Genre: Otome/simulation VN.
Developer/publisher: KOEI/ruby party.
Platform: Switch.
Official Site:
Release date: 20/05/20.
Developer/publisher: KOEI/ruby party.
Platform: Switch.
Official Site:
Release date: 20/05/20.
I am not too fond of simulation genre of otome games but I still got this game
after I was impressed with the demo, as its base plot was a bit more captivating
than my entire experience with retour granted it was one route...
I remember trying Brian even but lost interest welp, time to try again?
- Interesting characters, was motivated to do multiple character ends.
- Ange's personality, sometimes she can be sassy.
- Art, I like the art style.
- Starts off strong but falls flat in the end... (none if any conflict as well.)
- Gameplay is pretty much a reskin of retour albeit with QoL improvements.
- It is rather short, especially on 2nd+ play.
- Reusing CG's with slightly different background taking up slots in the gallery like its 2010.
Ange who after a hard day of work went for a drink and laments her life's choices
then gets offered with the choice of becoming a queen and randomly signs it cuz why not!
Little did she know some pretty boi on a pegasus showed up to take her to her new job.
I liked how this was all done in manga form... really added some humor to it
before it switced back to regular VN mode, was nice while it lasted.
Ange doesn't understand but the pretty boy who's name is Yue explained it all...
but did a poor job so Vergil had to jump in to explain it in a way Ange understood.
In short: Ange signed a contract and was isekai'd to a new world to become a candidate
to be queen of the cosmos, Ange thought that contract paper was a joke but here we are.
There is also another candidate to be the queen, Reina who like Ange also just got here
and is willing to answer any further questions Ange might have, Reina is also her rival
who has no intention to lose! In terms of other characters there's Cyrus who is Ange's butler.
Cyrus also interrogates Ange some of his questions will determine compatibility such as
birthday/bloodtype or likes/dislikes you could say he's simply one hell of a butler, also is it just me
or do I get sebastian vibes from him. >_> Unfortunately Cyrus is not romanceable
like the others which is such a shame because just from the prologue he really grew on me.
The chemistry amongst the guardians was also nice so events with them were nice most of the time.
The two candidates are given their own planet to raise with the help of the elements
that the guardians possess. This is a series staple and it wouldn't be Angelique if it wasn't.
Cyrus knows when to joke around as well some times it was good other times it was eh
and I was just like my dude what're you smoking?! Tyler the engineer was cute
as well too bad he's not romanceable, ah the terashima curse strikes again!
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Reina might not be romanceable but atleast she and Ange can hang out. |
Gameplay like other entries includes simulation parts and there is a day/time limit to get things done
though i'm not sure how long we are allowed to take, probably best to not take too long.
Like with retour you have to manage your time of chasing bishies with being a candidate
for the queen. Most of the gameplay flow is similar to retour but they have tweaked some things.
There is still some RNG involved but it is much less of a hassle which made it easier to replay
and there are timed choices in which a character may quiz you during a date but most of these
are easy if you've been paying attention during your gameplay. Like for example
is your rival(or yours development higher or lower? Do you remember x and what was it? etc.
Thankfully the first dates no longer have you select lots random questions which is a blessing
there's still some randomness but not as bad as in retour, I was always stressed back then
cuz of RNG and higher potential of saying the wrong things that would ruin the mood of a date.
If you date a lot the guys and get perfect answer on the quiz they may give Ange a present
for me it only happened with Vergil, Yue &Noa, you can also give the guys presents
but you have to buy it on a holiday but figuring out what they like was another thing...
though affection was plenty so that was not a big deal!
Gameplay also feels less monotonous because some things can be automated
a blessing on multiple playthroughs. Whatever difficulty you select will affect
Reina's behavior making it either easier or harder to get through it.
I recommend easy because hard makes everything a pain............
Like retour you don't need a guide as long as you save a lot because there is a chance you
select a wrong choice during events that results in heartbreak so you cannot proceed events
for me Lorenzo's events were especially bad with this I couldn't find the right thing to say.π
The only thing I really hated was the RNG involved with the confession or be confessed at events
and how there's 1 cg locked behind being lovers that for some had asinine requirements
but atleast the game is nice enough to tell you how to get it so its not that bad.
If you're curious about this entry and are still on the fence about the aforementioned gameplay flow
there's a demo/trial on the japanese eshop, wish more otome dev's would do this tbh.
Zeno's precious and Vergil totally not from the devil may cry series also seemed interesting.
The characters all had a personality to them outside of their events... but a lot of it was
random and I couldn't keep track of some of their stories so that was a bummer.
I liked a event were Vergil teased Yue during a game of words.π On another note
the heroine Ange is 25 years old! which certainly made things a bit more interesting?
As for the love interests the youngest ones are 18 and 19 with the others being in the mid/late 20's.
Seiyuu: With the exception of Satou Takuya and Shimazaki Nobunaga most of the seiyuu talent
are all relatively unknown which is nice sometimes even I am tired of hearing the same old va's
also glad they didn't use those ossan's because some of them like Zephel's VA really
had to try hard reprise their role the only exception was Koyasu but that's probably
because Koyasu is still very active as a seiyuu unlike some of the cast in retour.
Rest assured that this is not the case here which lead to a better listening experience.Some guys have their own thing going on its more obvious with Kanata the youngest of the
guardians he's much like Ange and still getting used to his new life there if you don't know which
guy to go for I think Kanata might be a good pick? but still it might be better to pick the guy
which really interest you and make the most out of your first play because I ran out of steam quickly
cuz this game wasn't that fun to sit through multiple times, it isn't very interesting either in terms of plot. Not sure about the rivalry but as long as you're trying there shouldn't be a problem, only once
I fell behind & sorta sat on my ass in the beginning cuz I was thinking about Vergil.π
They also gave Ange and Reina backgrounds that influenced who they are as a character and theirrelationship but that's sorta it too. If you want to complete all events, well uh good luck with that?
there are lots of different variations of events. I was pretty satisfied with just getting
the romantic ends as well as full gallery or almost cuz I couldn't be arsed to get
the last bar cg for 2 characters, which thankfully wasn't worth that much. Other than that
its probably disappointing there was no real plot outside of the guys events, it was mostly relaxing
and everyone was nice much like in retour maybe too nice, even if things don't work out
in terms of love there's no hard feelings they might even still want to spend the day.
Its great if you don't want much going on but yea don't expect a plot like in
the haruka games, I found this disappointing because it started off well enough but this might
as well be an angelique thing, you have the goal and choice to romance but not much else to it.
