirc wasn't a thing on vita.
They try to have these flashback aria's to help us remember scenes from the first game
with the guy's POV which is nice but this works the same as meanwhile so sometimes
i'd get annoyed because i'd just gotten into the scene and it would want me to
review the past or see a scene elsewhere, I honestly prefer just the meanwhiles.
Oh apparently the switch port of the first game actually had some new cg's? nice.
Episode Burlone, stories that takes place after the characters route in the first game
though its not a simple after story... the enjoyment you get here might vary.
For play order here, I'm going to recommend Donte for later as he has
the most spoilers and Gilbert is the most original and imo fun route out of all
but other than that you can do Gil's route whenever you want.
Yang,Orlok and Nicola are mostly self-contained so the order of play doesn't really matter
for them doesn't matter that much either! Just Donte later or midway if you don't want
a certain side character's story spoiled right away.
Like the name suggest this is an alternative story set after the true end
of the previous game! it featuring 8 short stories which were mostly lighthearted
as Lily interacts with various characters (mostly side) within the year of 1926.
Most of the episodes are refreshing and perhaps a nice palate cleanser after one of the routes
but unfortunately for me I did them all after doing said routes which might be a blessing
in disguise because they all do seem to hint at more and after completing said 8 stories
you unlock a full route where you can get an alternative end with the main guysas such it doesn't matter when you do either the mini route or Henri because
the story told here is completely separate from the after stories.
In all honesty the whole tone of this scenario was much more enjoyable than the after stories
itself, I do have to add that it had some weird vinyl earporn, otomate please...........π
Not much else to say but just to do your fav guy in alternativa first because
it is copy pasta scenario and annoying to collect all ends.
Story for the after stories was interesting enough hard to figure out what was going on or why this
was happening but got explained as it went on, the length is that of a normal game so about 6-8 hours?
Each route was unique and dealt with various issues not addressed in the prequel
they brought in some new characters as well that're tied to the stories. Kind of hard to recommend this game unless you want more of the same, because
you're getting just that while it fleshes out the characters and relationship.
They did a good job with Yang even though I still don't like him all that much he's just ok to me now.
What romance is there is nice but it still retains a serious atmosphere.
The writing was exceptionally good and its still as unpredictable as ever the first game
also had that kind of suspense and if not use a guide you'll better brace yourself.
As there are landmines and one wrong choice could lead to an abrupt bad end just like the first game.
The chapter titles are also still in a different language! I always thought that was neat.
Yang's chinese, Donte in spanish, Orlok be German , Nicola's italia, oh and Henri in french.
The routes varied greatly in terms of enjoyment, I absolutely loved Gilberts
and liked Donte and Yang but Nicola was a disappointment but great as a refresher if you
had forgotten some of the stuff from the first game as for Orlok... sigh
that was just depressing to sit through and didn't really solve much if anything.
Donte's or Gil's route were probably the only well rounded routes in the whole game.π
I mean that in terms of how it balanced plot/romance which is honestly kind of sad
nice that they all came in different flavors but the only one I truly enjoyed was Gil.I also did like Henri maybe because it had no Theo! though disappointed
otomate didn't give him an ending but I guess that fad is over now.π
including things getting fleshed out I could recommend this game and if the after stories
are too much then you can settle for alternativa? because the tone is drastically different.
Piofiore has never been an otome game that's for everyone in fact its themes
are not otome at all! I can praise it for not sugar coating what a mafia does
and I like that but i'm kind of disappointed for a reason I cannot explain without spoiling
but its related to the character Theo whom in Donte's after actually made me really angry and upset.
Its really funny how the main cast in the previous game could all do something
that could make you hate them but here its mostly the sub characters that are disgusting
especially Theo, idk I could make a rage post about him, lmao.
Also after I finished the after stories I got to alternativa which was fun at first
but then it unlocked a route and I was like there is MORE?! at that point I couldn't help
but feel slightly burnt because I was looking forward to Henri, though it was nothing
a small break couldn't cure! the tone of alternativa also helped.π
Other than that this game was more than worth the price though! as there's plenty of content
its just that for some characters the afters might leave to be desired.
I tried to do the bad ends as I went through including the tragic end first but it was too much
and just went for the happy end which might have saved what was left of this game for me.
I know at the end of the day its just a game... and you can easily avoid the more gruesome ends
by using a guide but not everyone can stomach contents in which people die all the time
and there were too many bad ends were that happened especially in Henri's
I mean what was up with that?! in the whole game I think there's almost 20 of those.πππ
That aside I think the piofiore sequel is decent but yea it ain't for everyone.
I might not like everything but this was a pretty good sequel...
This is the end of the no spoiler section more ramblings/spoilers after the jump.
My play order: Yang > Nicola > Donte > Orlok > Gilbert > Alternativa/Henri.
CV: Okamoto Nobuhiko.
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If only the whole route was as peaceful as this... |
He's was an ass in the last game and the bad ends pretty much ruined him for me
though he was quite alright in the best end... with that in mind I did his route first.
Lily is enjoying her new life with Yang... getting along well with Ran and Fei
they don't buttheads with the other mafia that much either. SEEMS GOOD.
Too bad some jackass Yuan is planning to ruin all that.π©π©π©
Yuan is Yang's big boss of the Luifan branch and has come to burlone from chinaland to see
what's up only to find that Yang is being a selfish brat infatuated with a woman.
In the beginning Yang is still more of the same, as indifferent as ever and still enjoys toying with Lily...
don't worry though Yang was quite tame but knowing him you never know
and he made it obvious to know her place. Yang still goes off on mafia business and comes back
looking like he murdered someone.π Then glomps Lily ah some things never change.
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*Awkward kissing noises* |
Rui was also a bit of a dick and laughs at Lily's pacifist behavior. There was a bad end were Lily
got stabbed by Yuan beause she showed him too much attitude. That aside Yuan finds out
that messing with her pisses off Yang so Yuan be like ok church girl bad~
Soo Lily went to see her friend elena and Sofia at the church and
on the way back they gets attacked by orlok who doesn't say anything, fei and ran fight him off.
Lily sees a chance to run but if she does she gets stabbed by someone and thats a bad end
so let's not do that shall we? Orlok runs off apologizing when he sees they got backup.....
Ran and Fei treat her wounds but here I am still wtf was that all about my dude?! She tries to explain
it all to Yang who was quite calm and we get a Meanwhile scene with Orlok being a
confused puppy and struggling with his feelings of having to kill them. Orlok found Josef
and gets lectured by some guy how good old josef is using kids like orlok as tools
then tells him to kill Lily because the chinese mafia are unpredictable or whatever.
Orlok doesn't want to so Josef gets stabbed... and basically got himself blackmailed. (NOooo)
So Yuan pays Yang another visit and in the bad end stabs Lily because with her around
he can't get Yang to do as he pleases. Ok.... Lily has to step aside for awhile we find out
Yang had to live this life from a very young age because Yuan found him when he was a kid
and gave him a name, Yuan is someone he can't just disobey. Things get a bit too nonbiri but not
before long Orlok finds them, Lily even managed to throw him off guard thanks to Fei's lessons.π
Rui moans and whines but there's time to run away afterall, Lily goes to chill at the church
but Yang comes to get her back because its boring without her. The CG there was pretty nice
actually reminded me this was still an otome game and of course Yang's gentle side.
Meanwhile Orlok receives a letter from 'someone' and will be told more when he calms down. :/
Yuan ends up stabbing Rui infront of Lily but he'll let her live for now even telling her how Yang
isn't human but a beast he raised since he was a child, Lily thinks otherwise but whatever.
They captured some mook who tried to attack Lily but Yang sends her away
while he slaughters him. Don't worry Yang has fun with Lily too >_>
In the tragic end: Lily is kidnapped by Johann, Yuan attacked Rui and Fei, who got hurt badly.
Orlok is fed up with this shit and tries to axe Yuan, Yang watches
and waits for an opening to present itself.... and slides into their scuffle.
Yuan comments how human he's become so Yang's like bitch please I am human
Yuan is tired so he is like adios bitches, Orlok runs back to his 'friend' Johann
who works for Theo who is using Johann to use poor Orlok.
Doesn't take Yang long to find his waifu, who doesn't understand anything about this.
Yuan showes up too and tries to kill Lily at some point but Yang shields her
and Yuan just keeps hitting him.π In the epilogue Rui swears to one day kill him
but ends up getting killed by Yuan instead sigh...
he waits before he tells Rui to fuck off because Yuan is his prey though Yuan just calls it a day
giving Yang time to lecture Rui to hold on to his hatred, Yuan killed Rui's parents
so Yang took him in. Lily goes to talk to Rui who is tending to Yang's wounds, he was injured
but is getting through it. Meanwhile Orlok tries to get Gil's men to help him.
When Yang gets better, Lily just up and kisses him... like he did when they first met.
and is like so you'll finally be mine eh? not like this but yes...
Either way Yang is like I hate poison because all you do is wait so he wants a more
direct approach to take out his enemies those being Orlok and Yuan.
Emilio came to visit poor old Josef, who is caught up in a plot by Theo and Johann to have
Lily killed so they have control of the next key maiden again, Josef is like I don't get it anymore
is it really right? Emilio wants him to flee but Josef tells him to go alone because
he believes his son can get the job done. Yang eventually faces Orlok who just wants to finish
his mission of killing them both but alas he fought bravely.
When Orlok is injured he says he had to do it... for his dad.πππ
Emilio also tried to talk to Yang whom told him to fuck off because Lily is his, later the two go to
settle things and kill time at the casino before going to the church, was about to say it
was romantic then he said that if anyone will kill her it'll be him. What a mood killer.
