Genre: Otome/VN.
Developer/publisher: Takuyo.Platform: Switch.
Official Site:
Release date: 10/12/20.
Good old Takuyo is still around and released a new entry in the hime hibi series!
of which I have only played the first entry, I did buy the second one but never
played actualy managed to make time for it.π
I did pass on their other new game
Hanasaku and maybe i'm glad I did as reviews weren't exactly doing it any favors.
Who is Takuyo? that's a long story but they've been around for a long time.
Enough about that and more about Himehibi 3! which in terms of being of an otome game
was a little more simple than the other Takuyo game I recently played!
- Mostly light-hearted but there seemed to be more to it all but not too deep.
- Pretty art, love the soft colours! most of the backgrounds are nice to look at as well.
Grey area
- Music manages to fit the mood most of the time but its nothing special.
- Kinda on the short side, but on the flip side it knows where to end.
- Not all route are well-rounded better not come her for a deep plot.
- They should have used a different ending theme for the black lily route, too upbeat.π
The OP is decent I guess, catchy enough.
Kisakino Emi is invited to enrolls at sumeragi gakuen, a high-class all boy school that is
undergoing an experiment of letting girls enter, all the boys are princes and the girls princesses...
Its is all a project/test held by the sumeragi group and she has been chosen to be a model student
like some of the guys have. There's a ranking system like Masamune for example is the rook
and Kazumi is a self-proclaimed unicorn(knight) wait why unicorn?! well there surely
was a good sense of humor around as well basically every romanceable guy is named
after a chesspiece and Emi's the queen she joins their commitee and with them prepares
for the festival, each route does this differently and you get closer to him.
Emi also has to deal with being a model student... Other than that a relative of Chiharu
typically tries to make things difficult for everyone involved, gotta have some bad guy I guess.
Depending on your choices you can get different type of route such as: white lily or black lily
there's four endings total, the former is happier than the other but what I liked about this
they explored different sides to the character and different kinds of love which kept things
interesting, for some this is for better others for worse basicallly black route is spicier.
Other than that the general system of the game was smooth and I had no real issues
on my journey to full-complete!
This game is set in a rich kids school thats fancy high-class but more up to date with current times
kind of reminded me of zettai kaikyuu but without the harsh class system.
Hmm... maybe the setting was too fancy for me atleast there were no annoying minigames
and was still pretty relaxing it also didn't feel like it took forever to get interesting
otome-wise like shinigami to shoujo this game was much shorter and to the point.
The common route served its purpose well enough to introduce and explain things.
There are many cg which is only the guy(s) some were good others meh.
The protagonist even comments how just staring at pretty boys is happiness enough
well atleast there are cg's with the two of them together so I can't complain much.π
Himehibi1 also had this problem... but I guess its just a thing this series has
but this 3rd installment does it a little better than the first.
Also its ceroB(12+) so its probably better to not expect it to be that raunchy
because what was there was very tame which might be a blessing cuz there
are maybe two endings were the game was pushing this rating.
Emi is a good girl she might be more likable than the protag of himehibi1 but I did think Emi
is a bit too forgiving. Most of the guys are likable and the only one who pissed me off
was Yumeji and paperbag-kun turned out to be worse than I expected.π
There was definitely enough going on with the character(s) to keep me interested also the game
seems to know its cliches but actually not giving 2fucks about it and still rolls with it
characters like Kazumi would actually be boring were it not for their quirk
and I found his character to be very interesting! though the humor was odd
and a bit corney I feel you're either gonna love or hate it. Atleast every route was unique
and focused on that character which was a plus, some endings might feel lacking
but if you do all you will truly know everything about the guy (for better or worse).
This game was overall pretty simple in what it tried to do, I think I can recommend
this game if you want something light-hearted and character focused while not minding
having to look past the surface of a pretty face, cuz there are some ~problems~ some more obvious
than others. Romance wise... it depends for some it only gets good at the end
others are more well-rounded overall it was still open ended, I think this new himehibi
does kind of retain the old spirit its also not too bloated in length it ends when it should.
I think this game was alright... Kazumi's route while corny was funπ
it might not
be my cup of tea but it wasn't bad! Masamune's route was very enjoyable
and he's definitely my husbando, the only route I didn't really like was Yumeji
but that was mostly because the guy lost his last shred of dignity in the black route
atleast his white route was still somewhat enjoyable but yea watch yourself with him and Paperbag because as much as I like to say there were no bad ends these two are like uhuh riiight?
Ah well otome games are always like that, one route that just rubs you the wrong way
you can't like everything but this game does a good job of finding paths that you could like.
Chiharu was the most well-rounded route and I also really liked him, he's so wholesome it hurts.π
Overall I think this was a pretty good otome game some parts might be a bit cliche
but that's not necessarily a bad thing if it doesn't try to be something its not and
the plot was okay too, for what it was worth this was mostly enjoyable.
I don't know what else to say but if you want to try a more classic
yet modern(for today's standard) this game is a good bet! that is if you don't mind it being simple.
My playorder was:
Kazumi > Masamune > Yumeji > Chiharu > Paperbag.
Idk if there was some recommended order but none are locked nor was there a story that had
to be played out in specific order so you can do whoever you fancy in whatever order you want!
This is the end of non-spoiler section, more ramblings about routes after the jump.
Todoroki Kazumi.
CV:Horie Shun.
The resident megane! Kazumi is the knight, he's very smart, like the future of the nation kind of smart.
This route was kind of heavy in terms of character problems... so its not the best to start with.
Kazumi is a self-proclaimed unicorn because he is so succesful but still thinks he is a phony
in comparison to a real unicorn??? One night Emi walks in on him in some weird garden and then
he realizes he is also just Kazumi and that Emi might be his unicorn.π
They end up making a sort of vow... and they spend a lot of time together...
he even tells her of a story about how a unicorn met a girl.