The character events and love ends really are the best thing the game has to offer!
IMO it was alright... just okay at best, Koei managed to sell it to me
from the trial but its mostly cuz of the characters so they definitely did something right?
But there is also something wrong, the lack of CG events and reusing
1 cg scene 3 times, only change is the background. Come on what year is this? I expect
something like that from back around 2010. There are many times I wonder why there
was a lack of them, even retour had a few cg's when you go out visiting that world's town
or a dance cg etc, luminarise does it too but really awkwardly, disconnected from the flow
and not fun to have to fetch it if you didn't visit said location thrice. Some have weird conditions
like visit the first time as lovers but if you visit before being lovers that you get a different version
of the event.π See what I mean by asinine? god forbid you visit misty canal with Kanata
before being lovers cuz there goes your chance of seeing one of the few CG events.
Atleast most mini event were enjoyable but i'm just disappointed there are hardly
any CG's spread out over the romance events, Further more there are no real routes
and the game is a giant common route filled with individual events which aren't very long, if you
try to go for one you will trigger a bunch of the others especially if you automate to much.
Sometimes there would be guy only events. I couldn't keep track or be interested in those cuz they happened in no particular order they weren't that interesting either so nothing of value was lost.
This game is very short not like retour was much better at that.... in that game despite enjoying Zephel's
events and vibing with some guys from time to time, that was all that there's to it! Luminarise is the same in that regard. So I realize maybe simulation games just aren't for me! cuz by the time
I got to the final route of the game I was just about done with it.
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Vergil is my best boi! |
more than retour due to QoL improvements. But really my first play was the most fun
and most of the fun and interest disappeared on subsequent plays leading to me
running out of steam and then I also felt bad about betraying Vergil when going for others
cuz I liked him more than Kanata whom I just wanna cheer on not romance.π
If there was any character I had trouble liking it was Milan his romance events were off-putting
but outside of that he was likeable. I much preferred to spend my time with Zeno he is too precious.
Both Shuri & Felix were a surprise for me cuz I was turned off at first but they both grew on me!
There might be some characters you just don't like which for me was Milan and Lorenzo.
Noa's likeable enough and I don't hate him but everything about his character
has me going, I have seen this somewhere before have I? Yue on the other hand is a cutiepie!
Whoever ends up being your fav will depend on personal taste really.
The stories in the character events varied heavily but there were some life lessons that could
seen or learned from it so I don't think it was all that bad, it just makes up for the main plot
being lacklustre which was just there to set things up. This can be a nice otome game if you let it!
by doing all routes you might notice how a lot of things are just kinda the same.
Well I think this is okay if you like romance simulators and never played an angelique
game and are new to this but other than that it kind of fell flat despite starting out strong
the lore and all is interesting but don't play it for the plot... do it for THEM bishies.
Once more I recommend trying out the demo on the JP eshop to get a feel of it
the japanese is pretty easy too so its a good game to test japanese on. I say that
because this game is quite expensive it might just be KOEI tax at this point
but i'm more inclined to blame this on the pandemic for it being the way it is
or maybe that's just me trying to be nice and cut them some slack?
End of non spoiler section, route spoilers after the jump.
So TL;DR Ange as a character is a hardworker but never seems to get anywhere even though
she tries her best and then this game happens where she is kinda done with shit, then walks
into a bar after a hard day of work and signed some contract that someone offered her
while she blabbed about her suffering, not reading the fine print she blindly signs itonly to get iseka'd by some guy on a pegasus.π
From there she tries to develop her own planet alongside her rival Reina...
while getting to know the guardians barely even understanding what awaits her in the future.
My play order: Vergil > Kanata > Zeno > Milan > Shuri > Felix > Lorenzo > Noa > Yue.
Vergil. (27)
CV: Miyazaki Yuu.
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He's probably contemplating the meaning of life, existance as we know it. |
He's the wind guardian, his voice actor i've never heard but he sounds a little like Shin'ichiro Miki.
Vergil is pretty normal, can't find much to dislike about him... hmm he's pretty laid-back and can
be a bit of a tease as well. Vergil doesn't mind trying out new things and loves to learn.
There's this thing with him that he doesn't seem to be bothered by the past but it actually
is a big deal to him. I think he is quite a difficult character to like, his events were
quite interesting, his way of expressing concern for Ange was sweet.
The romance with him was quite slowburn and was nice to watch too... really liked it!
If you trigger a good date with him it will never end, he will want to keep chatting...
eventually Vergil gives Ange a Orange Sapphire necklace as a present.
Vergil be marking his territory...
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One of the infamous bar date cg's with three possible backgrounds. |
if she is going to be a queen and at this point thinks he's totally not suited fort it!
She'll think about it which leads to him telling more of his past and homeland
that was war-torn, his mom died of illness and his dad of fighting as a soldier then
Vergil was left with a little brother so he had to be responsible. Then he found himself
chosen as a guardian so he believed there to be some meaning to it.
Ange has him spell it out that Vergil is worried about her which made him all embarrassedπ
the next event turned out to be an awkward mess of him trying to sort his feels
not even Vergil understands himself no more. π
Then he finally says he doesn't want Ange to become the queen because he doesn't
want her to suffer such an unfortunate fate and to choose a more normal life. Ange is like
my dude what's wrong with you?! then Vergil says he once had a lover who died
and this is all because he's being reminded of her. Ok.jpg
while he goes to calm down in a corner by himself.π
Ange goes to visit him later
and he gets all like aaaaaaaaaaaaa~ i'm so disgusted at myself for having feelings for someone
maybe hit me to wake me up.πππ no never mind that won't change much.
Vergil is still like this is the worst till Ange gets the hint and asks him if he likes her...
to which he responds why're we talking about that? GOD THIS MAN IS A MESS
SOMEONE HELP HIM. Ange doesn't get it but gets him out of his pathetic state.
Later she goes to find him cuz she wanted to know what he was talking about
and they fell into the pond...I really wish there was a CG there because it was classic.
Ange gets him to stop being disgusted at himself for being human and after Vergil
is done musing he swears to protect her like a knight and support her
no matter what happens which was very sweet and they become a couple.
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What an angel... πππ |
and they were nothing special. If you did well enough in developing the land you
was just have to wait till you hit turn 120 or something... and get selected as the queen.
Ange looks back on whether or not to do it, be the queen they want.