Oh well they run into Yuan who will surely kill her if Yang dies. Yang tells him there should
be no reason for him to do this but apparantly he doesn't like him being with a woman
and that he's a tool for him to use. They fight because Yang isn't the same as he once was
its all because of this woman! reeeee if she wasn't here you'd still be my puppet.
Yang ends up killing him when he lowered his guard for a moment thanks to Lily
but she got injured in the process. In the epilogue Yang decided to move out
leaving their old base in the hands of Rui, Ran and Fei. Because our couple
decided to go elope to london... who has recovered from her injuries
but he'll wait till she has fully recovered, she'd better prepare...π³
Well Yang's route was better than I expected... they fleshed out his character very well and
I understand him better now yes he's a dick but then there's Yuan who's even more than a dick.
You gotta wonder why Yang was the way he was when Yuan was basically his adopted father who molded him into a monster, I guess i'm a yang apologist now! maybe getting
the tragic end first helped with this. All of the bad ends were lame though
just Lily getting stabbed by Yuan. Maybe that's a good thing because the bad ends in the
previous game just made me dislike Yang more. Funny how a little bit of further exploring a character
can make you like him more, I won't excuse his past actions but Yang has indeed changed.
I still don't understand why Yang's so great but i'm glad he improved from last game...
wish there was an end for Rui though but I don't think Yang would like that unless he died.π
There wasn't enough in the original game that could make me understand/like Yang more
so back then I gave up quickly on that, glad I did give him a chance here.
Also can we talk about Orlok? hello?! what did my cutiepie do to deserve
to be blackmailed and killed?! jesus christ. Other than that this route was alright!
Also seems like I still missed some bad ends... well since there's no trophy or necessary for fullcomp
I cannot be arsed because it was probably nothing important and just Lily dying yet again.
Romance ★★★★☆
Plot ★★★☆☆
Overall ★★★☆☆
CV: Kimura Ryohei.probably because he was a backstabber double agent who lives and breathes Donte.
actually I'm drawing a big bad blank regarding him so I reread my old ramblings and boi...
even though I didn't like him I still tried to be an apologist for some of his actions.π
It starts with him having a bad dream, about regret and responsibilities till Lily wakes him up
and wonders why she's dressed already then wonders if she'll be his wife.
no thankfully this is from the best end, as Donte's alive and kicking.
Lily brings the news to her friends that she's now engaged to Nicola
while mr underboss continues his business, all's well that ends well---
Hahaha~ who am I kidding this is burlone after all.
Ok so apparently in this route Dirretore is still bitching around though Gilbert
and the others are keeping him in check but then there's this Teo AKA the guy
who blackmailed Orlok last route, Lily doesn't know of him or
the BS behind the key maiden and here he comes waltzing in with his worries.
Lily starts to wonder so she asks Nicola and Donte but they'll try to tell her there's
nothing to worry about the complicated stuff and that they will protect her
and there's trouble brewing... Theo's taunting Nicola and Dirretore is involved too.
Theo tries to get Lily to come with him as she goes back to her old room in the church
Nicola comes to check on her who thinks its best she'd return with him because she could
be targeted since she's the lover of the underboss, so she returns to the mansion with him.
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Literally Lily trying to figure out anything. |
Oh well Lily ends up wanting to stay with him before going to sleep
and ends up fixing his tie while he basically kabedon's her. OOF~π³
Its best to save before this choice because if you want the best end,the choice that leads to it
gives no affection and you might need it so for enjoyment choose it, watch and then reload.
to Robert de Feo. Oh and apparently Josef was killed by someone so Orlok was a bit on edge.
Unfortunately, Donte ends up being arrested which was all the news lately
they interrogated they even beat him up a little. Nicola is trying to work things out
Dirretore is being bad at trying to be on their side too. Teo pays them a visit
saying how he pities Donte. Nicola becomes Lily's bodyguard holding hands and all~.
All's well and good till suddenly Gilbert's estate is on fire, gil's upset because people
he cared about got hurt Nicola let's him stay at his place for now.
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It'll be daijoubu signorina sums up this route pretty well. |
Nicola is trying so hard to keep things together, making me wonder if he is alright...
On top of that Orlok is still confused and doesn't know what to do even if they find
the ones responsible he's just such a lost puppy right now, Nicola is nice to him
and relies on him to help him out behind the scenes.
Lily one day asks him about his past, Nicola didn't even call for help
just stood their watching his own mother die as if he'd done it himself.
She wasn't always nice and expected great things of him all this haunted him.
Silvio a childhood friend and his mom are no longer alive but Lily doesn't blame him
nor should he himself, somethings just happen the way they do.
Later Nicola gets a phone call from Theo telling to come to the church
and have a talk about things like the keymaiden doesn't get far though... -_-
Either way Nicola tells Lily not to worry about anything that is happening, it'll be okay.
Gilbert notices what's up and tells him to stop hiding the truth and treating her like a kid.
Nicola tells Lily who is also quite done right now to give him a little more time...
next day Donte comes back home as he's been released from prison who immediately gets
into a fight with Nicola about the future of the town, uncle gil tries to calm things down
everything is a mess and there is no time to relax! A day later Donte suggest a trip to the church
because its been awhile since Lily has been there. There just as Donte tries to apologize
to Nicola for their heated argument the other day but Theo interrupts them.
Who had been waiting for Nicola to start talking but he didn't so now Theo is so done
and starts telling them of their duty how they were supposed to do.
Theo is just doing gods work,well its just a bunch of crap about the keymaiden
being supposed to taken care of by the falzones, Lily has some power that needs to be sealed.
Theo leaves to give them some time, Nicola apparently knew everything already.π
In the tragic end: Lily runs out in the rain and runs into Elena, she didn't return
to the mansion till the next day. Nicola does love her and that's all that matters to him
she likes him too but everything is too much right now? what's this about fate?
never mind this meanwhile scene about a couple exchanging vows of love
and then being murdered in an alley.π± Nicola wants to free the falzones of their duty,
they're his family afterallnot knowing what'll happen Nicola still wants to marry Lily.
Theo got stabbed in the back by some guy who immediately after regrets doing it in broad daylight.π
Okay so since Lily is now gonna get married Elena and her friends are overjoyed, wait what?!
didn't this happen in the beginning too? or was that for just being engaged.
At night Nicola thinks its a good idea to have a mock wedding at the church......
without all the fancy stuff but with vows and kiss.
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I half expected that guy to walk in and stab them both in this scene... |
when they get attacked by Yang who sneaked from whatever bush he was under.
Orlok is injured from the attack but managed to get back to Nicola and co
to tell them who attacked them, everyone thought Yang was dead but alas
and now it makes sense who attacked the visconti place as well.
Emilio dying would be problematic...Gilbert tracked down Yang
but they end up fighting each other instead since since that's how they roll.π©
Gilbert ends up dead, Nicola thought it was a good idea to let Lily tag along
to the scene of the crime but something was off. Orlok ends up joining
the falzone's and protecting Lily because he doesn't have anywhere else to go anyway.
Live goes one, everything seems well till someone just waltzes in one late afternoon
and starts stabbing people. Its Johann, he's hear for Lily not even old man Bertro could stop him.
Johann threatens her to stay still, when she asks why he'sdoing this itsbecause its his job
he has a job to take out the falzone familia but since Nicola and Donte are out he's holding her hostage
it was also Johan who killed Gilbert during his fight with Yang.
Now that I think about it it was probably also Johann who killed that couple and Theo....
Nicola, Donte and Orlok show up one by one to take out Johann but then uses Lily as a shield.
Nicola was about to give in but Lily thought it was a good moment to be brave
which did give an opening but also enough time for Johann to stab her.
Lily dies in his arms and Nicola despairs... even Orlok was like why???
In the epilogue he can't wait to see her again but he doesn't want her to be mad.
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I sorta felt like this too... I mean Lily why, if she had waited 5 secs Orlok would've ninja'd Johann. |
In the good end: We find out through meanwhiles that were skipped while we got
the above ending he uses some woman and a kid to get information. Are you okay Nicola?
this isn't really mentioned elsewhere but big yikes.
Not much else is different till Theo walks in on them in the church, this time Nicola chases
after her in the rain and begs Lily to hear him out, my what an improvement.
He just needed more time, because her fate might not be tied to him or something like that
he didn't fully believe all the crap about the key maiden so he wanted to sort it out.
He was basically just afraid that she couldn't be his. Lily of course likes him as is
of course regardless of fairytales or fate he likes her, he was just afraid of how Theo would say it
that it could tear the two of them apart because they shouldn't be together.
They make out in the rain afterwards because no matter what they love each other.
The mood between them also improves, Nicola jokes about taking a shower together...
which just leads to him proposing for her to be his bride. Like he wanted in the beginning.
Theo gets kinda angry, he has a sister and she looks like Lily but he apologizes.........
Nicola ends up chasing shadows so he ends up leaving town for a bit
because he doesn't want anyone to hurt Lily or anyone else so he goes to get the truth
right out of emilio's mouth if its possible to do it differently than usual but the only ones destined
to do it are the falzones though its possible anyone could do it if they want to.
Lily is doing fine and looked after by Donte and Gilbert respects her choice
for loving a man who has killed and will continue to kill. Nicola visits Raul who is in jail
and finds out he works with Theo. When Nicola is out and about he gets stabbed by Yang
who crawled from whatever rock he fancied because he doesn't die when he was supposed to
but thankfully Orlok backs Nicola up because he's a cute lil bro and manages to make it
back home barely alive, after he wakes up he wonders who the angel next to him is, aww.
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this is just fate and nothing weird about it but he was happy. That aside Nicola delivers the news
that he'd attempt the sealing it might not succeed but trying is better than doing nothing.
Orlok says his one duty is to protect the key maiden and falzones history so there he is.
Nicola doesn't know what Theo is up to but only that its probably not good.