Needless to say this is getting incredibly unicorny, pun intended. Not to mention him literally
being so devoted to Emi almost like a true knight... I couldn't take most of the stuff
about Kazumi seriously at all maybe that was a good thing.π
They try to come up with a theme for the festival...don't feel like writing a lot about the route
Kazumi is basically smitten and Emi who he sees as a maiden, she thinks he's getting the wrong idea.
It was also pretty obvious he had other problems when he scribbled on a camera lense
and promptly started feeling unwell. Enma's says its all her fault. Either way Kazumi is loco
he's at odds with his inner unicorn and wonders what he's really feeling. Nakahito explained
that this is all because Kazumi has this weird ability... things get weird as his inner voice
says ''then we don't need her''. Kazumi comes to the conclusion its because his heart is weak
this is just an illusion, he could just start again or whatever. Emi looks through a picture book
resembling the story Kazumi told her before. Later at night she wakes up to someone calling
her and sees him in the doorway but then he's gone when she walks out to the hallway.
into this mess of there being two Kazumi's. Nonetheles she wants to save him because she likes him.
In the end Emi made him not being able to hear this other voice, the unicorn.
Kazumi jokes that he's her unicorn... now wondering if it really existed but now that he's
not lonely anymore he has not need of it anymore and that's thanks to her.
Its because he was lonely he relied so much on his inner voice which made him dissociate
like believing he was a unicorn from the story he loves and Emi being the girl from it.
He finally does face the fact that he's just himself and she is not a fairytale maiden...
then he asks her if he can be her friend. (Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~~)π
Then Emi starts laughing... but promtply apologizes as she's fine with it.
Some time later he wonders why Emi's still calling him Todoroki-san... since they're
so close and all thus we get a cute moment of her trying to say Kazumi-san. She invites him
over for tea in her room and Kazumi be like; unicorn my friend thanks for everything, farewell.π
next to her till she falls asleep which was very cute. No nothing happened I swear! Emi supports
him with his work on the statue and the festival happens without any problems.
Emi trying to explain her feelings for him was hilarious... the rest of the white lily end was cute
which along with the next end was probably my favorite out of all of Kazumi's ends.
he cherishes she shows him the one she had and he wonders how it could be that they both
have the same one. They spend the rest of the evening together discussing the story of
the unicorn and the girl then he decides his life is his own and won't be a puppet for anyone else
cuz he wants to be at her side not as a friend but as a lover.π
and it turnded into a huge mess. She tries to make it up to him but he never starts to see her
for who she is and in his eyes is still a maiden and he a unicorn.πππππ
Emi doesn't want to hurt his feels. Chiharu warns her to becareful, Enma was waiting
for Kazumi when all he wanted to do was check up on Emi. Who basically told him
to cut out all the crap about this destined meeting and tells the puppet to repent for his sins
while making fun of his unicorn antics cuz he's different from others.
Enma is a women hater and basically doesn't want his private school to be ruined.
Kazumi snaps and asks his other half for help who tries to justify, later Enma finds out and makes Kazumi give in to his demands there's only one way for him to go forward. So he gives up on her
to protect her and for valentines he will give her a final present that contained his feelings.
The statue gets shown off during the festival and Emi was his model... he openly declares his love
for her infront of the crowd as he ruined it. When they ask him questions he says he's no
longer Kazumi and became his other self... for her sake. Unicorn makes a deal with Emi
and she'll watches over him. Black lily end wasn't much different but he just protected her
without losing to his other himself and there is nothing to worry about as long as he has Emi
it will be okay and he'll be happy. He'll stop anyone from bursting their bubble.π¨
''I thought the route despite being weird in general was pretty decent, some aspect being
a little similar to shinigami to shoujo? are we sure that writer's not involved?
Also its so obvious from the beginning that something is wrong with him
so because of shenanigans I couldn't get into it romance (if at all) till the end
it was also really corny/cringey so that didn't help at all either.
The split for endings was nice because it told another side of the same story
I liked how Kazumi actually gained a sense of self over the course of it.
Too bad it was also over before I knew it and at that point I actually start to enjoy
overall I'd say it was okay... just incredibly corny. Not because of the unicorn BS more about
how he treated her like some character from a story cuz of that I couldn't feel the romance
which already felt incredible one-sided. -_- in terms of plot I guess it was better.
Also really Takuyo?! we need to talk about that Black Lily ending then again
they made getsuei no kusari anythings possible from them.''
Romance ★★☆☆☆
Plot ★★★☆☆
Overall ★★☆☆☆ 2,5
Arashiro Masamune.
CV: Tamaru Atsushi.
them teme's and baka's yeeep he's the resident tsundere with a heart of gold.
For the festival, Emi consults and works together with Masamune, they have the bright idea
to do some kind of prince contest, he's taking it very seriously. He's kinda cute I guess!
Emi forced him to have tea and sweets with him... making him grumpy cuz it doesn't fit his image.π
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What're you looking at?! he's so cute. >_< |
would be no contest at all. Ugh did I do another pun... not my intention.
Most of it was pretty relaxing but things did get weird when he randomly got
angry at students practicing in the dojo for giving Emi weird looks.π¦
Ugh Masamune is so smooth, he's literally the perfect prince... the way he acted as her escort...
Yes, Masamune was that good... as was his voice actor I could feel the heat LITERALLY.
Either way Masamune was hot, dumb but cute and most importantly sexy, all a girl could want...
but the one thing that bothered me was how it was basically all an act for the contest.
well atleast she cooled down... wish that were me cuz Masamune took care of her like a prince.
Emi wanders out into a nearby park cuz something was bothering her... Masamune runs into her
and scolds her in a overprotective way saying to be more mindful of where she is.