If she doesn't want she puts Reina on the job and goes back to her world
and just moves on with life never seeing them again this is such a disappointing I can't even
not much else to it when Ange becomes the queen either she just continues
doing what she did with Elysion but on a much much bigger scale.
To queen or not to queen and home?
Turns out to unlock the final love even you got to finish the game at least once like above
and you have to electrocute some poor civilians at the forest with an itemπ±π±π±
One of the endings has Vergil confess that he really loves Ange and to much surprise
they make out, KOEI actually gave me a kiss CG what madness is this?π
guess they knew who best boi was... depending on Ange's choices she may finish
the job as queen or drop out either way Vergil's love is sealed. UwUb
At the end they end up being found out as lovers and there was some mild drama over it
but Cyrus ends up supporting them as Ange becomes Queen/assistent of Reina
saying something like a new door/chance can always open up. Meanwhile Vergil is so happy
Ange has become his queen he doesn't even care about anything else. All's well that ends well.
since he feels the same and there's no going back, he'll protect her forever no matter what
idk what's up with these type of endings, it always immediatly ends the game
as they become lovers, Ange gives up on the competition to be with her man
there are some weird variations to it too but in most Ange becomes Reina's assistant.
Overall I like Vergil and enjoyed his events, I laughed a lot actually! some of it was hilarious
but overall the route was very simple, dunno what the writer was on but it was probably good shit.
Many times I wondered is this guy okay?! yea he's just experiencing self-disgust
and can't believe he has fallen in love. I am once again absolutely trash for a 2d man.
Though out of all the guys Vergil is probably the most normal one... I could totally
understand if people found him boring but sometimes simple is best?
I loved how Ange dealt with him too, the only thing I am puzzled about why isn't
there some sort of go home with Vergil ending? I guess that's not possible? sigh...
they should've perfected that drug that restrains their powers or something.
I love him so much, he's such a mess but still ugh he's precious and sweet. ;A;
Romance ★★★★☆
~Plot ★★★★☆
Overall ★★★★★Kanata. (18)
CV: Otsuka Takeo.
and isn't quite used to all this or accepted his new life, he was still going to school and such.
Wait is it just me or does this sound like Zephel's background from the original?
Either way he's a precious boy who tries his best... he actually misses his old life, friends etc. Kanata really loves videogames and music so Zeno helped him and made him a game!
Kanata invites Ange to play it with him which was cute... he's also happy if you give him 1 as a present.
Things go well enough and he acknowledges his situation and will do what he can.
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My mood when trying to collect all CG's in this route. |
sacrea aka the power the guardians possess to regulate/stabilize the land. Its not threatening
but Ange will stay by his side for a little longer, later Kanata apologizes
and its going much better again so he finally tells her how he doesn't want all this
and wants to return as soon as he can, Kanata figures he could fulfill this duty
and was glad Ange was there. For some reason he still can't completely get it together
which has to do with the previous water guardian. Its because he found out through
some stuff they left behind that the previous guardian had a hard time as a guardian
so he figures if he could go back one more time that it might help him.
Ange decides to help him find his resolve to get through this.
When Kanata visits is homeland, everyone was doing fine not much had changed, he was so happy
after he came back from having one more chance to see his family but he couldn't say goodbye
and starts crying, I couldn't help get sad too because its really hard on him.
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Baby its okay, I am here for you. |
Kanata starts to rely on Ange more and if she's with him he can get through it, he's glad he met her
after this they're a bit closer and now. Eventually Kanata gets to confess his feelings and when its mutual (why wouldn't it be at this point) he can't contain his feelings so he can't help
but want to kiss her when she returns his feelings. UwUb
Ange despite some insecurities becomes the queen and Cyrus backs them up as per usual.
In the epilogue Kanata is extremely grateful and is enjoying life, he loves Ange more than anyone.
admits that uptill now he always thought romance was a pain in the butt but thanks to Ange
everyday became fun again and he has become a better person, the CG made him look so horny
speaking of horny that was't the only CG, considering his age I am not at all surprised!
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Do you know La Hee? |
Hmm well I like Kanata and I am happy for him he got his problem sorted out
cuz it made me sad to see him like that but I think this is the sort of character
I just want to help and/or cheer on not actually romance them.π
I didn't find the plot to be much to write home about... either and romance wise it felt a little rushed
but I didn't go on much dates with Kanata as opposed to with Vergil so that might be it?
Also his endings all felt the same only one of them felt complete to me, which was the best one.
This makes me wish they had just focused their energy in one place... cuz it was kind of short
but that might have been because i'm on my 2nd play which makes everything fly bye.
For some reason I had a hard time getting his CG in misty canal, it was because
you have to visit it the first time as lovers, and I had visited it before then so if you for some reason
have done so as well then you'll get some other variation of the event without CG.π
Romance ★★☆☆☆
Plot ★★☆☆☆
Overall ★★★☆☆~
Zeno. (19)
CV: Shimazaki Nobunaga.
If it isn't Zephel?! or atleast he looks like him? Actually he is this games Zephel in element only.
His name is apparently Xeno but I keep writing it as Zeno, I blame my recent aka-yona obsession.
Guardian of steel, he goes and calls Ange an angel but he's pretty much an angel himself
with that smile of his. I will protect this precious cinnamon roll... >_<
Zeno also likes making things such as Ange's tablet and Kanata's game.
He helps out Kanata because he's from a big famiily himself so he knows how he feels...
Zeno can also get a bit philosophical, that was mostly because of a baby bird had died
and he got a bit melancholic, sure he could make a bird but it wouldn't be that bird, there is no one
that is like that bird that died nothing can replace it, its existance was unique.
Man this got deep pretty fast... but most of the time he's always smiling and cheerful
so he apologized for bringing the mood down and they went on a little date.
Next time Ange bumps into him in the forest, he was singing a song from his homeland
its more like a lullaby than a song but everyone knew it. Ange notices something is off with Zeno
but he just says its nothing, unfortunately for him he can't hide it from her. Turns out
he had another fight with Felix, they don't really get along. Zeno knows he was wrong though...
so he took some time to himself, ugh he's so mature and precious my heart hurts.πππ
Sometime later she walks in on Zeno sleeping in his room, seems like he had a nostalgic dream
and the whole scene that followed was pretty cute because he got all embarrassed.
The scar on his face is from an accident from him trying to save his little brothers.
Zeno actually treasures the scar so Ange starts getting worried about him which he appreciates.
He would love for her to visit his world but turns out he lost something in that explosion
and it can't be helped, it was a spinnel he could do nothing but watch as it grew dim.