Yuan was also in town but we don't talk about him, sometime later Theo
sneaks into the mansion and stabs Donte but Orlok shows up before he could kill him
Leo ends up telling Nicola of this atrocity. Orlok asks Theo if he killed Josef and it was him indeed
and so Orlok finished him off, Theo looks at Lily cuz even if she's an idiot she'd be upset?
so Theo just accepts defeat and keels over. Yay for a happy end?! when they go
do the ceremony Yang sneaks around, he also apparently killed Dirretore and
because the only fun person around these days is Nicola he is hunting him down and shows up
after Nicola sets the place on fire. Yang isn't interest in Lily or Emilio and just wants to fight.
Since Nicola is a murderer... it was only a matter of time before he killed Yang.
Emilio says from now on the falzone and the key maiden can live freely.
Nicola still has one thing he needs to tell Lily... so he takes her to the ruins one more time
Orlok ends up leaving burlone to go back to rome since his duties have ended , he's thankful
and wantsthem to becareful. After he leaves Nicola gets all sappy and asks her to marry him again.
This guy wants to get married to her so bad yet can't have an actual wedding end the closest
he gets is a mock wedding in the tragic end or engagement. Talk about getting shafted.
Basically this whole route: I wanna get married >BS happening > engaged > more BS >
making it semi-official cuz SOMEONE could crash their big fat gipsy wedding.
I didn't really like this route but it might've been fine as a refresher for the lore and such
it also felt like this was a almost a copy of Donte's route from the first game especially
the fight with Yang but the rest was a fairly new take on things.
Lily being kept in the dark and protected for her own good don't worry about it!
it'll be okay go to bed darling! UUUUUURGH. Can't blame Nicola for not wanting
to involve her in dirty business but it really irritated me how Lily was kept in the dark
about the things she should know. Atleast Nicola told Lily about his past that bothered him
no shit he murdered folks since he was a kid. Too bad him trying to hide the truth from her
just made it annoying to sit through like I was so done with Nicola's shit and most of the route
was a dumpster fire of him wanting to marry her but there being so much shit going on
he had to repeat himself like what 3 times?The tragic end was dumb and it fucked me up
so I went on a anime binge of 3... no 6 eps to recover from how stupid it was.
Also 90% of the problems in this route would be solved sooner if Nicola just told Lily what was up
we had to have uncle Gil tell Nicola to stop being a dick for him to reconsider his ways
also what is up with Orlok joining up and then not being around when shit happens??? argh.
Is it bad to say once you got the bit in the beginning of him wanting to marry her you could
probably skip the rest. Nicola got shafted so hard, I do like him to some extend
but this felt like a waste of time, just things we already know and them dealing with it
this could be a nice first route if you forgot about stuff in the first game other than that meh
you also get a tiny hint about Theo but that's it if you do this route too late it might be a drag.
Nicola didn't deserve this, I actually thought his end in the first game was decent enough
but then this game comes around and turns it into a shitstorm.πππ
Romance ★★☆☆☆
Plot ★☆☆☆☆
Overall ★☆☆☆☆
CV: Ishikawa Kaito.
but then someone starts shooting up the place because thats how things go when the mafia's involved.
But why? wasn't Donte they were after apparantly just some old man
our couple was just unlucky to be there. Never a dull day in Burlone eh?
Later Lily wants to do something to help Donte, one fine day she runs into Theo
who says she reminds him of his sister ahaha surely you jest?!
he also asks how life is at the familia, he thought it must be hard.
Things start to look kind of troublesome for the falzone familia. Lily also
runs into Henri who simple asks her how life is because he knows its been hard
yea how would he know if he claims he didn't know much about mafia business
before he waltzes off saying they'll meet again. Also that fucker Li ranked up in Lao Xu
because Donte killed Yang, he is now in this awkward position and has to deal with Yuan.
Raul... is also snooping around idk who he is but I don't trust him other than that its mostly peaceful
but you know when I say this its never for long... Donte being out did make her a bit lonely.
They be trying to figure out some deal with an american maffioso... Nicola's on Raul's ass
so Donte asks her if anything weird has happened lately while he was out. Haha actually!
Donte want to stay a little longer with her tonight... before he has to go off again.
Next day Lily meets with Sofia and Elena, some falzone mook gets stabbed in the back
Donte runs into henri but he didn't fully recognize him. Nicola deals with Raul....
Later that night Lily and Donte go out on a date they run into an old man and his
daughter bumps into Donte. Thankfully nothing else happened.... and they enjoyed their dinner.
Lily mentioned what Henri said back then which was actually important.
Donte meets with the dude from the other day who says he's from france, his name is Henri.
Not much else happens, Marco and Robert investigate things on their own....
but they figure its the mafia's work never a dull day in burlone eh.
Nicola delivers the news they'll be acting soon and to keep it a secret from Donte.
Lily is like sure, no prob. Later that night Lily can't help but want to snuggle up.
asking his dead sister Chloe what to do cuz he ain't sure anymore.
One day Donte's plans get canned and when Lily's about to answer Nicola, Donte grabs her
telling her to not answer and to stay next to him, he also gets a bit dere which was cute.
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This CG is so weird without proper context... savor it though because this route doesn't have much. |
Lily started calling Nicola a brother which startled him...
but he was happy she thought of him as family, awww.
Meanwhile Raul is raging about Nicola's outing the other night and wondering
how he can use it to his advantage. Sometime later Henri walks into Donte and Lily
in the church and fully admits his intention is to kill him. Lily is like you won't
then Sofia and Marco walks in and the nun tells Henri to drop the gun and stop it because
Henri's dead sister which was the previous key maiden is resting in the graveyard nearby.π
Donte tries to reason with him and he finally tells his side of the story
about how he and his sister Chloe were taken in by the falzone familia and
Chloe fell in love with Silvio, Donte's father. Her death was supposedly an accident but Henri
knew it wasn't so he blamed the mafia and tried to plot their demise.
Marco confirms even if Silvio was a friend he was still mafia and had fooled around before....
even though he stopped that, Marco can't deny something else could have happened between them.
Sofia makes Henri think about what he wants to do next and they all go home for the night.
Donte knows Henri will find the answer but he won't let him kill him meanwhile
Theo is waiting for Henri to come back home. Things get nonbiri again for awhile
Donte gets drunk? and falls asleep on Lily unfortunately no cg but it was funny.πππ
There was a flashback scene of a boy being the sister of someone, the sister was a very
good girl but is currently away. He was also raised with love, though the boy wonders if the girl
comes back he won't be needed anymore because his sister is so much better
so he wants to get along with his sister. However their parents were killed... leaving the boy alone.
Donte picks up some information and wants to stay at her side when he goes to rome incase
they target Lily, turns out Raul is up to no good and is using the visconti to plot Donte's demise.
Nicola went to chicago and uncovers Raul's plot of using visconti.
Donte and Lily arrive in rome, Donte suggest to chill and visit a bar where they run into Gilbert....
Donte wants to change the mafia and build a better future for burlone they wonder
when they get back to their hotel they what Gilbert will say to that. Gilbert can't believe
they're serious as its not that simple... he apparently hid that he worked with Luifan etc
to get info, Donte can't believe he hid it from him and they end up having a bitch fight.πππ
Donte is like like Visconti can do as they please, Falzone will continue on...
Lily is like guys please but they're both like this is a guy matter shut your mouth.π
They both calm down and work together in stopping Raul's scheme
they both lure Raul into coming to them and they figure out Theo is working with Raul
so they coerce him to tell them e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g or else they might have to hurt him
not just as a threat Donte and Gil actually torture him.π±π±π±
Raul eventually gives in and its all to kill Donte and his lover... they stab him again
and he reveals Theo is actually in a hotel in rome, says even if he dies and the mafia is finished.
Donte shoots him and that was the end of that?! someone knocks on Lily's hotel door, its Theo.
He heard she was in rome so he came to visit but she's alone so that's troublesome...
just killing her won't do it. She wants to talk but he calls her a problematic sister.
Gil and Donte show up before he can do anything though and Theo runs off.
Lily suggest to just go about their day so they end up having dinner for now...
Donte and Gil make up they'll work more closely together from now on and Emilio arranges
a meeting with Theo cuz he's with the church. Donte swears he'll do whatever he can to protect her.
was him and the sister was Lily. He wonders why he is so unfortunate that his sister is the only one
who lived a happy life while he went through shit and can't help but want to destroy that. Later
Theo finally reveals that he is Lily's brother, Lily is like wut and Donte confirms she has no brother
he only knew that her parents once lived near venice. Theo says he was born after Lily was taken away
and asks to look at his eyes, he has heterochromia but one looks like Lily's and that
her parents were killed by the mafia. Which was about the same time Henri and Chloe
were taken in by the falzone's. Theo says that Lily's existance is bad then Henri shows up
who has finally figured out what he wants to do, he tries to tell Theo that he is just blaming
Lily for all the bad things when she didn't do anything at all. Its also revealed that if Lily
was leading a misfortunate life with the Falzones then he'd let it be at that but he
can't let her be happy. Donte tells Theo he knows nothing of Lily and that
she has suffered in her own way, taken from her parents she barely knew to live at a church.
During the fight, Henri pushes Donte aside and takes a hit. Lily tries to tell Theo
she doesn't want him to die. Seeing her so upset makes him take steps backward
and with this wound of his he let himself fall down from the rooftop.
πππππππππ±π±π±π± (Basically my mood as this happened)
As he falls down he hopes this moment will torment her forever.... and dying doesn't sound half bad
because he hates her so much. At one point he did want to get along with her he wanted to
be happy with her and his parents, he doesn't want his dear sister to forget him again.
Henri lies there dying but doesn't wish to be saved but the mafia he hates, he did what he could.