Emi is crushing on him pretty hard, making Masamune think she has a cold..... then they get
into the performance again and well he gets all sweet as she obvious needs more practice.π³
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My favorite CG in the whole route! |
because there were some complications to getting better results, Masamune really thinks
she should take more care of her feminity and not willy nilly cut her hair for what is simply an act.
Realizing how he acted was out of line he thinks about things some more... see? heart of gold!
Emi even joins him in the pool when he was sulking over it... either way they're good friends.
Masamune decides to put more effort in his kendo training so he can show he can better
protect what he cares about, the audience absolutely loved the performance.
Chiharu warned them that if they're not careful this could turn out to be a huge scandal...
Emi starts to see him more as a guy, he's cool and he doesn't dislike her but does
start to realize something is different, it was rather cute watching how they felt for each other
and eventually Masamune confesses and tells her to wait a bit so he can fix his shit he also made
a deal with Chiharu. Even if it was just a play at first, Masamune managed to find something real
Emi showed him so much and he her. He really did become her prince in the end and she his princess.
she wants to help him but he doesn't want to trouble her which leads to her confessing her feelings.
Masamune actually cherishes her which lead to a really sappy scene.π
The only thing would be convincing his parents but Masamune feels confident he'd make em listen.
Scandal end: Emi takes care of his hand injury he got while practicing... he seems more
honest with her but does tell her not to put on her boy pants because he'll try harder. >_>
The performance seemed succesful but... for some reason Emi feels hurt to see him
try so hard and wants to become stronger too. Masamune noticed and tells her she did nothing wrong
if anything its all on him. A thunderstorm broke out and while she tries to say she's fine she's really not
so Masamune comforts her, tells her its OK to rely on him. He'll be there for her as long as she wants.
Emi apologizes cuz all she wanted was to be there but he tells her to stop and kisses her.
Later Emi almost gets harassed by someone but... Masamune shows up just in time and he gets
really worked up how this always seems to happen and let's his anger get the best of him.
Apparently some other folks creep from the bushes and caught him beating up the guy on camera....
this guy has something against his parents but Masamune won't hold back, Emi just stands
there watching a unknown side to a person she likes. He tells her not to worry
as long as she's there he doesn't mind anything else. He'll protect her no matter what happens.
Black lily end: Emi acts on her own when she noticed something off... but well this caused
the sirens to go off at the school, Masamune finds her and things become problematic
so Masamune figures they should just elope and leave it all to Chiharu, BRUH.
Masamune is actually sick of the rich kid life and doing it for the money etc
he doesn't want to lose another person he cares about because he already lost one once.
Meeting Emi and seeing her adjust to her new life here really changed him he won't put up with
it's fine or i'll put up with it. He'll follow her to the ends of the earth cuz being apart won't cut it.
''Overall I thought most of the route was enjoyable! didn't really have a good plot but that's ok...
because the mood was alright this was a friend to lover type of route, it was actually relaxing
and not to mention it was super cute! definitely one of my favorites though I might prefer
the pure end over the white lily end. Already said it but his VA was really good, oof.
Only bad part is most of the kiss scene is fade to black and his actual kiss cg was kind of awkward
but yea I really REALLY liked this route kinda sad its over but all good things must end.''
Romance ★★★★☆
Plot ★★☆☆☆
Overall ★★★★☆
Senzoku Yumeji.
CV: Sakai Koudai.
He's a bit of a flirt wants to get along with her his rank is that of the Bishop, he's basically
everyones big bro, Paperbag-kun said it was good the initial impression he had of her was good.
Owns a car and invited Emi to go eat something during lunch-time... he likes red wine
wait how old is this guy again?! his favorite colour is also red. Oh well Emi decides
she's into older men and work more closely with yumeji sensei. For the festival they decide
to do a cooking competition, Yumeji suggest to start out with sweets and he helps her
but at the same time also teases her and puts a strawberry in her mouthπ
her eyes were closed and tried to choose one of the sweets, a chocolate cupcake.
The students all loved it... they even try to get her to go on a date but Yumeji is like chottoaminute
that's all well and good but don't get ahead of yourselves. When Emi asks Yumeji
what he'd want he just says his desire is a secret teehee~
Now that they're partners Emi starts to think about her feelings for him or what if he has a lover...
and she tries to figure out what he likes but this is leaving sensei confused.
Yumeji talks with Chiharu whom noted he is lying about being concerned
about Emi. Huh what's up with that? we'll probably find out sooner or later.
That aside Yumeji continues to help Emi to become a kitchen princess who puts love in her food~
who it is she does it all for. While discussing food he eventually reveals why he likes
the colour red, its because tulips are red and the meaning of the flower is to confess ones feelings.
Emi decides to give her all this time and Yumeji decides that the dreamy times have come to an end.
I'm starting to wonder what he means as they continue their cooking adventures...
Emi wonders what she would do with Yumeji him being a person she likes and all
a date seems appropiate but then Yumeji reads her own thoughts aloud. NANI?!
So he wonders if she wants to go on a date with him and she gets all flustered.
The students are still pleased with her cooking as well... they end up
going to a fancy bar and he makes something for her there. Just who is sensei?!
She doesn't want to eat it all since it looks too good to eat.π
But he insists she does.
After she's done he still has something to give her, its a red dress... he compliments her
but she doesn't understand why, he says its not just the dress that looks good.
Just for the occasion he's not her teacher either... she then calls him by his last name..........
Enma is up to no good and basically tells Yumeji to do something about Emi
who is busy trying to perfect her very own bolognese.
Emi catches him offguard when he was smoking, he asks to keep it a secret she did note
how he really is an adult. Before she goes he asks her to wait but awkwardly tells her its nothing.πand it all will bring himself closer to his wish. Which is to destroy sumeragi corp...
he starts grinning how he'll paint it all black which will be pretty in his eyes. BRUH!