They talk more at a later date but Zeno gets upset about how Ange really knows nothing...
Back when he was chosen he was super insecure about everything really...
(hench why he understands Kanata) and couldn't believe they chose him instead of someone else.
Then the explosion happened in his homeland and he was the only one left
he couldn't save anyone, he was sad but realizes how much he matured
and always tries his best to be reliable. Then he met Ange and something changed
but he wants her to wait a little before he can tell her. He's glad Ange became a candidate.
Then one day some rando approaches Ange asking where the queen or candidates are
because his planet needs help cuz its dying, Zeno shows up to tell him its not over yet
and to have faith, cuz he is the guardian of steel. He knew how that man felt so he had to help.
Zeno also tellls her that he has something he wants to show her at a later date...
he rejected her its more that he wanted to tell her sooner cuz he liked being with her.
It was cute how Zeno finally said it because he'd been holding back. He loves Ange so much!
in the epilogue scene he is so happy she choose him, he'll stay with her forever.
To be confessed to end: What Zeno was working on is finished and he was looking for her
he made a memorial spinnel of his homeland. He wants her to look at the memory
of his homeland together even if its not going to make him happy in fact he got sad
at all the nostalgia. Zeno's thankful for her showing him the way and confesses his feelings.
Ofcourse we return his feelings which makes him so happy. Ange decides to continue
as candidate for the queen and Zeno will be right there as her lover.
His final bar event made him all philosophical again about how every one of the lights is a person...
wondering if her home is there too, he's thankful to her parents for raising such a great girl.
Zeno wouldn't mind returning here with her and enjoy all sorts of things
so he askes Ange to let him dream about it a little longer.
Epilogue he muses how he was actually barely functioning before he met her
but spending time with her changed him for the better and his outlook on life.
So he will try his best so that he can make Ange happy. Not as a guardian but as a man cuz he loves her.
Zeno is such a likeable character but to hear that behind that smile and general wholesomeness
he was actually barely functioning makes me really sad, his events had some heavy stuff
so he deserves every bit of happiness! the best end was really nice and fulfilling.
Overall I thought his events/route was pretty well written and thus enjoyed it more
sometimes the person with the biggest smile is or should I say was the most miserable.
The most unsettling part was after I did his route, I loaded an older save to go do Milan and his
affection started dropping like mad it was like to get his events I was fighting over him with
Reina and if I stopped giving him attention he switched to the other side so fast it was hilarious.
Romance ★★★★☆
Romance ★★★★☆
Plot ★★★★★
Overall ★★★★★ ~
Milan. (26, but acts like 14-16 years oldπ)
CV: Koumatsu Kouhei.
I was able to romance him, I broke this poor guys heart the first chance I got
and in my Vergil playthrough I think he ended up butt buddies with Reina.π³
I say but I just really wanted this guy to back off. He's a dancer and in his homeland, the traditions involving that mean a lot to him. Milan doesn't care about money or fame, dancing
in the greenery is enough for him. The thing with this guy is he got treated special because of his regeneration powers, being able to heal wounds and such, he didn't get to grow up like normal.
Milan is a curious person who wants to know how to better enrich his life, Ange made him interest
in love and romance. He's always heard stories but never really experienced it himself so he wants
to learn but most of it was kind of fooling around and it is very easy to give him the L.
Overall I was pretty turned off by him, it put me on edge atleast his bar date was alright...
He wanted to kiss as a sort of blessing to make people happy uhm my dude are you ok?
Atleast he apologized and Ange was like ok guess this guy can't be helped.
idk he basically wants to know how to enrich life, from Reina is your goals are important
but then when he heard about love from Ange he became interested in that
because he knows many people lives have become better with it.
Ange doesn't really understand this no more so she is like well it was fun and Milan is like
okay sorry for bothering- NO WAIT then he says he got doki's and wanted to talk a bit more.
comparing their situation to that saying. What would happen if a god fell in love with a human girl?
he goes on how it would be forbidden tradition wise or what not but I tuned out...
Not like Milan would know... but he's happy to continue finding out about love. ok.jpg
Milan has come a long way and understand more now he can't even stands the idea
of Ange falling for someone else, wants to do all the things with her.
He wonders if she is in love with him but doesn't want her to answer now
so Ange just tries to pull off a little dance instead. Some other time Cyrus
let's Ange know Milan has collapsed and she will go to him. Only for him to be fine
when they get there, Cyrus immediately made his exit as Milan thanked him.
Only for Milan to start being a ditz and saying he's fine... only for him to notice
that his powers are barely working then he starts blaming Ange but then says
huh wait sorry why am I blaming her when its not her fault? Milan doesn't understand.
Could it be he has fallen in love?!
Ange just tells him its fine and consoles him, Milan thought he was just a little unwell
but then starts wondering if he is in love he always thought it was a fun thing
but now it scares him because its messing him up. Ange just tells him
she feels scared sometimes too and that she's right there with him...
Milan pouts to not treat him like a kid so much and snuggles up with her.
and wants to kiss her but she's like nope. His powers have returned to normal
and tells her that he has fallen in love, Ange opened a whole new world for him but he won't
asks for anything untill she feels the same way and asks her to think about it some more.
Confession end: Ange ends up confessing she likes Milan, there no reason he'd object
but tells Ange that she must have already knew he really liked her. Milan loves her
and wants to kiss her. Ange is like wait a minute but he already wants everything of her.
In the epilogue Milan wonders about possibilities if they'd never met or fallen in love
but they don't matter because nothing changes the fact he likes her and is excited about the future.
The be confessed to ending: Milan wants to hear what she thinks of him and she does like him
and he is very happy she chose him, and wants to experience all the things with Ange.
Milan doesn't care if she becomes the queen or not as long as he can be at her side
that is the only condition but still wants to know what she'll do now...
which is continue and so they become lovers, he wants to go on many dates as well.
Ange says goodbye to her parents now that she has become the queen, Milan was and still is
grateful for everything the world had to offer but by falling in love things have changed.
Ange made him more human and gave him true happiness.
Oh boy... idk what to say about him, i'm happy for him in the end but he was a difficult character mostly because he was very kid-like but considering his upbringing I am not surprised
they sheltered him a little and he came out like this. Exploring love was nice and all
but I just didn't enjoy the whole thing that much, the way it was written was kind of balls
also his epilogue seemed to suggest he had some sort of god-complex which made me go like nope.