In the epilogue Donte and Lily travel to venice, Gilbert will try to make burlone a slightly better place
Donte hands Lily an old photograph of her parents, he also says that being the leader of a mafia
someone might target them again but he still wants to become a family with Lily
to atleast create a place where she can return to and isn't alone and proposes to her.
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Sigh... I hope Lily will be happy for as long as possible. |
Bad end 1: At start of chapter 3 Theo baits Lily to go help some poor person in a shed
who is injured and then backstabs her in the alley and that's the end of that,Ugh.
Bad end 2: Lily opens the hotel door & Theo's outside who just stabs her on the spot.
Tragic end: Gilbert tells Donte he will do things his way and there's nothing there can be done about it
and that from now on they'll be enemies. Donte is like I will kill him if I have to.
Visconti henchmen are all getting murdered by Falzone.... Gilbert hears this
who thought Donte was a friend but the way things look that friend is now a rival.
This is playing out the way it is because of Raul's meddling. Donte doesn't
want Lily to get involved in the skirmishes. The next morning, Donte is a sleepy head
and wants her to stay in bed with him a little longer. What's with this eroi CG.
that day with Donte but while they were out the falzone mansion was attacked.
They go to a safehouse, Nicola noticed Donte is planning to setle things without involving her
the next day Lily gets kidnapped by visconti men and taken to Gilbert.
He wants to kill Donte with his own hand, so he waits for him and they have a gunfight
they both get pretty hurt but Gilbert keeled over first. Just as Lily approached
Donte she gets shot in the back by Gilbert, Donte shoots him again.
Donte blames himself for not being able to protect her... as he holds her liveless body in the rain.
Henri walks in on him saying how he can save him, saving means death as in his eyes he's done enough
so Donte asks Henri to kill him and asks god to deliver Lily's soul unto salvation.
Henri just stands there mumbling, let them rest in peace.
I liked this route and it was more well rounded and overall more otome than the othter two
there was a ton of foreshadowing and the usual but overall tone was just more enjoyable to me.
Donte also trusted Lily and let her do her thing but I think that's more because most plot threads
were already resolved and their relation was pretty stable too making it possible
to focus on other plot threads. Now i'm sad for Nicola.
Also I still don't like Theo, he's petty and misunderstood and part of me wanted him to live
i'm just glad I didn't do this route first which would've spoiled his entire agenda
of wanting to ruin Lily's life cuz if he was in the shit so should she! boi am I glad he had no route.
I thought Donte's route was kinda lacklustre in the original so i'm glad they improved on that
unfortunately because I did the best end first and after two random bad ends
I didn't even want to do the tragic end, which was basically everything going wrong
and also kind of dumb when I think about it but these bad ends are totally skippable.
Donte might have done some questionable things in routes in the previous games buut
I think he's still pretty likable in his own, especially here he's such a cutie pie.π
Romance ★★★★☆
Plot ★★★★☆
Overall ★★★★☆
CV: Toyonaga Toshiyuki.
Orlok was from a young age a double agent who works for the evil church, gathering intel
and if he's ordered to kill someone he wouldn't hesitate because he didn't know better
or didn't ask questions look for another way. That aside Orlok is a soft boy
and thanks to Lily found something meaningful. Precious cinnamon roll too pure
and good for this world unfortunately the way his route was written Orlok and Lily are
basically the victim of everyones BS, not to mention Yang's route in this game...
Orlok and Lily are curently staying in a orphanage owned by the church.
Despite the sins he commited Orlok found happiness, and wants nothing but make Lily happy
so as he prays unlimited blade wo- wait wrong game. Of course Theo is already making sure
with Raul to destroy whatever happiness his sister has found because if he suffers so should she!
Emilio, tells them the disturbing news something is afoot and receives a new mission
but however he proceeds is up to orlok. The way he is now he doesn't or can't kill anyone.
Orlok is still lost in thought about it, they let some kid from the orphanage fall asleep near them
then Orlok says just how much he loves Lily's voice, its comforting and puts him at ease.
Meanwhile someone most likely Johann ends up stabbing an innocent civilian in an alley.... >_>
he gets mad how 'the scum' suddenly moved and kicks his dead corpse. <_<
Theo pays Lily a visit because she's such a special person~ being the key maiden and all
after he leaves, he mumbles how pitiful Lily and orlok looked if something were to happen.
Later that night Orlok finally wants to talk about what Emilio told him, how he has another
mission and has to go back to burlone to investigate a problem. Lily wants to come with him
but he doesn't want her to get hurt so he doesn't want that. Emilio walks in on then
and says it should be fine but he still finds it too dangerous with all the mafia and all.
Emilio is convincing enough that he'll be able to protect her, hmm sometimes I wonder
who's side Emilio is on but he is probably on neither and just a spokes person of god
but he actually thinks its better they get away from here and return. -_-
Lily gets a bit nostalgic upon their return in burlone and pass by the church
Orlok thinks its a good place because how it changed him.
Leo is still pissed off because of how the familia is in shambles since Donte was killed
but then he sees Orlok and it lits a fire in under his ass, the one who killed his friends is back.
Elena is shocked to see her and has to double check Lily isn't a ghost but everyones happy to see her
Sofia understands the situation somewhat. Gilbert went missing and Lao Xu packed their bags
Burlone has seen better days. They spend some time at the church but can't stay long
there was a cute scene of them hiding? in the kitchen.
After they leave and move on like a ghost Gil appears behind them LOL.
Gil has no intention to fight, especially now though he does want to know WHY they're back
and wgen they refuse to answer his men appear to hold them at gun point.
Gil convinces them to come with as he is the only one who probably has the information they want
well uh no shit because with Falzone and Lao Xu gone he controls most if not all of the town.
Either way Gil is not their enemy and they'll help them find this Johann.
Leo is tailing their asses though... but they run into dirretoire in an alley
who has already heard everything from emilio and want them to come with
he is not armed but Orlok will kill him if he tries something once there emilio
casually just calls him henri who is like whatever~ oh well that's one cat out of the bag.
Which allows Lily and Orlok to ask several questions about things we already know
and how Henri is the brother of the previous key maiden Chloe. Emilio's poor ears hurt
and wants to call it a day so our couple retires for the night. They wander throoughout
Burlone again and pass by the falzone burial grounds which makes Orlok ponder if it was
the right thing for a second before they go visit the church again. They ran into that
fucker Raul who knew who Lily was called it destiny and such. YEAH RIGHT
he's working behind the scenes with Theo etc.
Johann finally decided to show up who was pretty pissed off Orlok wanted to talk
which just pissed him off more so Orlok had to fight him off... just barely.
Orlok figures he wants to continue doing what he has,since it has given him so much
so he can't really leave that part of his life behind and wants to become an apostle.
Meanwhile Johann trashes about in his hideout and it is revealed he works for Theo, Johann does
all this because he want to find the one responsible for killing his brother. Leo is still tailing them
and finally attacked them in an alley but since he's clumsy Orlok gets the upperhand quickly.
Orlok tells him they aren't out for blood, Leo gets left alone in the rain and just wallows in despair
then Gilbert yells at Leo so you're giving up?! man what a depressing scene.
Orlok and Lily retire in some hotel... he understands how Leo is resenting him
because he did kill Donte and Nicola he just didn't expect to be recognized.
Raul is fucking around, Gilbert is all things considered reasonably understanding
and he figures this Johann is out to kill Orlok. Orlok tells about his future plans
of wanting to be an apostle and they all have dinner at the visconti residence while
Raul plots to take them all down. Emilio, Lily and Orlok just vibe at Gil's place for now
meanwhile Leo still wanders around, Gil told him he doesn't stand a chance and
give up trying to get revenge and think about what it is he wants to do
he could even join up with him or Raul for that matter, its all on little Leo.
Orlok and Lily go out too continue their mission but it starts to rain so we get a cute moment
of them sheltering from the rain and thunder that's too much for his heart. Its been 48 years!
no surprise they get attacked by Johann no less. Who jokes about how they just walked
in here like two kittens in love. Orlok doesn't want to kill him even if Johann does
but at the very least wants to hear him out. During the fight Lily tried to help but got hurt
Leo finds them and tells Johann to suck it because he'll be the one to kill Orlok.
This just pisses of Johann even more... but Orlok covers Leo when Johann tried to kill him
Johann had enough of all the interruptions first the woman now some brat?! fuck this i'm out!
Lily and Orlok tend to each others wounds, meanwhile Theo does everything
he can so Lily ends up with misforune, Johann is still like wtf was up with that kid
not seriously trying to kill me?! reeeee~ Orlok and Lily go back to rome...
Orlok wants to become stronger and manlier like Gilbert, Lily tells him to just keep at it
and not try too hard to be someone he's not which makes him all giddy and flustered.
Henri meets Johann in an alley except he's in his dirretoire personality and I cannot
take him seriously either way he want him to come with him, he's free to do anything else after.
Lily and Orlok find a letter from Henri and since he's Emilio's friend they go find him
in a church and he has someone he wants them to meet, Johann.
Before they can kill each other or whatever he wants them to listen.
Johann simply wants revenge and because Orlok killed his brother... Beruna
officially that brother died in an accident but was actually murdered.
Orlok knew he was strong and righteous and also knew something was wrong with his orders
but he didn't understand things fully yet he just carried out his mission as ordered.
Johann is like ok maybe I'll just kill that woman, Henri asks what Lily thinks about that
dying for Orlok's sake or not. Lily can't do that of course. Orlok now of course
fully regrets his past actions of taking a life without thinking twice about it
or finding another way he simply had the strength to kill that was enough at the time.
Johann does understand that Orlok was simply stronger than Beruna
but to him that was a dear member of his family. Orlok is so sorry it happened
Beruna was just one of many even the many mafia in burlone
he had killed cuz he had no other way to live even if it was wrong.