Emi doesn't think its strange when he asked her opinion of it... which turned him on.
Its all because of him wanting to get revenge of something that happened in the past...
he's like an illicit child, if Chiharu was born later it would be better but Yumeji just wants
to set the record straight cuz he feels entitled to things now he has to answer to Enma. -_-
Chiharu is disappointed Yumeji has betrayed him but he still has faith
that he has a shred of dignity left to know what's right and for Emi's sake too.
Turns out Yumeji doesn't have complete faith in Emi's cooking
and if it fails then everything will be for naught that's why he decided to enter himself.
Emi still tries to figure out her feelings for him and gives her all for the competition
when Yumeji figures this out he can't help but feel sorry. Chiharu isn't present for the meeting
the next day but Kazumi can feel a powerful presence. LMAO he can't figure if its good or bad.
Either way half of them can't enter now... cuz there aren't enough ingredients and someone messed
with the registry. Emi's still registered but has to use a bimbo kitchen... and what she has on hand.
The betrayal is real as Yumeji completes a bolognese she was supposed to make. Enma says
its so unfortunate and when Yumeji asks why its because there weren't enough ingredients for Emi.
Enma also tells her she should hurry up or she won't make it in time, she then trips, Yumeji
tells her to wait while he goes out to get help and returns just in time so she can finish her cooking.
Yumeji also admits it was his fault the ingredients were missing... and after formally apologizes
He tells her she is not her prince and that her prince is in another castle who will surely protect her.
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NO! >:( |
when she grows up she'll understands. He appreciates her kind words but he'll continue
to be a Senzoku but for the moment he won't change or what happens to Enma is a mystery.
All's forgiven and Yumeji continues as her cooking partner in crime... even though
they're still on opposite sides. πππ Though he has more confidence in her skills now.
Her cooking is fantastic but Masamune commented something is still different from Yumeji's.
The day before the finals they spend the night together and again he apologizes
tomorrow they'll know for real if she can stay or not. He's kind of grateful to have met her...
cuz he made him see the good things of his own parents again.
Enma tried to ruin her cuisine again by disqualifying her tutti frutti tomato but Yumeji had her back...
so it was allowed all she has to do is convince the jury of her tulip bolognese.
She managed win just barely, afterwards Yumeji invited her on a date...
he'll try to remain a respectable person and will wait till she has grown up
he hopes she won't fall for anyone else till then cuz his love belongs only to her.π
Emi made him all flustered cuz she can't put up with it that long and he stole her first kiss
they make out some more and he doesn't even want to imagine a live without her.
saying it'll be fine and to trust her... but she still had to leave, Yumeji sees her off at the last second.
he wonders what she'll do now and Emi thinks she'll enroll somewhere she can become a better chef.
Yumeji even says he might transfer there as a teacher too cuz he wants to be with her.
In the scandal/black lily route: Yumeji gets weird and wants Emi to see him more as a man
while Emi still has to figure out her own feelings about him. Tbh the way Yumeji started
acting made me uncomfortable also the way he sometimes knows exactly what she's thinking
just gives me the creeps. Emi had to close her eyes and he did her hair and asked her what
she was thinking...then he just kisses her when he heard what he wanted to hear.
Yumeji might become her enemy but is honest about it but he also doesn't want to listen to Enma
and if she thinks of him a little more he will do anything for her because he has fallen in love with her.
Emi thinks about it and well she likes him so she confesses. But then he says thank you next!
and disregards her feelings in the hopes it would scar her and find a better prince. BRUH
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You have no idea how much this guy pisses me of right now... |
Emi doesn't get it and he tells her hahaha you fell into my trap! I fooled you we are enemies
this is all so I can ruin the sumeragi name because as a senzoku I can't just obey them anymore he
might become a different person so he wants to destroy them and will use this to turn it into a scandal.
Emi doesn't know... but she still likes him and wants to be on his side and is concerned about his future
he's like I fooled you and you still would believe me?! Yumeji starts to reconsider as he reports to
Enma who tells him he has one more day to do something about Emi before Chiharu comes back.
Yumeji can't believe how Emi still worries about her even though he's about to pull something nasty
she can't do anything so she grabs him and tells him to selfishly come with her and leave the school.
Might not be easy but to have one ally the world doesn't seem so bad anymore
even though he could betray her again this instant but she just believes him anyway.
Yumeji runs into Chiharu who doesn't exactly forgive him for trying to betray Emi... and he just
wants her to be happy even if she has chosen Yumeji of all people he will make it happen.
They make out one night... and it just ends with her asking what she wants. -_-
Blacklily end: Yumeji tells Chiharu there's no such thing as a real prince and for some
reason Chiharu still has some faith in him to not make Emi unhappy ever again
not that Yumeji will because Emi has become his number one ally in the world.
Chiharu jokes that he is a demon king after all and Yumeji will let him clean up the mess...
Then he tells Enma that the only one he wants is Emi also what has Enma ever given him!?
Enma gives in to his demands but only if he gets the fuck out of his lawn and Yumeji happily obliges.
Well Emi got her wish to be with him, unfortanetely he's still a slimeball.... and the ending was creepy as hell cuz he tries to force her to do adult things like drink wine or force her to strip
because he's her teacher. She convinces herself if she's with him she can be happy
and I'm like bitch please this piece of garbage stole your future.πππ
Sensei I love you... UwU god did this leave a bad taste in my mouth its stuff like this that
makes me wonder if they're actually trying to teach the reader when to run from a relationship
because bruh I would probably have taken the L the moment Yumeji made a fool of Emi.
''Hmm... this route wasn't really my thing? I think the teacher trope is such a hit or miss.