Also when this game was announced and we heard it would have a 25 year old heroine
and older guys I already thought hmm well there's probably one of those guys who hasn't
experienced much and Milan wasn't alone in it but I found Kanata a bit more bearable.
You know I actually chose a sassy response of ''one day you'll understand'' and it ended
the events then and thereπ and tbh I kind of felt that was the right choice?
that is if you are just done with Milan but haha... not the right choice if you want the best end.
I think there was only one moment I laughed and it was when Ange pinched him
so if this route was supposed to be comedic, it failed cuz it put me on edge if anything.
It wasn't particularly serious either, it might need an acquired taste cuz enjoyment might vary.
Milan might have been child-like but atleast he wasn't a jerk and won't do anything
Ange doesn't want which might have been a saving grace atleast for meRomance ★★★☆☆
Plot ★☆☆☆☆
Overall ★★☆☆☆~
Shuri. (27)
CV: Satou Takuya.
Shuri be one of the always looks angry types... so I didn't look forward to interacting with him
cuz he seemed like he was angry all the time but he's just serious about everything
this man needs to lighten up! Shuri wants Ange to try her absolute best and is willing to help her
no matter what to achieve her goal of becoming the queen. His way of getting it across made me
wanna back off. During my Kanata run I broke his heart while not really paying attention...π
Now we're here to try again! Shuri askes Ange what she thinks of the power of flames/fire
so the natural answer would be power/strength right? but this caused him to remember
some hard stuff but who ever wins the competition Shuri does not care about it.
A queen is what's necessary for a stable world whoever it is doesn't concern him at all.
Nothing slips by Ange cuz she noticed he's worried a bit about his powers then
Shuri blurts out she reminds him of someone. His bar date(s) were nice to see him more relaxed...
the harsh world they lived in, they went through all sorts of stuff. Later she finds Shuri alone cuz he
found the others annoying so he wanted some peace and quiet. He hoped his world might change
as he became a guardian because he knew it was a mess. Didn't even trust the other guardians
so he tries to see who Ange really trusts. Shit gets weird because suddenly they get onto the topic of
how it all sounds like an android without will and how it reminds him of the past.
Shuri feels like his time was stopped at some point or whatever then realizes
Ange understands him haha surely you jest? I feel like I barely scratched the surface.
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Me trying too hard to understand Shuri... |
it was something from his time with Cody. Its something that eh retains the persons memory???
That person isn't dead but in away they are, when they parted so he kept something to keep it alive.
Ange realizes that Shuri isn't doing so well cuz this is WEIRD
so she askes if he is going to continue living the same way he has but he gets mad
Ange says its too sad, Shuri be like ya got a big mouth then Ange says she's interested in him!
which for some reason lightens him up and understand she's worried. Next time
they meet, Shuri's precious thing is in danger, she speaks to Tyler and goes to the forest lake
and finds it in the water but when she's doing so Shuri rushes in and sweeps her off her feet. π³
Is it just me but did things kind of escalate rather quickly?
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That was cute... |
They find it too, looks like the culprit was a crow... they like shiny things after all.
Ange tells him Zeno might be able to help fix it up, its weird but Shuri is enjoying spending
time with her and is starting to look forward to the future instead of being stuck in the past.
Shuri also starts calling Ange cute... uhm is he okay?! atleast he's done being mopey.
Some time later Ange finds him at a meadow helping a little kid, he tells her more of the past
they were in a place and there were lots of kids, him and Cody were in a tough spot
so he took a gamble and used the fact that he was the next guardian causing an explosion...
the plan was a success, its not like he wants to save the world but just used
the fact he's a guardian to save a friend. Not knowing it opened a new door for him.
When he saw how unprepared Ange was when she was selected he couldn't help it
and asks for forgiveness in being such an ass which he gets and then tries to be all smooth.
Shuri and Zeno also get along now and Shuri thinks Ange will be a fine queen but she
isn't so sure and brings up Reina. Shuri says he can be at ease more but Ange doesn't get it.
Shuri goes on how he should've kissed her back at the meadow, I mean you're 25 right? haven't you
even liked someone yet. Ange tries to reason that she has to be the queen but Shuri counters
that'd be grand but what if that wasn't the case? either way he'll be waiting for her reply.( ͡° ͜Κ ͡°)
To be confessed to end: Shuri ends up confessing how he feels and how their interactions changed him.
He loves her and wants to be with her, if it ain't her there's no point! of course Ange accepts!
Ange will finish the competition, Shuri doesn't mind cuz no matter what
she is his one and only queen he'll give his all to her and so they became lovers.
Also i'm surprised we get another kiss cg cuz most of them with exception
of Vergil had been those awkward lips almost touching thing.
Meanwhile Reina is trying hard as Ange fools around with Shuri at the platinum coast.
(have to visit twice as loves for CG) They visit some bar and play uh what's it called?
Snooker together? which was cute but there wasn't much else to it.
and there's no problem once again. In the epilogue: Shuri muses about how at first
he'd be fine with whoever became queen as long as it would save the world
but he changed and noticed he was stuck in the past, if he hadn't met Ange
and interacted so much with her he'd still be the same old grumpy guy.
He says Ange is one fine woman for opening his heart like that, he belongs to her forever.
he won't stop her if that's what she wants cuz he cares about what she want.
Saying how she might not have noticed but he feels the same, though right now
he can barely contain himself of how happy it makes him the girl he loves likes him
and he won't ever let her go no matter how many years pass haha unless she let go first.
I can say that this guy sort of grew on me? but his backstory was weird and i'm not sure
I understood it but this guy was just mopey and emo really.
It made me laugh how smug Shuri got at the end pointing out how Ange is 25
and still single with little romantic experience. I wish we could see more of that
but then it rushed to the endings for better or for worse.π
Yeah I guess that's partly my own fault for not trying to go on more random dates but eh
i'm not sure how a few mini events would add to the experience.
In all honesty I liked Shuri way more than Milan... even if at first he was so mopey
suppose Shuri is one of those surprise favorites cuz I wasn't at all into him before this route
which overall despite his weird backstory wasn't too bad at all!' don't think what I wrote down
brought justice to his story at all... I really like how the guys will look back and explain themselves
as it absolutely helped to get a better look at their character and clear things up.
Romance ★★★☆☆
Plot ★★★☆☆
Overall ★★★★☆~
Felix. (25)
CV: Uemura Yuuto.
at first because he seemed a bit cold? at times it also seemed like he was kind of looking
down on people but he doesn't mean it like that he's actually a kind person and means well
its just this guy is all like independence is key! relying on others hmm? I'll show them!
cuz I can do everything on my own! Felix is just extremely stubborn in doing things his way.