Orlok no longer wants to do so if he can help it, he knows everything he did
better than anyone else, Johann just wants his brother back, he'll do aything
even if it means becoming murdering scum. Just then Leo hears that
but Emilio whisks him away on this beautiful night tells him there's no reason
to forgive Orlok but killing him might be problematic. Leo kinda knows
the mafia knew the life they were leading and priest-kun really wants him to reconsider
before basically throwing his life away, he could become stronger but right now no.
Gilbert appears from the shadows and tells him its okay to come over to his side
Leo doesn't know yet but asks if its okay just for a little. Idk what happened to Johann
but he a goner afterwards Emilio gets a moment with Orlok too and tells him
of his father, who's like WHERE?! only to hear i'm sorry but he's passed away
but he knew Orlok was taken in by the church even that his own son killed lots of people
but he bore sins of his own. His father threw his own life away so his son would be set free.
Emilio doesn't have the strength to explain because orlok's dad's sins happened before he was born
the truth lies in his own name, its not Orlok but Noa silberi(or whatever it was spelled).
On their way back, Orlok was too young to remember but did remember his mom's passing
and recognizes the name a little which he likes but prefers Orlok because he remembered
why Josef gave him the cross and to bear his sins for those who can't, all humans are sinners
or whatever i'm tired. Lily is surprised to see Leo at the visconti residence the next day.
Things get awkward but that's all Orlok asks Lily to go out on a date with him...
she accepts of couse, oh wow finally feels like an otome game ahahaha.
unfortunately Raul drives by in his fancy car and thought it was a good idea to pick them up
who starts to state facts that she belongs to the falzones and that her destiny is tied to him.
Orlok tells him to back off but he will wait till she's ready. UGH~
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Lily right now. |
even if he doesn't understand what Raul said it doesn't matter and he still loves her
Lily also means so much to him, he just wants her to know it'll be fine.
After they go to bed, Orlok realizes that the way things are they won't change... things start
to get messy as Oliver and Lily gets kidnapped but Gilbert tries to show folks who's boss.
Meanwhile Emilio talks with Henri and wow priest boi actually hates all that talk of ''destiny''
and does think of him as a friend then Henri is like most of my friends got a few screws loose.
Idk what that was all about but Gilbert thinks he only suspicious guy in town is Raul
so they proceed to move out to raid the falzone mansion, Raul is going craycray and
tortures Oliver. When he was done with him he goes to visit Lily and tries
to have fun with her, since he took over the falzone familia (as there was
no one else left) he thinks that means the key maiden now also belongs to him.
Lily won't have any of it, which starts to piss off Raul.... Orlok busts into the room
and beats him up and thank god he did because yikes. Gilbert looked after poor Oliver
who is alive but probably traumatized from whatever Raul did.π
Things got hectic and suddenly Emilio has a jesus moment and runs in front of Lily
and took a shot meant for her.... meanwhile I am confused he is even here.
his last words are telling the two of them to live. Orlok tells Gil to take Lily
and that he will settle things, funnily enough Raul tries to beg for his life once he sees
how serious Orlok is, who actually doesn't want to kill him but if he doesn't
he can't protect what's important to him and doesn't care if he sins in the process.
He tells Lily that they'll probably have to keep running before someone tries to use her
or comes after them but he'll fight even if the whole world is against them, awww.
who doesn't want to hear it btw so they settle it with a fight, Orlok disarms him with ease.
He basically just wanted to show off his new found resolve and that Johann is not someone he needs to kill but if Johann wants to fight so be it no matter how many times. Orlok also tells him
its all to protect the one who matters to him, because in the end he's just another person.
Johann pretty much gives up and tells him to get lost, Lily and Orlok do just that.
In the epilogue Johann wonders if his brother is happy now... and wonders what to do
Leo also has found his place, he decides to stay with visconti, Henri gets all poetic
about his ''friend''. Orlok and Lily travel to venice and had lots of fun there.
Tragic end: Leo ends up joining Raul for dinner whom claims to fully understand him
and fuel Leo's desire for revenge and ends up joining neo-falzone lead by Raul.π
Some kid ends up taking Lily and Orlok to Johann he doesn't want to fight just
want to know why Orlok didn't kill him and well he doesn't have much of one
but it s more like Orlok believed killing for the sake of god was just but then
he found out it all of that was wrong. Johann tells him its useless someone else
will just take his place and still wants to kill him to get his revenge for his brother.
Johann tells him to think really hard because next time they meet he won't be so nice.
The next day Gil asks them to help take care of some stuff, the two snuggle up later that night
because Lily was worried about him which was pretty cute.
They try to find Johann the next day be returning to the same old building buuuuuut
they run into Leo instead who is more than eager to kill Orlok and get his revenge while protecting
the integrity of the falzones. Bad end: Lily acted rashly and they both end up getting shot.
Orlok ends up getting the upperhand but even tho Orlok doens't want to kill Leo still
got injured, Lily tried to stop the bleeding but alas. Orlok told Raul but he's like whatever
people who join the mafia know what they're getting into! Emilio tried to talk some sense
into Orlok that night who sees nothing good will come of just protecting Lily and tries
to set him on the path that is right. Orlok walks off on his own mumbling Raul.
The next day Johann walks into the visconti mansion and wants Orlok to get serious
even if it means killing the woman and Orlok won't let that happen so he kills him in 1 hit.
Later that night Orlok thinks maybe they shouldn't be here and Lily agrees...
so with Leo and Johann dead they end up going to some shed in the slums.
Lily wakes up at night to notice Orlok missing, just when Raul walks out of his office
complaining abot the current state of affairs he gets stabbed and killed.
Lily isn't alone and Theo creeps in on her from the shadows, Orlok arrives just in time
to hear he's the one who fed Emilio the talk of going after Raul and such
buuuut its still Emilio who told him to kill which was like enough to set him off.
So Orlok goes to ask him and Emilio merely wants to be able to give up and be freed
he says its because he's cursed just like Lily is he and her are basically sacrifices
so Emilio wants to die while he is still himself. During the talk Theo tries to attack
Orlok reacts but for some reason Theo was quicker in the scuffle and stabs Orlok.
Theo also tells Lily how much he hates her, her entire existance is a stain
but does give her the privilige by telling he pulled the strings behind Raul and Johann
before setting the place on fire saying how they all will die here.
Orlok tells Lily to run because he won't make it and everything has been meaningless
so if she runs then it will give it all a little more meaning.
Though Lily can't do that and will stay with him till the very end.
Gilber looks at the ruined church and mourns a little how they went off on their own for no reason.
Man... idk about this route but was this really necessary? most of the time
it was just depressing like Orlok couldn't help it he was raised to do all that but we already
knew that from the first game... as well as his regrets of it. Johann is just misguided
and honestly kinda lame, he was alright as just a villain in other routes though.
Raul was a creep in this route, he was already shit but here they upped his creepy factor 200%
for absolutely no reason?! it just made the route longer than it had to be.
the only other character I liked who I could actually understand was Leo
and Gilbert for being reasonable considering circumstances.
But yea i'm just kind of disappointed, I just want Orlok to be happy but half of this
route is spend coming to terms with his sins which just makes it depressing AF!
not to say there weren't moments that were nice but it was far and between...
Oh well some of Orlok's development was nice though but idk this entire route felt
like a waste because it only made things worse and doesn't solve anything!
Lily and Orlok already went through this in the first game and now
have to live a life like that?! i'm pretty sure Theo is laughing right now.
Don't get me started on the tragic end btw, also I don't like how they insert
such a cute scene every time only shit to brick anyway. Kills my mood.πππ
At the end of the day I like Orlok but not as a romantic interest!
just the type of character you want to be happy.
Romance ★☆☆☆☆
Plot ★★☆☆☆
Overall ★★☆☆☆
CV: Morikubo Shoutaro.
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TFW yet again Gil has the most enjoyable route... |
he has a rivalry with Donte Falzone. Thanks to Orlok's route before Gil's
he has been redeemed after all the BS in Donte's tragic end.
Starts with him narrating how its been such a wild ride in the previous game and
that he had obtained the girl of his dreams but things might not stay this way.
Then he gets all sappy with Lily how he might make her sad because he kept something
a secret from her, I love you i'll make it up to you I promise! Oliver tells him to cut it out thankfully.π
Gil was just teasing her so its all good.... he might do shady things but there's no one he loves more.
THANK U NEXT! Yang is probably up to no good and Li comments how he's like a monster
HEHEHE thats funny coming from your mouth after the shit you pulled in his route.π‘π‘π‘
All's good as Gil visit the church to pick up Lily for a date. Lily is such a lucky girl~
Gil had something to tell her even if its not a nice topic basically the visconti aren't
a police force but there's been some shady stuff happening so he wants her to be careful.
Lily was on a trip to Alka but some dude kept trying to uh pick her up with cheesy lines
till some random guy had to tell him to take the L because he's troubling her with his tactless ass.
The guy who helped her out even offers to hang out with her later.... Lily rejects him
because she's taken~ he takes the L better than that other due but MAN wtf was up with that.π
Apparently the guy who helped Lily is an 'old friend' of Gil they meet up in a fancy hotel.
His name is Eugene (Yuushin LOL) whom asks how Amalia is doing but Gil doesn't want to talk
about that because she passed away. Gil isn't happy to see him because Eugene is pretty much
one of those annoying friends who will ask for favors and stuff and are often in trouble.
Gil refuses to help him because he doesn't trust him and tells him to get lost. OOF.π
Later Lily asks Gil if something is up because he had one of those faces...
Eugene wanders around chinatown wondering what to do cuz he broke so he tries to help some
woman who's annoyed at some other man, apparently Yuushin helping women who
are in a pinch to gain favors is his modus operandi. Geez Lily dodged a bullet there.