I guess Yumeji was cute... but not my type! the plot was sorta interesting cuz the further you got
the more obvious it was that something was wrong but yea I just wasn't that invested
in the romance. Atleast the white lily end was realistic and it was overall an interesting route
just not for me. That aside I did like Yumeji's voice actor's performance!
I still think Yumeji is a bit of a bitch, it made me angry how he betrayed her and I think
Emi was a bit too forgiving, the black lily route brought out the worst in him
still wish there was an ending where Emi decided to dump his ass but I guess its better
to just do any other route like Masamune for example instead because
Yumeji literally is the worst guy in this game.... I also wish Emi didn't lose her brain
and relied on the other guys more but I guess Takuyo wanted to try something kinky
which was still relatively tame mind you. I'm just gonna pretend
the black lily route doesn't exist because I actually did enjoy the White lily route. :(
Also I got to add how old is Yumeji??? he owns a fancy bar so my guess would be somewhere between
mid 20s to late 30s either way they don't list it but thats my guess anyway this route
is without a doubt a huge hit or miss and the black route doesn't help Yumeji at all
so if you don't mind me right now imma go: Hello, police?''
Romance ★★☆☆☆
Plot ★★★★☆
Overall ★☆☆☆☆
Sumeragi Chiharu.
CV: Arai Youhei.
If you hadn't guessed it by his name, his family owns the school, he seems nice...
unlike his dad who's a woman hater, Chiharu is pro-feminist pretty sure he is the reason
she's here as he really wants girls to attend their currently all boys school.
Chiharu also knows he's fabulous as fuck and most of the normies fawn over him like little girls.π
Before I forget he also keeps this little albino rabbit, which is cute. He hasn't given it a name yet...
Out of all he seems to be the most prince-like, he takes his role as King pretty serious and doesn't
want Emi to push herself she's still a person if there's anything she wants she should say so!
if anything Chiharu was the only guy that quickly grew on me in the common route
maybe its because he already treated her with respect. Chiharu thinks a white lily suits Emi most
but his dad Enma gave her a black one, both white and black lillies are a symbol of the school
which is purely symbolic; a darkness hiding from the light. Enma also sees her as a nuisance.
Urgh Chiharu was so sweet and supportive , I totally got canon guy vibes from him...
For the festival they decide to do a play, Emi gets to decide and she chooses Cinderella
Chiharu totally supports it and she doesn't need to worry about the school's rules
they'll do a sort of original take. Sensei will be a.. cat, Masamune is Napoleon, Kazumi
will be the unicorn(of course) and Paperbag-kun a Swallow looking for a bride for the prince
and said prince is Chiharu while Emi is the princess. Most of the route is basically
deciding how the play will go there appears to be some overlap between Chiharu's past
and the story of the play or maybe i was seeing things. One day Enma shows up randomly
and tells Emi to treasure the white lily Chiharu just gave her before he walks off...πππ
Chiharu tells her there's nothing to worry about and continues to treat her like a queen.
This route does make it very obvious Emi is a princess, in some others it felt more lowkey
the two would meet up at night sometimes and end up practicing together sure did have
a cinderella feel, though it did have the same problem as Masamune which at times
made it hard to see what was an act or not buuuut in the last route I did
it was made obvious Chiharu really does want Emi (cinderella) to be happy
and respects whatever choices she made. (What a chad...)
One night Chiharu finds Emi asleep in the lounge he watched over her, awww~
Chiharu tells her that when he was little he used to hate the sun, because he was sick often but then
he found a rabbit which thought him otherwise. He'll tell her more when they get along more.
The plot takes a weird turn as the prince is supposed to take something that is poisoned, Enma
tries to tell him its for the good of the country and he wants cinderella to be happy
even if it means he won't be there to see it but Cinderella managed to save him in the end.
Afterwards Chiharu took her to his home, we learn that there's a special person
he's been looking for all his life... while blushing Emi wonders who this is.πππ
his dad is kinda mad about bringing Emi there the relationship between them ain't great
he trolls Emi abit about her needing to try harder to become a better princess
Chiharu will take responsibility and protect her, the one he chose if need be.
Emi thinks about some stuff... but she doesn't understand what is going on with Chiharu
its kind of obvious he likes Emi and that she might be the one he was looking for
but not even Chiharu is sure of his feelings yet, all his dad teaches him is to be on top anyway.
They decide to portray a scene in which Emi will be a little rabbit reaching out to the prince...
Emi still has to entertain Enma to show she is good enough and so he has a good time
being a princess is hard. Later she finds Chiharu asleep in the lounge just like he found her
of course he wakes up too, well he deserved the rest because he didn't get enough these days
they talk about the rabbit again and he thinks about giving it a name, if he really intends to keep it
because it had become important to him, just like how he once didn't like sunlight he thinks fondly
of the rabbit now. Kinda obvious Chiharu is crushing on Emi hard and wants her to call him Chiharu
and to make sure he's not dreaming he says its because she's special and hearing
her call him Chiharu made him feel a lot better. He's already calling her Emi anyway.
Everything is basically so one day both girls and boys can attend the school...
In the white lily end, Enma starts Lmao'ing at Emi for being too... positive about things
before he just walks off cuz he has the thread whirled around his finger.
Emi and Chiharu finally talk about their feelings, she wants to be at his side which is a hard
promise to keep so they do a pinky swear cuz he'll try his hardest to make her happy.
Chiharu reveals why the sun and the rabbit are important to him is because he was able to meet his princess the thought of it was still sleeping within him. He won't force it and will wait as long as it takes. Turns out... Emi met Chiharu a long time ago but she forgot. Also Enma
is throwing a hissy fit and about to lock his son away somewhere. Everyone is like
this is problematic so they consult the Queen who is not about to let that happen
Enma will give them till tomorrow because its late, my what a sensible person.