They got into an argument about books but I wasn't really paying attention but he told her to think
for herself more and do what she can on her own. She better show him as up and coming queen!
Next time they meet he's about to go on his way but Ange speaks up
but not in the research room so they move to the park.π
Nice weather isn't it ahaha... Felix didn't appreciate that topic cuz its always nice weather here. >_>;
then Ange finds herself surrounded by animals and he comments she is like the protaginist...
Ange thinks like a princess? and he's like getting ahead of yourself? hahah.
The bar date was really nice, Felix looked really great in his casual outfit too!π
Felix seems to oversee some planet's development (Calitas) and receives frequent reports of it...
he's really interested in it because its not going well, Tyler was stingy
but Yue backed up Felix like a true bro. Ange manages to try to get it out of Felix
and he believes that its his fault the balance of that world has shifted
to the point he's not sure what will happen, long story short his powers are unstable and he
isn't sure he can remain a guardian. Ange tries to help him but Felix gets all like
peoples problems are their own, so they should try to figure it out themselves
and doesn't want to rely on others like Ange tried to suggest.
Ange tries really hard to get through to him so she brings up the part of the queen
is like the same as what he does but still needs to rely on others.
Felix gives in saying she has a point......... though he thinks Ange is a bit foolish.
Later he reports he relied on the other guardians to try to resolve the problem on Calitas
and is grateful to Ange despite thinking her a noisy fool and apologizes cuz he was wrong!
Ange tells him he was terrible and he's like lmao took you long enough to notice.
Felix says he doesn't have much confidence and is uncertain regarding matters that are
pretty much out of his control most involve matters the queen would do but there is none currently.
Ange can only be kind to him really, later Felix end up telling more about himself.
He only had his mother really his father wasn't there... mom did all the work
but was a beautiful person really, having no lover he really cherished her.
Cuz she was always busy he was by himself looking at pictures or reading books
then one day he was chosen as a guardian a lot of responsibility fell on his shoulders
but he's grateful to Ange for helping him realize he can rely on others too.
Felix kinda wished they had met under different circumstances like on her homeworld
Ange be like but why?! cuz he thinks their books would be quite interesting
but then Ange remembered how shit her life was back there just then someone
reports to Felix about Calitas, they have gathered enough dream sacrea
he's a bit surprised that its working and doesn't understand why but he's glad
since there's a chance he can remain a guardian and if able he'll see it all through to the end.
One day, they meet at the forest lake and decide to take a walk but it starts raining
Felix wants to take her somewhere because he'd like her to see something
when the rain will let up and the timing was just right, Felix got curious
about before how she didn't answer about life in her homeland so he'd like to hear it.
queen she might make things troublesome for him as a guardian. Felix is sure that when he's
at her side he'll find the right answers and says Ange is beautiful so he's all the more sure!
but also admits he's been kind of uncool as of late.... he wants to give things a bit more thought.
Confession end: Ange ends up confessing her feelings and Felix realizes she's always been around
as of late and admits that he likes her too and says Ange is an amazing person and can't
bear it if she'd become someone elses lover, he wants her all to himself really.
He wanted to give it more thought but its okay now since she has come to him instead.
Felix asks if he can kiss her, its his first too, that's cuz he became a guardian at age twelve...
in the epilogue he says he was so happy Ange confessed, despite everything he is
looking forward to starting a new life with her and won't regret choosing her as partner.
he doesn't know what'll happen but he's good for now... and is happy she was with him through it all
Tyler didn't give him too definite of an answers but this is good enough for him.
Secondly he wants Ange to hear him out and to put it simply wants to broaden his horizons...
he realizes he has never had a girlfriend and admits that he really likes Ange, he wants to be with her.
Ange returns his feelings because why not? and for her sakes will do his best
cuz she's an amazing woman he loves. Felix just has one question if she wants to continue
the competition for the queen or quit and doesn't mind waiting for it to be over.
and live together for as long as possible. They go on plenty of dates as Ange workes hard
to develop her continent/world, at fantasy parc they end up joining a couple photoshoot.
In the epilogue Ange ends up sneaking off to visit him and he remembers how embarrassing
he was before he met Ange, thinking he was perfect and such trying to do everything on his own. Thanks to her he regained his strength but from now on he is no longer alone
but with his one and only beloved partner! what a lovely ending.
Felix is another one of the guys that grew on me, at first he was a jerk but he redeemed himself
quite nicely, I gotta hand it to Ange she helped a lot of these guys realize something was off
with them but yea you cannot change people, they gotta do that themselves.
I liked the routes plot a little bit more than Shuri's maybe because it didn't get you know weird.π
The romance kind of felt non-romantic till right at the end because I honestly was puzzled
what he meant by partner for a second but considering he never experienced romance either
I am suddenly not surprised! overall I think his route/events were alright.
Romance ★★★☆☆
Plot ★★★★☆
Overall ★★★★☆~
Lorenzo. (30)
CV: Takeuchi Ryouta.
I think he's supposed to be this sexy older guy and well he sure sounds like one...
One day Ange walks in on him escorting a woman, who's surprised Ange is the candidate
after the woman leaves, Lorenzo asks Ange's opinion of her then says Lorenzo isn't all that kind
the whole thing including that was kinda sus if you ask me.π
His events were kinda weird, he asked her if there was someone she had her eyes on and then starts giving her lessons in etiquette by firstly commenting on her appearance and that while she
is cute was a little lacking in a way that isn't catching a guy's eyes. WELL EXCUSE ME?!
Then teached her how to dance and think more about how she presents herself
and helps her get more confidence in herself. Lorenzo had seen all there was to be seen
on his homeworld Orl after he was chosen he was able to see a more interesting world.
He's known Shuri for a while too but he hasn't changed at all, since Ange is interested
in learning more, she agrees with him and follows his lessons well thank you sensei
but for some reason she doesn't want it to end. They get on the topic of androids again
and doesn't mind customizing one for her, back on Orl they weren't ready to support humans
which he finds a shame, Ange gets kinds worried how Lorenzo wanted them to be able to advance.
Lorenzo doesn't really understand but says she's a romantic which isn't a bad thing....
he tries to get to know more about Ange's past but she is like nope.