Gil meets with Donte discussing the shady stuff happening because someone
probably Johann went on a murdering spree Yuan is having a chat with Theo...
oh well makes sense he was the one who pulled his strings too. Lily helps Luca
a boy living at the visconti place learn how to write, its just his own name but yay?
Later Gilbert asks Luca to help him find Yuushin for him probably because he's worried.
Sofia the nun got attacked by someone at night, Orlok saved her and got Lily to call for help...
good old Marco comes to investigate too, he did suspect Orlok but he's not suspicious RIGHT?!
Donte hears what happened and will definitely try to find whoever is responsible.
Eugene shows up around the church and runs into Lily who he tries to hit on.... >_>
he tries to make her spend time with him but Lily is like NO and politely rejects him.
Theo is already plotting Lily's misfortune... I swear he gets too into it and its just so disgusting.
Eugene gets chased off by an angry man because his schemes didn't work.πππ
Elena almost gets attacked by a mob so Lily grabs her and they find a place to hide. QUEEN!
Good boi Orlok tries to fight them off... they tell Gil and Donte what happened
with all the BS happening Gil asks Lily to have them come over to his place, Lily asks
if thats ok? to which he replies of course it won't be a bother.
There was an eroi scene in which Lily and Gil took a bath together...
she was kind of uncomfortable or better put embarrassed?! Gil was just like girl
why're you acting so weird but is like whatever he doesn't dislike looking at her
but just ends up teasing her for it. Tbh I felt embarassed just seeing the scene...π
Donte and Gil meet up with Yang trying to find the one responsible for all the incidents happening
but they haven't made much progress. Orlok tells them they probably have to do something
in regards to Lily as well with her being the key maiden and all. They figure Yuan is up
to no good, Yang tells them that he will be the one to axe him but he won't stop them
trying to talk to him even if it will be useless it'll be interesting. Lily runs into Eugene
again and I am like oh no he tries to tell her he is Gil's father but they're on bad terms
but now he finally found him and that he's the to bancho of the viscontie! amazing.
Poor Eugene tries to ask Lily to get Gil to meet him... but she can't. Why do I not believe him?!
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This is my go to gif for this game, it fits too many situations. |
Gil was so sweet to her but then he teased her again lmao.
Eugene was walking around town and then saw someone naruto running and was like wait wut
he didn't look like Johann but he's probably related to the incidents.
Turns out Gil confirms that his dad was back in town and that Eugene was speaking the truth.
He also tells Lily to stay away from this trouble maker. Lily is like sure.
There was also some guy complaining about having to come to italy ''why me''
and is like ugh i'll just get the job done quickly so I can go home.
Yang was trolling Li who still tries to act tough in front of him when reporting news
about some ''rats'' he tries to lash out at Ran and Fei for spending too much money for food
but they bully him right back because if you don't eat you die. Yang tells him to shut up because
money is meant to be used. Li tries to be responsible though lmao this whole scene was weird.
Oh well, Gil tells her a bit about his past about how he was such a brat back then
but he has changed and found a great chick so he wants her to come with him overseas one day.
Lily ended up calling him cute but Gil is like wait wut which part?!
then she's like haha... uhm and Gil just glomps her and they fuck MEANWHILE Ran and Fei
are fighing trash somewhere and figure their enemies use poison but that doesn't stop them.
Lily is like good morning honeybun~ oh well for some reason Ran and Fei
ended up joining them for breakfast after their ordeal last night. -_-
Then Yuan just waltzes in and despite gil's grunts trying to stop him....π¨π¦π¦π¦
Yuan asks Gil for help in taking down Lao Xu... and also tells the twins to not interrupt
then Gil tells him not to be rude to his guest or else! and points at the door.π
Yuan explains its because of this Luifan group is not only intent is Lao Xu but Visconti
and Falzone familia as well. Yuan threatens to involve women so he Yuan looks around
and when he sees Lily oh there you are. Gil is like she's my girl don't even think about it.
Yuan knows the value Lily has and just sips his tea before he leaves. Ran and Fei leave as welll
and and wonder if Viscontie will make a deal with him and kill them even if they're on good terms.
Gil, Donte and Yang have another meeting to discuss recent developments...
well whatever happens Gil will protect Lily. Luca and Lily run into the naruto edgelord
when they were out and about Orlok covers them so they can run
Edgelord be like who are you?! but then notices Eugene and becomes a total clutz
wait no i'm not supposed to kill him?! Eugene says you've been spotted that's bad!
Ugh i'm supposed to kill THEM now i've got to kill Eugene too WHAT A PAIN.
Orlok won't let him since he's no match for him he ran away... gotta admit
this naruto edgelord is kinda cute what's his name?! i'm frustrated. Yuan walks in
on Eugene and wants to have a word with him. That aside Orlok gets headpats from Gil.
Gil asked Lily to go out and take a walk with him becuase he knows all too well
things are about to turn into a shitstorm Yuan blackmails Eugene into making a deal with him
because he can supply him with a drug and protect his ass.πππ
Apparently Yang got injured in a recent fight so Ran and Li tell Yang to go back to bed and get
some rest to recover a wound its funny how concerned Li is tbh even Yang is like what's up
with your big mouth? Apparently its serious enough for Gil to tell him to take the L and rest.
They can't figure out wtf Yuan is after but that he's serious they do know...
Gil meets with Donte telling him to becareful. Oh well edgelord-kun randomly breaks
into the visconti place and just walks up to Gil. He got guts today.π
His name is jack and he wants to talk but he screams when he sees Lily; oh you're that giiiirl!
He's a hunter and does all sort of odd jobs to survive... then he blabs out he's after Eugene.
After that he leaves, does apologize for the mess though.πππ
Some time later, Gil asks Lily about the going with him overseas, of course Lily considers it
as it would be lonely for both of them to be apart buuut the mafia situation won't change
that much over there from that it is here. As long as she understands in he allows it
because a future where they have to be apart isn't a future together or something like that.π
from Eugene but she refused to go to him even if something awful was about to happen.
Jack snoops around and bumps into Yuan then wonders if he's in hot water RUN PLS!
Gilbert comes back later all like HONEY I'M HOME! in spanish no less. Someone is in a good mood?
Oh well Lily decides to want to help Eugene so she head out not knowing they do have her back.
Before we know it Yuan has her at knife point while she was listening to Eugene's excuses.
Wow it was a trap afterall! Orlok and Gil busts in with his squad.
Though Yuan has no intention of letting her go without a little chat or a little threat.
Eugene wants to sneak out of this but Gil just shoots at him, Eugene is like serious'y I'm your dad!
His reasons being Yuan gave me what I wanted, even a woman or two. It didn't really
bother him which side he was on as long he got what he wanted. Don't hate me pls. >_>
Apparently Jack ended up on Yuan's side pretending to be lost so when he saw Eugene
it was just like found ya you bastard so he runs after him with a knife.πππ
Eugene begs Yuan who's like no bueno Jack then tells Eugene he is so uncool and a stupid dad!
Wait stupid dad?! Eugene needs a moment to scratch his head (as do I....)
Eugene is like wtf I don't know you?! but you know me? you got the wrong person!
btw Jack how old are you? to which he replies 22.
He means if he had a son like him it had to be a pretty girl
Jack just says does Barbara ring any bells?
A red haired chick in little italy :bigthink: OH THAT BARBARA.
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Literally me during this whole scene. |
Gilbert has had it up to here with his dad and will have no excuses
because he will have Orlok investigate this illicitly.π
Jack is your son...... and my lil bro.π
meanwhile Yuan is sitting there like: Oh my your foolishness has brought you in hot water.
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NGL this image fits Yuan perfectly. |
Meanwhile Robert de Feo bust in like he's rounding up a gang.
Yuan knows this is trouble so he pushes Lily into Gil and knocks out both Jack and Eugene
then says now if I may take my leave and disappears. Gilbert takes responsibility for this mess.π
When he gets back with Lily he still can't process everything his dad did...
he never thought Yuan and his dad could be connected. Lily apologizes for acting rashly
but he doesn't blame her, since it could've solved everything. Gil and Lily make out
Meanwhile Yuan is back in his office wondering how to proceed also
it becomes more obvious Orlok has been receiving orders from the church.
Oh well aparently the church wants to take Lily back not telling what'll happen if they oblige
so Gil organizes a meeting with Yuan hoping to solve everything while Lily
has her uses to Yuan killing her would be easier so handing her over to him isn't an option either.
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Not even sure how to explain this properly without it becoming an essay. |
Gil is planning to have Yuan's faction have more control, it'll be good for business!
Basically a gamble with Yuan which involves Gil willing to leave Burlone but
he'll have Eugene released. Gilbert leaves Lily in the hands of the falzone
for a while Donte is more than happy to continue their duty to protect her.
Orlok's been getting orders, he knew the day would come something unpleasant could
be ordered, when he approaches Lily in the church Gilbert calls him out, they noticed his lies
so they try to reason with him cuz they know he's a good kid.
Then even more folks walk in complaining the job's not done yet
but nothing Donte and Gil can't handle, Orlok asks Gil to take the girl and run since
this is easy for him afterwards as he prays to god, Johann sneaks up behind him and stabs him
NO wtf WHY?! Orlok still prays and hopes they will all be saved.πππ
Gilbert approaches Jack and asks him to help Eugene with his drug problem
and gives him money he thinks about it but its a deal. Jack flirts with Lily for a hot second
but then realizes Gil is staring daggers so he leaves it at that.π Yuan came to a decision and he will
help in taking it all apart. He'll even donate to the church or help run it. idk how but he knows.