Chiharu gets all Sappy with Emi so Masamune tells him WE'RE LEAVING you two ALONE
words alone cannot convey the comedic part of this scene. Chiharu wanted to practice dancing
and with THEM gone who is gonna be in the way?! he tells her more of his past as they dance.
that tree because she said sakura petals suited him.
His mom and dad didn't really love each other, books got burned next to the sakura tree
there was a diary among them, he figured to not meddly in adult stuff and that there were
some things that should be hidden he found out its better to treat a girl with care.
He started to understand his parents loveless marriage and lost confidence in himself
and had some regrets but then he was told to love someone from the heart.
That day he was suffering, it was the day he met Emi under the sakura tree alone...
he didn't know her at the time but it was the first time he ever made a friend.
Chiharu is thankful she protected his mothers words and that she fell in love with him.
They have to part ways again but once Chiharu is healed he'll come back for her
and returns the handkerchief but things get embarrassing he's like maybe not I can't take this.
That night they finally perform their play of Cinderella which was a success
Enma thought it was good and the bastard wants an encore, he also loses his edge
and blesses their future together... he also says the project was a success.
Chiharu admits that ever since they met he developed oneitis and made sure Emi was the one
''princess'' who enrolled. Chiharu still doesn't know the difference between like and love
but like is a step into the right direction, if she'd want to be away from him he'd let her
even if he doesn't want to he wants to be at her side because he loves her.
Emi likes her too and this is too much and i'm screaming just make out already PLEASE
but Chiharu decides to propose to Emi instead and gives her a ring.
When the time comes Enma opens up the school for girls and announces his son
is succeeding him as well as their engagement/cinderella themed wedding.
Pure end: Not much different, except Chiharu understands the fact Emi
has a place to return to but at the same time it scares him... but even so he'll wait for her.
The results of the play were okay afterwards he calls her to his home
and gives her a white lily and a glass slipper as proof she was a princess but accepts
such a life doesn't suit her and is willing to let her go as he focuses on his work.
He does ask her if she is willing to accept the lily one day in the future and meet again
here below the cherry tree and be his cinderella again. Chiharu won't give up on his goals
and Emi will definitely meet him again one day! What a whole some ending...πππ
![]() |
Pure end is definitely my favourite! |
unleashing his wrath and bans the idea of girls ever stepping on the school grounds ever again.
Chiharu the chad tries to take responsibility and he gets 14 days to get his shit together...
he promises he will work things out so Emi's not troubled unfortunately the stress and panic
set in hard for Chiharu and he doesn't want to lose someone he cares about
so he starts being a dick and expells anyone who doesn't live up to his standards
the others all help him but keep Emi in the dark, restricting her freedom...
this also affects the play which takes a dramatic turn. It all plays out perfectly for Enma
as the darkness residing within Chiharu's heart has surfaced. Enma gives Emi a black Lily
and tells her he's serious and hopes she understands the meaning.
Chiharu walks in on them... and tells Enma to fuck off cuz a person can decide
for themselves what they like or not like. Emi still decides she wants to support him
to be the black lily to his white lily. Chiharu believes that the only place Emi
should be is at his side because its the safest place, he'll protect her.
All he cares about is her, he doesn't even care about the school or the students.
After the play is over Emi still hasn't made up her mind what to do so he gives her a few minutes
before asking a question of how like and love are different from eachother and wants to know
how she feels about him because it might give him a moment of clarity. Emi simple likes him
she doesn't know the difference either. Chiharu hugs her but he still doesn't know
but he'd like her to know how he feels about her too, and well he likes her too
seeing him now she understands and says he loves her and doesn't want her to go away
he wants her to stay with him, even if the magic ends at midnight or the world itself ends.
Emi accepts his feelings because she thinks she finally gets it somewhat.
Enma wants Emi to give up so he gives her access to something that will make her change her mind
Chiharu wanted to talk as well, and apparently the bunny he released came back
he has names it after himself, before leaving Emi decides to ask him about something
he knew Enma was up to something but he doesn't mind discovering what it is if she wants.
Its the handkerchief, Emi is sure she saw it somewhere before, its his greatest treasure
because it has the name of the person he cherishes the most. Emi's mind races because she knows
its the princess and if he has her it will be okay, she remembers when they met as kids too.
Next time he decides its better to well you probably guessed it already...
and will shoulder her burdens so she can stay with him and goes back home with him
so their dream continues, he tells her if she ever wants something to tell him
it won't end if they'll never stop loving each other...π
Blacklily end: Chiharu decides to try his best but still wants Emi at his side
without her there'd be no point he wants to rely on her and she understands that
she ends up remembering about their childhood meeting as well.
She meets him at night and he expresses his feelings and fears of being apart from her...
though he is willing to let her go as Emi made him see that if his feelings are true
then you'll be able to be apart. He wants to make a promise that she'll be happy
he tries to tell her how healing an injury of the heart can't be done alone if she hadn't
met him then... he'd probably be a different person so if there's anything that is hurting her
he wants to help her, he'll do literally anything, because he loves her.
Some things change, they change colours of chesspieces like white to black...
in the end only Emi is left but she can't do it, doesn't really matter to him cause
he belongs to her and she can do as she pleases (kinky?!) as she is his reason for living.
Emi for some reason agrees thats mutual! without him why live? Chiharu comments
that finally their world is complete... she's happy and wants to know his world and he her.
(I probably TL;DR that really badly but ye that wasn't so bad or was it?)
''I liked the route, those canon guy vibes I had definitely were true! in terms of plot
this was probably the most well-rounded and clearly makes it obvious the other
guys routes are different paths Emi could take and whatever she does it is clear
Chiharu mostly respects her choices, he's so wholesome! except in the black route
but tbh you could already tell his character had that in him... it wasn't that disturbing
or out of character even, I do like how this game explores different sides to the characters
the only ending i'd pass on would be the scandal end, I much prefer the black lily end
but my favorite ending would be the pure end in white route.