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Me trying to find the right choices of what to say to him cuz I keep picking the wrong ones... |
the candidate has changed who actually wants to know his feelings but Lorenzo isn't interested
and ends up pissing off the woman instead, Lorenzo comments how Ange sucks at hiding
her presence. Since Lorenzo is kinda sus right now, Ange decides now is a good time
to be interested in him and his past. Turns out he had a lover but it didn't last...
or better put they didn't even get to that point, lmao.
Which was because he is a nerd and eager to learn well everything.π
Lorenzo can be a bit anti-social if he needs to be hurting peoples feels (like that woman before)
so Ange contemplates sayinghe's a terrible person but since that's a wrong choice
doesn't bother instead she says if he wants to know more
then Ange will gladly give herself up to science daddyπππ
Lorenzo is surprised and wants to make sure she's fine with it and won't forget her offer.π³
Ange wonders if she'll be able to see more of his heart, if she'll even make it...πππ
Ange really wants to learn more about him but Lorenzo has her wait a bit more
but he finds her interesting. Later Ange finds him at the meadow after overhearing
he seemed a bit tired and she literally walked straight into his arms, surprising her.
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I'll admit that this was cute... |
he's happy Ange is interested in him but doesn't think he has the time for love
even though he finds her interesting and all. Ange for some reason lit a fire in him
and that he could possible take a big step into the unknown though he wants some more time.
To be confessed to end: Lorenzo ends up confession he loves Ange, he thinks she's a smart woman
why not take the chance? and Ange returns his feelings cuz why not?!
She helped guide him both as guardian and person, so there had to be meaning to it
he was always finding things out by himself but suddenly started wanting to be around her
and help him experience all the things together. He wonders about the competition but Ange
as per usual will see it through to the end so they'll keep their relationship a secret for a bit longer.
The event in mystic canal had the two of them dance to the music, haha so that
little training they did in the beginning was worth it! Lorenzo really cherised
this little time together as lovers. The scene was really nice too.
In the epilogue: Ange meets him at night but he'll wait a bit longer before they wel'll uh you know!
Lorenzo is glad he met Ange, cuz he was always looking for someone like her
and hopes she'll love and stays with him forever.
he's not all that nice he's happy she chose him. Lorenzo was happy with being a guardian
and thought he didn't need anything else but then Ange came into his life which
which brought him much joy and hopes she'll continue to surprise him
and wants to stay at her side, she's like the universe to him.
Eh well this guy wasn't for me, but he was just kinda sus from the start I couldn't enjoy it.
A lot of things didn't really sit well with me like I thought courting and trying to teach Ange was
sweet and he had a few points about making her self-concious in the way she presents herself
but I think that shouldn't matter much. Though I laughed a bit at Ange being so willing
to give herself up to science daddy which I found funny but the route didn't do much
and I actually found it boring. I think if you really like him from the start then
it'll be like Vergil but honestly Lorenzo just weirded me out! and it wasn't that funny
cuz so many things rubbed me the wrong way. Also in every single one of his events
I hit a wrong choice which resulted in even more frustrration cuz I kept ending the event chain
so it felt like this route had one too many landmines despite that atleast he had
a few scenes I thought was cute but this guy? sorry that's gonna be a no from me!
didn't feel like writing about the route even, I think I left out a good chunk cuz mostly
it was boring and not remember much, the science daddy joke was purely from me LMAO.
Also his bgm is kind of something you'd expect in a fancy bar/restaurant or something
but it was kind of awkward most of the time on loop turning it into elevator music.
Romance ★☆☆☆☆
Plot ★☆☆☆☆
Overall ★★☆☆☆~
Noa. (22)
CV: Nanami Hiroki.
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My dude, the vibe you give off right now tells me to go away. |
Something seems to be up with him, he is afraid of his powers and pretty gloomy in general
so he purposely distance himself from people including Ange. Either way its working!
Noa finds Ange a pain in the butt but gives in because she is persistant enough..
so he tells her about his past. Noa's parents passed away, ever since he was born
people near him seemed to go away, fall asleep forever. So he believed himself to be cursed.
Ange figures its because his element is darkness and it was too strong at times
and he didn't notice it when he was younger so he blames himself and finds being alone is best.
When he became the guardian he finally understood everything and atleast the other
guardians will be okay if they're around him cuz their sacrea is protecting them
so he doesn't want normal people around him, Ange feels sorry for him
and straight up asks him if he's lonely and well he is.
Noa's bar date was really nice, he looked quite handsome in casual clothes too!
He asks if she finds him disgusting, errrrm no why would he be? then calls her weird
cuz what's really to blame is the sacrea. Then he starts wangsting about how he has
no where else to go. Ange just says she doesn't understand him but was reminded of someone
like him from a book in her homeland and says his place to be is closer than he thinks.
Which for some reason lightens him up a little he even jokes it might be with Yue and Vergil...
Noa asks if he can hold his hand on her chest and is really relieved to hear her heartbeat.
During a random date that went well, Noa ended up giving Ange a necklace...
I think this ended up going really well with his events because he has warmed up to her.
Later Noa wants to talk and admits he has changed his outlook on things
cuz before he was just moping and blaming himself for things not his fault.
Noa has more confidence in himself and is happy Ange has his back!
Later Ange meets Noa at the park after Cyrus gave her a gentle push and they enjoy their bento
which was cute to see Noa so at ease for once. Ange gets too close and she ends up
sucked into a dark place seeing some painful memories how people cursed his existence.
Noa was happy he became a guardian cuz no one would fall asleep... then Noa wakes her up
Noa says he'd almost fell in love even though he knows that's not a good idea...
so they give it some thought and drop the matter for a little bit.
Confession end: Ange ends up confession she has feelings for Noa and well to no ones surprise
Noa feels the same, though he has only one condition to not give up the queen candidate
for the sake of the future of the universe its not easy but its one way to be with him.
Ange says it will be fine as long as she's with him and Noa is of the same mind
he's glad he fell in love with her, she gave him so much courage afterall.
of the one who pulled him out of the darkness, a person he really likes Ange.
Of course we have no reason not to return his feelings! which makes Noa so happy.
He askes her if Ange will finish the competition and she will, so they become lovers.
His misty canal scene was cute, but a cute date was all that it was.
Noa is super happy and can't wait what the future will bring he loves his queen with all his heart
because she showed him there's still hope even for someone like him which really changed him.
so it didn't really amaze me also the angst! you could say Noa was really in his element.π
I can't dislike Noa though I liked him more than Milan and Lorenzo by far
but his events flew by and before I knew it I was done... this game really is short
and maybe its because I triggered his love events up till no,5 before I actually went for his endings.