Yuan will also be taking Lao Xu back under his wing. Yuan also gives back Eugene only to be
greeted with a gun to the face, Gil warned him and yet he didn't leave and even used his woman. >_>
Gil doesn't shoot but did give him a well deserved punch.
Oh well with Lao Xu taken over Yang plans to move to america, cuz it'll be fun to him. OH NO....
In the epilogue, Lily bids farewell to her friend Elena and Sofia as she is preparing
to move out of town with Gil. Luca is a bit upset they'll be leaving him here though
but when he grows up he'll definitely be welcome in Chicago.
Once there Lily and Gil make out in their new HQ.π³
Bad end 2: When Jack chases Luca and Lily he catches her and kills her
he said that she's not bad in terms of looks just unlucky.π
Bad end 3: When called by Eugene Lily decides to go right away... they meet in some alley
first he asks if she is prepared to put her life on the line second what her resolve is of why
she came and its because she's Gil's lover. Either way he messes with her and that's the end of that.
Tragic end: Gil goes out of his way to find Eugene, they are led to some Carena
who denies knowing him at first when she gives in she gets stabbed by Yuan.......
just because if it would be troublesome if this was a lead, Yuan thinks about killing
them all too but Orlok is with them so he quickly rethinks because that'll be a pain.
Gil just wants his dad but Yuan won't hand him over so easily. As for Carena R.I.P.
Some time later since they couldn't be together they take an evening walk on the shore
Lily put up with a lot recently and Gil's been selfish so he wants to hear her opinion
but before she can he picks her up asking her not to move too much or he'll drop her.
He still wants to know her feelings and that she really wants to go to chicago.
Then asks her if there's anything else... because being a mafia boss annd all
he has to let her wife be a little selfish too. Lily then says she's
been lonely so Gil apologizes and will try to make up to it.
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I love this cg... too bad this is in the bad end. |
he sees him he can't help but throw a punch, it dad.
Eugene tries to apologize for the mess, he's a changed man! (YEA RIGHT)
Eugene claims to have inside info on people up to no good and wants to make a deal
but Gil is like bruh I can't trust you no matter how hard he tries. Lily walks in on them
so Gil returns back with her because he wants to enjoy their time together.
Turns out there are people up to no good and Eugene is trying extra hard the next day
Gil still doesn't trust him but he does believe the crap about shaham being up to no good.
Turns out while they were out having a talk the visconti place gets raided.... Meanwhile
Yuan has a plan were the dad gets killed right infront of his sons eyes or so he told Rui
who is like are you for real. Just then Yuan crawls out of the shadows near a Eugene
who as per usual only has excuses to tell him. Yuan summons Jack who is all too eager to act.
Eugene is like give me a break... why did you betray me Yuaaaan. Jack stabs Eugene
but Yuan is so bored he goes and stabs Jack too. NO WHY?!
Gil tells him ''that drug'' belongs back in chicago and isn't going to answer to him
and could kill him, Yuan takes up the offer of a fight since he boasts his own strength.
Donte shows up telling them to cut it but Yuan he listens and attacks him too...
but then Yuan decides to sit back and have some tea??? Ran and Fei join the fight
but in an instant Yuan aims for Lily in the back and tries to stab her only to get shot by Gil.
Though the force of Yuan's attack threw her into the wall hard enough to lose conciousness.
Apparently Lily survived but has lost her memories of everything that happened
Gil blames himself for not acting fast enough. He brought her flowers but
thinks its better for her to be left in the care of the church because
those are among the only things she clearly remembers. Either way
Gil's feelings won't change he still loves her even if she.... can't remember him.πππ
I LOVED THIS ROUTE! it was rather original compared to the others
and I enjoyed figuring it all out from start to finish. Theo had zero presence
but I do suspect him to be the one pulling some strings, mostly because of Orlok
speaking of Orlok.... my poor baby why, why did it have to end that way? π
I know in the original Gil's route was also the most otome and I am glad it lived up to that
it also had a good dose of comedy probably the only route where I really laughed out loud.
Kinda sad though how Donte and Gil are the only ones with routes that are well rounded. :/
Whatever the writer was on when they wrote his route I want to know...
the tragic end was... sad didn't expect that to happen but it did but it did fit the tone of the route.
Well overall this was an enjoyable my mood regarding this game also improved
maybe it was because this route didn't have Theo but like I said he's probably around.π
Romance ★★★★★
Plot ★★★★★
Overall ★★★★★
Me giving perfect scores for a route in piofiore no less? what is this!?
CV: Shinnosuke Tachibana.
complete alternativa which I didn't feel like writing much about since I don't want this post
to become even longer though I will quickly do a fail TL;DR instead!
First a scene I liked; a moody yang not wanting to answer the phone from Yuan. Yang was like I will
***king kill you and Yuan teasing him. Secondly it featured Phantom who is up to no good
and sends his threats on a vynil πππ and to show he's serious he even blew up the churchπ Everyone ends up working together to try and solve this predicament.
Phantom is basically like a copycat of Dirretoire aka Henri with an odd sense of humor
but overall was mildy entertaining. Everyone concludes Phantom real name is Sebastian
who is butthurt they stopped Dirretoire and wants revenge/continues his work.
Phantom was honestly pretty gay in making it clear he misses Henri, they
all work together to stop his schemes TL;DR end. Now for Henri's route....
In case you forgot Henri was the guy who wanted to destroy the mafia for what happened
to his sister Chloe who was the previous key maiden. Due to him seeing his sister in Lily
and her taking pity after the guys foiled his plan the two escaped Burlone and traveled to france.
Their life in france is turned upside down as some murderer wrecked their home where 3 little
kids lived as well so the two so eventually he decides they have to return to burlone.πππ
Their relationship was purely platonic btw he acknowledges Lily who obviously has
has developed feelings buuut the relationship was awkward for a good while.
Everyone is like shocked at their return, Henri tries to convince them... they come in peace
as he has lost some of his memories, the guys don't trust him and sorta came across as bullies
one day Nicola asks him what he does remember and what do you know apparently Henri does
remember some of his childhood and a friend he once had! which was smol!nicola
Henri likes the boy enough to consider him to be his little brother. Mafia might be scary
but god is watching over us. Eventually the guys are convinced Henri is a good boi
and Lily is in good hands! atleast Sofia was a good wing(wo)man. The incidents continue
and Marco got shot and is recovering. They all work together to figure it out.
into a hotel suite with him. Henri starts acting kind of weird and Lily noticed how
he didn't eat any breakfast yet... oh well ''trauma'' looks like Elena Lily's friend might
be a potential target of this Sebastian aka the dude who has a boner for Henri
either way Henri won't let Seb-chan near Lily becuase he has fleas. Seb-chan approaches
Elena and tried to shoot her infront of a crowd and everyone managed to catch Sebastian in the act.
When Seb-chan goes BROKEN, FADED, HOW LONG HAVE I WAITED at the sight of Henri
TBH there is no other way to describe Sebastian because he is very theatrical.
Henri ties to get Sebastian to cut it out and let go of the girl he even called him Seb~
Yang had enough with the gay and his body moved toward Seb on his own and asks him what he's
after but since he's seen Henri he's had his fill as his hearts afloat for the day and lets Elena go.π
Seb is really just after the old henri and his dirretoire persona whom was his friend
ever since Henri/Dirretoire's death wasn't confirmed Seb has been continueing his agenda.
Seb calls them while Henri is taking a shower and Lily answered... turns out he's just trolling
but Henri is like why not let Donte take care of us in instead as it might be safer but she still
stays with him, Henri tries his best to not involve Lily nor does she want him to do anything drastic.
They meet Seb-chan at the gravekeeper site... who can barely contain himself
and even tells him more about himself and how he met Henri in paris. Seb would've
loved it if he could show her but too bad he doesn't have any photographs on him.
Lily concludes that Henri basically completes Seb and Bingo. Yes he's really that gay
with a few screws loose because Lily is basically his nemesis now so he tried
everything to get back the old Henri which actually made Seb-chan feel good turning him
into a serial killer at this point Henri basically tells him to shut up to ask how Lily is feeling
who is literally spacing out and cannot handle the freakshow. Apparently Seb
also dug up Chloe's remains and shows of her skull he's basically trying to revive her.π¨π¨π¨
Seb-chan is so far gone he'd be willing to recreate Chloe. Henri wants none of this
but Seb won't listen so Henri starts pointing his gun at him and says he'll shoot him
which gets Seb to reveal he has some friends in burlone still and then he gets away
because Sebastian had no intention of dying today.π
Lily can't sleep because of all the things Seb said so Henri will stay with her till she does
later Henri goes to discuss the sacrilege with the mafia bois, he later calls Emilio as well
and will look into the situation. Nicola also gives Lily a bit of a push in getting her feels across.
Though Lily can't sleep again but this time its because she's frustrated so gets up then walks up
and just kisses Henri who is all like i dunno who told you this?!but value yourself more.
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Tfw Lily horny... |
in a polite way and shouldn't pity such a misfortunate person such as himself let alone
think of this as love. He does appreciate her kindness but doesn't want her to push herself
into liking him, then Lily runs out of the room with tears in her eyes.
Everyone works together like in alternativa to stop Seb-chan, Lily still trusts Henri
and he apologizes for making her cry the other day and if there's anything she wants he wants to know.
Lily actually does want to kiss him but realizes she's being unfair and/or selfish.
Word gets out the church wants the keymaiden killed because she's in the way...
Emilio shows up because he wants there to be another way since there's no guarantee
the next keymaiden will be born anytime soon so he'd rather have them go ahead with
the sealing and such. LOGIC be over9000 with this kid. Nicola plays shipper on the deck
and forces Henri into some alone time with Lily to think about his feelings some more.
almost teared up so he tried to wipe her tears. Henri knows she has fallen for him
and wants her to be happy, there will be someone else Henry can't ensure her happiness.