TL;DR He's a wholesome lad with oneitis but is able to get over that and is pretty much a chad.''
Romance ★★★★☆
Plot ★★★★☆
Overall ★★★★☆(4,5)
KamiBukuro Nakahito.
CV: Akabane Kenji.
a weirdo who walks around with a paper bag over his head, smart enough to cut two holes
in it to be able to see through, he's the one who shows Emi around the school ground
and explains her about what kind of place it is but I was really curious about who he is
especially since he asked Emi if she liked guys with pretty faces to which just looking can bring
a rush of happiness but I couldn't help but wonder WHY IS HE WEARING THAT BAG on his head.
This character is like a joke and probably the last one you'd think of you know dating...
and if I had to be really honest I like him more as just a support character because by the time
I did the black lily ending most of what I liked about him had been permanently ruined.
As for his rank... he's just a pawn, some times ends up keeping the normies away from the queen.
paperbag-kun also likes money... can create good partnership right? in business sense I hope
well his last name is middle man so that makes a lot of sense.π
Most of the time he is just the middleman and helps around... if you have money.
There was only one moment in common route where Emi spots him without his bag on his head
but alas it wasn't enough for her to recognize him. I immediately knew it was him cuz of VA.
I also liked how the bag on his head would change depending on his mood it made him very expressive.
Not even 5 minutes into his route and I couldn't take it no more this will go well...
they discuss doing a kimodameshi(test of courage) for the festival everyone agrees
its a good idea but Emi is sulking about it, Chiharu figures this was Paperbag's idea too.π
At first this route was overall more comedic than others the beginning was hard to take seriously...
Emi starts having bad dreams as well... I mean she does have to put up with this guy
this eventually leads to her also putting a paper bag over her head (he had extra)
to see what it was like though he is still a human he can't read minds and neither can she.
Funny stuff aside they did have a cute moment where he gave her a raincoat when it started raining...
he can be prince-like if he wants to but I didn't really feel the romance and not much stood out
but he seems like a swell guy in Emi's eyes then he went what do you even know about me?! and leaves. The next day or so it appears she goes to the lake and paperbag comes in riding on a horse?
acting like he's the prince from cinderella. Then he whispers do you really want to know
more about me? and then she woke up. Emi is tripping balls and over-analyzes some things.
that must have been a stupid dream! he helps her prep for the kimodamashi
but starts acting like a dick saying there's no need for thanks this is my job
she starts to worry a little as paperbag just seems to want to get ''this lovey dovey act''
over with Emi is just a normal girl to him not a princess this line lit a fire within her.
The paperbag in her dreams is completely opposite but even that changes...
She saw the gardener again but dozed off and paperbag was infront of her
since she's close to busting his ass he finally shows his face.
Emi just had to go and choose him aka the least interesting guy. (actually he's plenty interesting)
Emi manages to get her act together again but Enma has to show up and ruin the mood
but atleast Paperbag is lightened up a little but he is worried since Emi has been so down lately
he'll do anything as long as he gets money but Emi is a pain in the ass so he tries
to pull a if you got the money the guy you like will do anything you want.
Emi is like ''............'' paperbag knows she likes him so where's the problem.
My dude... everything about it is the problem! Paperbag tells her he's always been
a money-loving guy and thinks she might have seen him differently.
He even tries to figure out what her type is but she won't say...
she understands him a little more but still hasn't figured it out he tells her she probably
shouldn't get involved with him lest it turns out into a problem.πππ
Turns out he was only in it for the money and that he has this weird ability in his eyes
that was why he weared the bag on his head. He will continue to help her though...
he did tease her a little but ugh he's such a dick. The other catch on that she is troubled by it
she ends up finding him alone at school one night and gets him to talk about himself for once.
His mom was single and it was very hard for her to raise him by herself, he doesn't know his dad....
one day she met another man, he could tell he was a decent person but something was off
he was glad but if he wasn't there then she'd be happier and so Kamibukuro left his home thinking it
would make them happier the Arashiro's ended up taking him in and the rest is history.
He figured that money is good, people might betray but money doesn't.
Either way since paperbag caused her so much grief he decides its about time
to be punished...π Emi just decides to work with the other guys
while avoiding each other. The chad Chiharu catched on and Emi tells him
that she likes the paperbag and Chiharu just reassures her she'll be happy for sure while
also telling paperbag-kun to get his shit together and stop running. Paperbag doesn't even
want to do the kimodamashi thing... and thinks about his feelings once more and eventually
Paperbag gets his head out of his ass and returns with his favorite piece of headwear
to help her out anyways but tells her she is also just a girl and to not push herself.
He had a coin with a hole in it and turned it into a necklace...
and he saved her ass by acting like a bodypillow, its not like he dislikes her
but he might make her regret choosing him of all people uh yea thank you next.
I mentally tuned out and nothing of significant happened anyway other than him being
pouty and not wanting to tell her his real name, oh well they like each other the end
not sure about the part of being with him for the rest of her life being a punishment.
Pure end was maybe a little better as he asks Emi to punch him real good. Awww yiisss
though she worries abotu his future and he's like not you're problem
he asks if theres anything she wants and she had to think real hard... his name.
Oyobuki Ayumu. He also confesses he likes her... while getting all embarrassed.
He kisses her and then asks her if she prefers a prince or a villager
of course its a prince but he can't become what she wants because he's a villager.
Emi is like its fine the way it is... he gives her a coin because she promised to make him happy
and he's glad she fell for him because he finally found someone he likes.