I think that doesn't change the fact this game is super short if you know what you're doing!
Other than that I don't think there was much to dislike here? it was just okay and I am happy
for them at the end, there's this weird feeling that gives me joy seeing how happy they were.
Side note, I had trouble getting his last bar event... but I got it after redoing a little bit
without being lovers so I think that was just RNG being RNG.π
Yue. (25)
CV: Tsuchiya Shinba.
he can a bit of a dork, I enjoyed watching Vergil tease him during a game of words.
Most of his early events have him deal with a variety of issues, it shows his leadership
and his ability to do whatever he can because that's why he's chosen so he's not that dumb.π
Over the course of the events he becomes more and more interested in Ange... which was kind
of cute to see actually unfortunately like Milan I had to break his heart! and made him wait.
Eventually they talk more and Yue tells about his homeland Sou? I swore I heard suwon...
which wasn't the brightest planet in the galaxy, not enough light and it was pretty cold.
There were a bunch of people who called themselves Ushiro and gathered together looking
worshipping shit acting like a cult etc, Yue didn't like them cuz they were stubborn or whatever.
Yue admits this is the first time he told a girl all this... then gets all like
oh well the other guardians are well you know guys? he knows she'll be the queen
but he's pretty interested in her too so he wants to for his sake, the universes...
then Ange comments he looked so sad its cuz the queen belongs to the universe.
Some time later Ange runs into Yue mumbling to himself, like, hate, friends
and ends up startling him and he turns into an embarrassed mess!
trying to deny what he said but Ange tells him he heard him alright... making Yue pouty
but he has some time so might as well talk more right? so he continues about his past
and Yue really disliked how those Ushiro guys blatantly hided things as well.
Yue always believed people have to freedom to choose what they want from life...
when he became a guardian he didn't accept it either but is still glad it it what it is
but it was hard that he couldn't really think for himself, guardians have not much say
of it what they really want. Yue suddenly starts saying Ange's cute... but he's not sure why either
despite everything seeing how Ange is the candidate and how hard she tries Yue can't help
but want something then goes Aaaaaaa what am I thinking?π
Some time later Ange finds him staring at the river, the asks how they're like on back home
then starts saying how he read about it which was basically kinda like the japanese version of styx.
Yue askes her what she'd do between what is needed versus what is wanted...
of course Ange would rather do what she wants! and they talk more about it some other night.
Yue starts talking about how he still had some uneasiness about it but then drags Ange into
the bushes cuz Cyrus came rushing through like the rabbit from Alice in wonderland...
Yue truly wants to be good at being a guardian but still has feelings of giving up
cuz what if he couldn't see her anymore? and gets all flustered but says
he's being pathetic but understands his feelings very well. Ange is kinda naive
but Yue atleast wants to hold hands while he walks her back... which was cute.
To be confessed to end: Yue is glad Ange decided to meet him one more time
and finally confesses he likes Ange, despite everything he has no regrets!
but can barely contain himself anymore, haha kind of the same with the other guys.
Ange has no reason to turn him down so he's extremely happy they're now lovers.
Then he asks her what it is she wants to do now... Ange has no reason
to stop so she'll see it through till the end. Yue believes in her no matter what!
normal circumstances without being a candidate or a guardian. Even though
he knows reality thinking of such a possibility is not that bad. He'll try to etch this
this moment in his heart, he thinks its beautiful cuz its were she grew up, aww what a cutiepie.
Wait doesn't this kind of sound similar to Zeno's last date? they really do copy and paste do they?
When they check out platinum coast they end up visiting a planetarium, they have such
a thing on both their homeworlds but Yue really can't imagine a world without her
and tells her he loves her again so much she better not forget how much.
tbh I thought Cyrus was kinda sus here because it was obvious he knew it all along they were dating.
In the epilogue they enjoy some time together, Yue always kind of yearned for love
but it is much better than what he had thought of what it would be like in fact Yue thinks
he has it too good or went too far (lmao) but he loves Ange from the bottom of his heart
not as a guardian but as a man and is thankful for everything.
and well its mutual cuz why else wouldn't it be? and wants to be together forever.
He says if she'll be queen the universe will be pretty and all it being not too bad either
but he can't lie to himself no more and asks her to give up on that and become
Reina's assistand instead so they can stay together even more. Ange be like say no more!
and gives in to his wish, cuz she doesn't really mind not being the queen.
in terms of plot not like other routes have it much better really, his backstory was interested though
and the romance was convincing enough not to mention very cute! glad I did Yue last
he really was like a light at the end of the tunnel i'm gonna be honest Yue and Vergil
are two sides of the same coin and you cannot change my mind.
Romance ★★★★☆
Plot ★★★☆☆
Overall ★★★★☆~
Favorite routes:
Vergil > Zeno > Yue > Felix > Shuri > Noa / Kanata > Lorenzo / Milan.
Fav character:
Vergil >Yue > Kanata > Zeno > Felix > Noa > Shuri > whoever else.
Final thoughts?
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Sums up my overall feelings perfectly tbh Vergil can live rent free in my head forever. |
mostly because there is no real plot and I am tired how it all was so same-ish in the end
the characters were the only saving grace really! The guy only events I could not keep
track of and were very random I think it depends on their trust level and friendship lvl
with the other guys, idk if there were any worthwhile stories there because
I couldn't be arsed to make the game any longer than it had to be maybe if they had a CG
but they do not, as it stands 100% event completion is a pain and goodluck if you're after that
though I think the only things I missed was some of Reina's events really.
This like retour is purely a romance simulation game with barebones plot so the character
you're going for is what really keeps it interesting but even then most routes were like 2 hours?
KOEI slacked a lot with this game because looking through my notes at the end its so same-ish
they fell in love with Ange and want to be with her forever x9
You can bet your ass that by the 9th route I'm like whatever my dude cuz the endings were identical
so whatever the dudes personality/backstory or issues were was what was really unique.
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Haven't used this one in a while... but yea after a while it all felt the same. |
and don't want much drama cuz in most cases the romance felt satisfying enough
cuz at the end of the day this really is just a simple romance simulator not to say the lore
behind the plot/setting wasn't interesting, story isn't exactly going to be its strong point.
You can also play without needing a guide too so well? it might be worth it for a spin...
if you can stand the simulation aspect and such.
I think it has good points but... also a lot of bad and i've pointed those out enough already.
If you're gonna get this just do the guys you like/are interested in and enjoy the ride!
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