Lily still likes him no matter what and doesn't want him to do this Henri then tells
her he lied when she wanted to kiss him. She's already given him so much...
and it doesn't change anything for her. Henri eventually tells her he does like her
then tells her to head back since he has to tell her something even more important
its about the church stuff and that he'll protect her and doesn't want her to be handed
over to anyone else, he'll consider her answer because taking her virginity changes everythingπ³
they basically do the deed. Henri also admits he's been holding it in all this time.πππ
The next morning these two lovebirds still can't contain themselves... there's still the matter
of Sebas-chan so they send the calling card and wait for Sebas to take the bait..
then Sebas-chan invites them to his little atelier. While Henri doesn't want to kill anyone
infront of her he'll take the responsibility of it, Henri wants the remains of his sister first though.
Sebastian also admits to killing the kids... because of infatuation with Henri's old persona
and the vengeance for the mafia he once had, truly beautiful in his eyes so he laid
a trap for them, too bad they all saw it coming so they planned ahead.
As for his sister, he put her into a box that he himself can't open and its boobytrapped
either way he can just use another head if this failed.π Sebas-chan won't shutup
Henri tells him that thanks to him he really found someone important to him and
that the past is dead to him, his sister, Sebas-chan, his own sins and desire for revenge so Henri no
longer needs his sisters remains and if she died of suicide then she'd already be resting peacefully.
Sebas-chan blows up the box and tries to blame him, it has no effect because the one he loves is right there. Henri kisses Lily infront of Sebastian who freaks out then Henri shoots him three times over.
Henri takes responsibility for everything while Donte putting a gun to his head
even though Henri really wants Lily to live, so Donte shoots him and will make that a truth
but not the fact that he lived from that. The guys don't wants Lily to be sad either and see her off.
In the epilogue they go back to france and Henri proposes to her with a flower ring
as he lives the remainder of his life with her being happy with her and she with him.
Bad end 1, Lily decides to stay in france and then gets stabbed.π
Bad end 2, Henri doesn't want to trouble her and decides to go his own way
when she and Orlok move back to the Falzones, orlok senses a presence
and tells her to run only to bump into Sebas-chan who stabbed her and laughs hysterically.π
Bad end 3, When Seb-chan has Elena hostage, Lily decides to give into his demands
when she gets close her throat gets slit instantly, merry christmas.π¨
Bad end 4, Henri tells Lily to wait at the hotel while he goes to see Seb-chan but the next day when
she opens the door unknowingly lets Sebas in because he posed as a waiter and she gets stabbed.π
Bad end 5, After the two go to see Seb-chan, Henri tells her to wait in the hotel but when she
wakes up she finds herself in Seb's atelier who is doing all sorts of things. Thank you otomate.π±
Tragic end, They wonder what to do about Sebas-chan they go about their days...
Orlok becomes Lily's bodyguard for a bit and then one day Henri just disappears.
Sebas-chan ended up kidnapping Henri, drugging him and plots something awful.
Henri just begs to leave her out of it but welp Falzones get framed. Lily gets taken away
by Sebas-chans friends in order to meet him personally. At this point Henri has been brainwashed
and is basically Sebas-chans little pupper... Sebas goes as far as tell Henri
to do with her as he pleases and leaves the room. Henri is so far gone the only thing
he says is how much he loves her and asks her to forgive him as he forces himself on her.π
The whole thing was pretty creepy as he raped her but yes... that's the thin thread that kept him together.
Donte gets tortured and killed... the others get taken out one by one to the point
Nicola is the only one left and he intents to kill Sebas only to be shot by Henri who now
is Sebas's partner in crime though he wonders if he'll ever be forgiven for killing his friend.
Sebas gives Henri the key to a room were they locked up Lily who is chained to a wall
and pretty much as broken as Henri is, geezus christ. ππ¨π±
If I had done this ending first Henri would've been ruined... even though it was Sebas who ruined him
or should I say corrupted?! oh well that left a bad taste in my mouth! also sorry but I cannot share
the two CG there .. just looking at it made me uncomfortable especially the former.
I liked the originality to the story the comedic parts of the alternative ending route with the guys.
Also the fact that Theo had no presence in alternativa and Henri's own route ?!
I honestly wondered why the hell he even existed other than to try to make every single
burlone episode except Gil's miserable. Also I do not have anything against
Sebastian, in fact I found some his antics funny and don't even mind the gay which made him
a better villain than Theo by default though we do not speak of the tragic end....
All things considered I still find Seb-chan to be a bit much his VA was amazing tho.
That aside I actually really liked the romance in this route? rather mature for once
because Henri telling Lily to not push herself to love him out of pity was a nice twist
to make her say what she wants and I really liked how Henri fully overcame his past as well.
Idk why but overall this was done better than Orlok's route...... sasuga true end what if.
Btw wtf is up with the bad ends?! geezus christ i'm glad I used a guide because what a minefield
also that tragic end is terrifying wtf otomate but again let's not talk about that.
Romance ★★★★★
Plot ★★★★☆
Overall ★★★★☆
Route enjoyment:
Gilbert > Yang > Donte > Henri > Alternativa > Orlok / Nicola.
Well Yang is definitely seeing better days!π
other than that the top 4 are the only routes I even remotely liked.
Fav character:
Orlok > Gilbert > Donte > Jack > Yang > Nicola > Leo > Henri > Ran&Fei > Sebastian > Johann/Yuan > Raul >Theo.
Orlok is still my precious cinnamon roll, both Donte and Gil are husbando material
though I have to add that Gil might be the better choice overall.
Yang has been redeemed... Nicola is ok but Theo?! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~
Jack is my surprise favorite side character though!
Idk about Henri though... I disliked his jesus attitude in Donte's route. Henri's route
in the original wasn't much to go on either cuz it was a what if from the truth end
but he really did grew on me, sad that the theme of forgiveness was better done than orlok's.
Oh and while I don't really like Yuan all that much, I loved tsudaken's acting for him πππ
and that for better or for worse he was very hard to read character. >_>;
Final thoughts.
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This is honestly how I felt after some of the endings... |
with the first game. Was this a fun sequel to that game? I'd be lying if I said yes
but it wasn't all that bad so don't misunderstand, if anything I enjoyed (some of) the suspense.π
The biggest problem is that its more of the same, only a few afters actually felt well-rounded.
Whatever romance there is was nice but in some there wasn't enough fluff to balance out
all the crap going on which in some it was okay but it got worse in others
and I lost motivation more quickly to the point I wanted to do
anything else, be it watching anime or playing another game.
That's not to say I wasn't having fun at times but it was far and between.... by the time I got to
Orlok's route and figured out the plot thanks to Donte I was basically just numb and vibing.
Its funny how in the previous game, every main guy was an ass in one route or the other
but in this game its a bunch of rando's who try to fuck things up.
Yuan, Raul, Theo and Johann??? I want to put them together in a room full of horseshit
which is relatively mild compared to the shit they pulled. Here I thought when this game
was announced Lily could finally enjoy some peace with her man, how naive I was
because what she had to deal with was pretty much the same amount of BS.
The only sub chara I liked was Jack because Gil's route was actually funny...
and reminded me this was an otome game again.πππ
In terms of volume, the length of the routes are that of a completely new game
which is ok, also we have a character that really wants to get married to Lily yet
for some reason he can't even get a proper wedding. Either the writer had a bruh moment or a real
writers block?! I mean they don't need to give every character the treatment...
that's redundant but still I was disappoint! some other FD's I played had it pretty good, lmao.
I suppose they were really going with the Lily just needs to take what she can get vibe.
Also don't get me started on Theo because then i'd still be going on to next year!
Most complains aside what I did like was Yang's route in this game, which was the first route i did
and was one of the few they did right. The development it gave him was enough to make me actually
care about him which surprised me because after last game I could barely give a rats ass about him.
The other route I liked was Donte's which was one of the few well rounded route but I don't
recommend to do his route first, mid way is fine I think. Nicola was just... Nicola.¯\_(γ)_/¯
Orlok was mostly calm but most of it was having to face whatever lead to the ending
last time while also dealing with the current problems... which was just depressing.
To me Gilbert's route was the only really nice one, I enjoyed figuring out what was going on
and the romance was great so its good to say not everything was bad or awful to sit through.
I even expected them to try and redeem Theo more but that did not happen
though if piofiore ever gets another game I am sure otomate will tap on that ass to get more
money out of it. I'm sorry if that sounded wrong but I've followed otomate for too long.π
Also considering how miserable half the afters were I wouldn't be surprised if a FD was planned...
I enjoyed 3 afters and appreciate Alternativa and I think I got my moneys worth from this
or atleast some of it. Though if you didn't like the original you should probably steer away.
If anything I liked it more than the sequel/fd of ninkoi maybe that's cuz it knew what it wanted to be.
But yea as an otome I think piofiore needs an acquired taste. Its okay not everything
can be truly happy and to take what you can get so I think that's what type of series
Piofiore is trying to be. I tried my best to enjoy what I could from this game, if you're tired
of cute, funny or simple otome games and want something serious then more piofiore should be for you.
Characters ★★★★☆
Art ★★★★★
Scenario/plot. ★★★☆☆
Music ★★★★★
System ★★★★☆
Enjoyment overall ★★★☆☆
Art ★★★★★
Scenario/plot. ★★★☆☆
Music ★★★★★
System ★★★★☆
Enjoyment overall ★★★☆☆
Oh well I guess this might be the last otome game I will play this year...
though I am considering the new Himehibi but it might be better to take a break for now
recharge and leave some games for next year. I do want to try cupid parasite, cafe enchante
or even bustafellows someday so its not like there's no games to choose from.
Yes to everything. You're hilarious
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love this review, you encapsulated my feeling on the routes very well!