TBH this ending was overall a lot better than the shit before it.
she uses the coin necklace and yanks him with it. Kinky, he doesn't mind at all
he even wants her to hit him harder. BOI wish I was lying but it is going in this direction
of him becoming her slave. Yes.... see you can use money to get a guy you like
to whatever you want! this is terrific isn't it? and if I didn't want to you can find someone else
but now I am your servant so what is it master~ but she's like I want to do somethin about you!
ah yes you really do love me don't you.... oh well she decides to stop yanking the coin necklace
and convinces him to stop the master-servant BS. He helps her get into her new dress.
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Wish there was more of this or that kinky master-servant stuff... I feel baited. | |
and he has to help him out in the fight against Enma, like with other black routes
it just doesn't work out to allow girls to attend. Emi ends up at Ayumu's place
she convinces her she's happy, Ayumu didn't want her to end up here but
this is the only place he could protect her from the traitorous outside world
and for her to remain pure even if has to be the coated in darkness.
Blacklily end: Emi decides to not go back to her old life there'd be no chance he could meet her
because of his dirty line of work, she ends up at his place again because Enma was furious
we learn that he was really just working for him, also the btw which version of me
do you liked really rubbed me the wrong way. Since the magic spell is wearing off he asked her
if she has a last request, Emi be like kiss me maybe while he chokes her with a tie. π±π±π±
''Hmm... Idk its not that I dislike paperbag i'm just not invested in him romantically
he's actually pretty fun but I just couldn't get attached that much.
Maybe its because he was actually quite unpleasant for the majority of the route
and things aren't looking any better till right at the end so it' was Kazumi all over again.
If I had to rank his endings it'd be: Pure > Scandal > White Lily > Black Lily.
I think Paperbag is just one of those characters that's better off as support...
some of the route was fun but the drama was honestly so tiring I mentally tuned out
the black route went into a direction that just wasn't for me but I did have a good laugh
in the beginning of it and I don't understand why they didn't just roll with that kinky shit more
but I guess Emi is too pure to do that, also lmao wtf was that blacklily end??!!
either way I thought I liked this route at the beginning but it just went down hill
as it went on and there's only really one resolution to it all that I actually liked.''
Romance ★★☆☆☆
Plot ★★☆☆☆
Overall ★★★☆☆
Fav route:
Masamune > Chiharu > Kazumi > Paperbag > Yumeji.
My fav was Masamune and Chiharu was so wholesome! I think both Kazumi, Yumeji and to some
extent paperbag are the undesirables for me, I liked how the black route explored a different side.
I don't dislike Kazumi perse, his route was just too unicorny. Yumeji probably was the worst it
could get all things considered after what he did I think its normal to be totally turned off by him
or turned on if that's how you swing but for me that's gonna be a no from me dawgh
but I did like his white route more than Paperbag let me get into one last time...
Paperbag's route was funny at first but it dragged... his character turned out to be rather
unpleasant and i'd much rather have him stay a side chara, the only end I did like was his pure end.
Fav character:
Masamune & Chiharu > Paperbag > Kazumi > Yumeji.
Final thoughts.
Overall this was mostly an enjoyable otome game with some good comedy to it
but that might be a hit or miss just like some of the routes themselves.
The story was simple and it didn't try too hard, its pretty much a character game
because its the characters that drove the plot of the route.
Length was just right for what it had to offer the routes all being unique to that character
definitely helped in that regard. The art was pretty, music nothing to complain about i guess?
and most characters were interesting. Emi was a decent heroine she tried her best
considering the situation. Also the voice actors were mostly unknown
to me but they all did a great job! This game was also mostly safe and if it did
take a weird turn it was to further explore the character and you can easily prefer
the white over the black route. The white route was pretty standard stuff, black added more spice.
The only routes I really didn't like was Yumeji's and Paperbag which was compared
to the others the closest thing to a dark route and with those two aside
it was also pretty light-hearted. No one really knows about takuyo
but this game definitely has my recommendation if you want to test your japanese
on something due to the highschool setting. Other reason for recommending would be if you
just enjoy more simple otome games with a harem-like setting to explore without having to worry
about too many bad ends. Per character there's maybe only one end that's worse than the others.
It does feel nice to write a review of a otome game without it being too ranty for once! even though
I didn't like all the routes, my fav were Masamune and Chiharu, it is nice that in the case
of Paperbag or Yumeji I did atleast like one ending, which is enough you can't like everything
and i'm not going to try either, at the end of the day I thought this was still pretty decent
but I do have to add that if you already played a lot of otome games this might be rather lacklustre.
Characters ★★★★☆
Art ★★★★★
Scenario/plot. ★★☆☆☆
Music ★★★★☆
System ★★★★★
Enjoyment overall ★★★☆☆
Art ★★★★★
Scenario/plot. ★★☆☆☆
Music ★★★★☆
System ★★★★★
Enjoyment overall ★★★☆☆
With that this is my second to last post of 2020 the other being a mini ranking of the games I played.
I didn't think i'd manage to finish this game in time but I did, i'm planning to check out
the english version of bustafellows next year and maybe try cupid parasite if i'm
in the mood for something funny again because I did hear good things about it.
I'll keep an eye on Kimi wa Yukima ni Koinegau and Shuuen no Virche but atm
there's not a lot of info about them, Paradigm paradox looks interesting as well
and the art is pretty cute but I haven't made up my mind yet so its all a huge maybe.
Apparently the otome genre is dying but that's not entirely true, sure some companies
did go under and there's not a whole lot of competition but I think otomate still releases
the same amount of games as a few years ago and 2019 was the least engaging
because of the move to switch and most were ports though 2020 did have a good
number or titles. That's just my 2cents on the matter, if an otome game interests you and know
japanese I definitely recommend to buy it because that is the only way to support the industry.
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